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Perfluoroalkyl substances were determined in liver tissues and blood of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from five locations in the North American Arctic and two locations in the European Arctic. Concentrations of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorohexane sulfonate, heptadecafluorooctane sulfonamide, and perfluoroalkyl carboxylates with C(8)-C(15) perfluorinated carbon chains were determined using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. PFOS concentrations were significantly correlated with age at four of seven sampling locations, while gender was not correlated to concentration for any compound measured. Populations in South Hudson Bay (2000-2730 ng/g wet wt), East Greenland (911-2140 ng/g wet wt), and Svalbard (756-1290 ng/g wet wt) had significantly (P < 0.05) higher PFOS concentrations than western populations such as the Chukchi Sea (435-729 ng/g wet wt). Concentrations of perfluorocarboxylic acids (PFCAs) with adjacent chain lengths (i.e., C9:C10 and C10:C11) were significantly correlated (P < 0.05), suggesting PFCAs have a common source within a location, but there were differences in proportions of PFCAs between eastern and western location sources. Concentrations of PFOS in liver tissue at five locations were correlated with concentrations of four polychlorinated biphenyl congeners (180, 153, 138, and 99) in adipose tissue of bears in the same populations, suggesting similar transport pathways and source regions of PFOS or precursors.  相似文献   
Eighteen oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs) and eight nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) were measured continuously during a two-week campaign in 2004 in the Gubrist highway tunnel (Switzerland). The study aimed to estimate selected OVOC and NMHC emissions of the current vehicle fleet under highway conditions. For the measured OVOCs the highest EFs were found for ethanol (9.7 mg/km), isopropanol (3.2 mg/km), and acetaldehyde (2.5 mg/km), followed by acetone, benzaldehyde, and acrolein. Formaldehyde, the most abundant OVOC measured in other studies, was not measured by the method applied. Relative emissions of the measured OVOCs were estimated to contribute approximately 6 and 4% to the total road traffic VOC emissions from Switzerland and Europe, respectively. Results are compared with those from previous studies from the same tunnel performed in 1993 and 2002, and from campaigns in other tunnels. A continuous reduction in the emission factors (EFs) was determined for all measured compounds from 1993 until 2004. The relative contributions of light-duty vehicles (LDV) and heavy-duty vehicles (HDV) to the total emissions indicated that OVOCs were mainly produced by the HDVs, whereas LDVs dominated the production of the NMHCs.  相似文献   
The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of chitosan on the interaction of water with bread ingredients and on the rate of staling. The changes in freezable bound water and total water contents in bread crumb were assessed by differential scanning calorimetry from water melting and evaporation endothermic peak areas. It was found that freezable water content and total water content in bread crumb decrease during staling more rapidly in the presence of chitosan. The weak interaction of freezable water with protein and starch polymeric chains in bread crumb becomes stronger, but the interaction of nonfreezable bound water with protein and starch molecules in bread crumb becomes weaker in the course of staling during bread storage. Two stages of bread crumb staling were indicated. Chitosan increases the rate of bread staling during both stages. It was suggested that during bread staling chitosan increases water migration rate from crumb to crust, prevents amylose-lipid complexation, and increases dehydration rate both for starch and gluten.  相似文献   
Wireless Personal Communications - In the paper “Why Cryptosystems Fail”, Ross Anderson ponders the question about why cryptosystems really fail. Obviously, there may be weak...  相似文献   
Extreme confinement of electromagnetic waves and mechanical displacement fields to nanometer dimensions through plasmonic nanostructures offers unprecedented opportunities for greatly enhanced interaction strength, increased bandwidth, lower power consumption, chip-scale fabrication, and efficient actuation of mechanical systems at the nanoscale. Conversely, coupling mechanical oscillators to plasmonic nanostructures introduces mechanical degrees of freedom to otherwise static plasmonic structures thus giving rise to the generation of extremely large resonance shifts even for minor position changes. This nanoscale marriage of plasmonics and mechanics has led to the emergence of a new field of study called plasmomechanics that explores the fundamental principles underneath the coupling between light and plasmomechanical nanoresonators. In this review, both the fundamental concepts and applications of plasmomechanics as an emerging field of study are discussed. After an overview of the basic principles of plasmomechanics, the active tuning mechanisms of plasmonic nano-mechanical systems are extensively analyzed. Moreover, the recent developments on the practical implications of plasmomechanic systems for such applications as biosensing and infrared detection are highlighted. Finally, an outlook on the implications of the plasmomechanical nanosystems for development of point-of-care diagnostic devices that can help early and rapid detection of fatal diseases are forwarded.  相似文献   
Efficient sampling of coastal ocean processes, especially mechanisms such as upwelling and internal waves and their influence on primary production, is critical for understanding our changing oceans. Coupling robotic sampling with ocean models provides an effective approach to adaptively sample such features. We present methods that capitalize on information from ocean models and in situ measurements, using Gaussian process modeling and objective functions, allowing sampling efforts to be concentrated to regions with high scientific interest. We demonstrate how to combine and correlate marine data from autonomous underwater vehicles, model forecasts, remote sensing satellite, buoy, and ship‐based measurements, as a means to cross‐validate and improve ocean model accuracy, in addition to resolving upper water‐column interactions. Our work is focused on the west coast of Mid‐Norway where significant influx of Atlantic Water produces a rich and complex physical–biological coupling, which is hard to measure and characterize due to the harsh environmental conditions. Results from both simulation and full‐scale sea trials are presented.  相似文献   
Bioresorbable implantable medical devices show a great potential for applications requiring medical care over well‐defined periods of time. Once their function is fulfilled, such implants naturally degrade and resorb in the body, which eliminates adverse long‐term effects or the need for a secondary surgery to extract the implanted device. Since biodegradable materials are water‐soluble, the fabrication of such transient electronic circuits and devices requires special care and needs to rely solely on dry processing steps without exposure to aqueous solutions. A further challenge is the in vivo powering of medical implants that are only constituted of biodegradable materials. This paper describes the design, fabrication, and testing of radio‐frequency biodegradable magnesium microresonators. To this end, an innovative microfabrication process with minimal exposure to aqueous media is developed to fabricate magnesium‐based, water‐soluble electronic components. It consists of a novel sequence of only three steps: one physical vapor deposition, one photolithography, and one ion beam etching step. The frequency‐selective wireless heating of different resonators is demonstrated. This represents a significant step toward their use as power receivers and microheaters in biodegradable implantable medical devices, for applications such as triggered drug release.  相似文献   
Tryptophan (Trp) is an amino acid and an essential component of the human diet. It plays a crucial role in many metabolic functions. Clinicians can use Trp levels in the course of diagnosing various metabolic disorders and the symptoms associated with those diseases. Furthermore, supplementation with this amino acid is considered in the treatment of depression and sleep disorders, mainly due to the Trp relationship with the synthesis of serotonin (5-HT) and melatonin. It is also used in helping to resolve cognitive disorders, anxiety, or neurodegenerative diseases. Reduced secretion of serotonin is associated with autism spectrum disorder, obesity, anorexia and bulimia nervosa, and other diseases presenting peripherals symptoms. The literature strongly suggests that Trp has a significant role in the correct functionality of the brain-gut axis and immunology. This information leads to the consideration of Trp as an essential dietary component due to its role in the serotonin pathway. A reduced availability of Trp in diet and nutraceutical supplementation should be considered with greater concern than one might expect. This paper constitutes a review of the more salient aspects gleaned from the current knowledge base about the role of Trp in diseases, associated nutritional disorders, and food science, in general.  相似文献   
We have tested three methods for estimating 2003-2008 elevation changes of Svalbard glaciers from multi-temporal ICESat laser altimetry: (a) linear interpolation of crossover points between ascending and descending tracks, (b) projection of near repeat-tracks onto common locations using Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), and (c) least-squares fitting of rigid planes to segments of repeat-track data assuming a constant elevation change rate. The two repeat-track methods yield similar results and compare well to the more accurate, but sparsely sampled, crossover points. Most glacier regions in Svalbard have experienced low-elevation thinning combined with high-elevation balance or thickening during 2003-2008. The geodetic mass balance (excluding calving front retreat or advance) of Svalbard's 34,600 km2 glaciers is estimated to be −4.3 ± 1.4 Gt y1, corresponding to an area-averaged water equivalent (w.e.) balance of −0.12 ± 0.04 m w.e. y1. The largest ice losses have occurred in the west and south, while northeastern Spitsbergen and the Austfonna ice cap have gained mass. Winter and summer elevation changes derived from the same methods indicate that the spatial gradient in mass balance is mainly due to a larger summer season thinning in the west and the south than in the northeast. Our findings are consistent with in-situ mass balance measurements from the same period, confirming that repeat-track satellite altimetry can be a valuable tool for monitoring short term elevation changes of Arctic glaciers.  相似文献   
This paper describes industrial aspects of combined inventory management and routing in maritime and road-based transportation, and gives a classification and comprehensive literature review of the current state of the research.The literature is contrasted with aspects of industrial applications from a constructive, but critical, viewpoint. Based on the status and trends within the field, future research is suggested with regard to both further development of the research area and industrial needs. By highlighting the industrial aspects, practitioners will hopefully see the benefit of using advanced decision support systems in complex situations related to combined inventory management and routing in their business. In addition, a classification and presentation of the research should help and motivate researchers to further focus on inventory management and routing challenges.  相似文献   
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