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This study represents the sequel and conclusion of a previous one already published in this Journal a few issues ago.1 In that article, we tackled the problem of evaluating theoretically the performance of an adaptive MLSE receiver for MSK signals on a frequency-selective stationary radio propagation channel, and we validated the theoretical findings (in the form of upper and lower bounds to the BER of the receiver) by means of computer simulations. In the present paper, we report on the performance of the very same scheme of channel-estimator-plus-Viterbi-equalizer receiver for mobile communications in a more realistic operating environment. In particular, we completely encompass here the groupe spécial mobile (GSM) transmission format, based on the Gaussian minimum shift keying (GMSK) modulation scheme and on narrowband time-division multiple access (TDMA) transmission. Also, we remove the assumption of a time-invariant propagation channel, assuming the recommended standard GSM channels as benchmark transmission conditions. Finally, with the aid of extensive computer simulations, we analyse the sensitivity of the MLSE receiver to unwanted co-channel and adjacent-channel interference coming from other users of the mobile cellular GSM system.  相似文献   
This paper describes an effective technique for the optimization of the clock recovery circuit in an all-digital modem for linearly modulated signals. Starting from the concept of prefiltering of the data signal (already pursued by these authors in the context of analog data receivers), it is shown how to design an optimum digital prefilter for the minimization of jitter due to both Gaussian and pattern noise in the closed-loop clock recovery scheme by Gardner (1986). The numerical results of the theoretical analysis, obtained after iterative resolution of a constrained-minimum problem via the Lagrange multiplier method, are checked by simulation and can be nicely justified by the consideration of the frequency response of the optimum prefilter. The key outcome of such an approach is the demonstration of a substantial performance improvement in terms of steady-state clock jitter, even with remarkably simple FIR prefilters with a small number of taps  相似文献   
The minimum-mean-square-error approximation to a generalized minimum-shift-keying (MSK) signal using an offset quadrature phase-shift keying waveform with an elementary pulse, g(t), is considered. It is shown that the optimum shape of G(t), γ(t), coincides with the average pulse of the generalized MSK signal. Therefore, γ(-t) is the impulse response of the corresponding average matched fiber  相似文献   
A study of InP based HEMTs implemented with different process options will be reported. It will be demonstrated that devices with an InP etch stopper layer or with a narrow lateral gate recess region do not present any kink effect, neither any transconductance frequency dispersion, gm(f) and a stable behavior with respect to hot electron aging is observed. The opposite occurs in devices without the InP etch stopper layer and a wide lateral gate recess region. The data presented confirm the effectiveness of an InP passivating layer in improving the reliability of advanced InP-HEMTs, and point out at the free InAlAs surface as responsible for the observed instabilities (kink effects, gm(f) dispersion).  相似文献   
Game theory is a branch of mathematics aimed at the modeling and understanding of resource conflict problems. Essentially, the theory splits into two branches: noncooperative and cooperative game theory. The distinction between the two is whether or not the players in the game can make joint decisions regarding the choice of strategy. Noncooperative game theory is closely connected to minimax optimization and typically results in the study of various equilibria, most notably the Nash equilibrium. Cooperative game theory examines how strictly rational (selfish) actors can benefit from voluntary cooperation by reaching bargaining agreements. Another distinction is between static and dynamic game theory, where the latter can be viewed as a combination of game theory and optimal control. In general, the theory provides a structured approach to many important problems arising in signal processing and communications, notably resource allocation and robust transceiver optimization. Recent applications also occur in other emerging fields, such as cognitive radio, spectrum sharing, and in multihop-sensor and adhoc networks.  相似文献   
This paper introduces a blind (i.e., data independent) algorithm for carrier frequency offset recovery in an orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) receiver operating over frequency-selective fading channels. The main idea behind this algorithm is to exploit the time-frequency-domain exchange inherent to the modulation scheme. Due to this feature, a carrier frequency offset has a similar impact on OFDM as a clock timing offset has in a quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) system. The scheme we propose is a variant of Oerder-Meyr's (1988) feedforward clock recovery. Its performance is assessed by simulation, and the results are compared to those obtained from Van de Beek-Sandell-Borjesson's (1997) frequency synchronizer, which bears comparable complexity. The new scheme is shown to outperform the latter over frequency-selective fading channels, notably at medium to high signal-to-noise ratios. We also evaluated the efficiency of two different (time domain and frequency domain) offset correction strategies embedded in a particular OFDM receiver.  相似文献   
In this paper, we introduce a low-complexity carrier phase estimation algorithm to be integrated into the data decoder of a turbo-coded modem employing a linear modulation. The estimator is based on a pseudo-maximum-likelihood approach and makes iterative use of soft decisions provided by the soft-in/soft-out decoders within the overall turbo-decoding scheme. In doing so, iterative decoding and carrier phase recovery go together iteration after iteration in a "soft decision-directed" mode. This allows performing reliable blind phase estimation and almost ideal coherent detection for values of the signal-to-noise ratio down to a few decibels only, and without the need to resort to narrowband phase-locked loops with large acquisition time. Performance in terms of mean estimated value, root mean-squared estimation error, and overall decoder bit-error rate as derived by simulation are also reported.  相似文献   
Many frequency-recovery algorithms for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing systems are geared to recover offsets up to half the distance of the subcarriers. If the error is larger, an ambiguity of an integer number of subcarrier spacings is left. This paper develops a blind algorithm for ambiguity resolution that works effectively over frequency-selective radio channels. Simulation results show a sizable improvement over existing techniques, expecially at high signal-to-noise ratios.  相似文献   
Positioning accuracy in satellite navigation systems depends on time-delay estimation (TDE) between satellite transmitted codes and local receiver replicas. This paper explores the fundamental limits of TDE accuracy of spread spectrum signals making use of estimation theory. In particular, this contribution derives some criteria to improve positioning accuracy in the additive white Gaussian noise (multipath-free) scenario, focusing on the (satellite) transmitter side of a direct sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS) system. Three different solutions based on the minimization of the variance of the TDE are presented. The first method derives a design criterion for the shaping pulse format. The second approach outlines a method to design binary pseudorandom spreading sequences. The third solution considers a joint shaping pulse-spreading code optimization to derive band-limited, non-binary spreading waveforms. Performance of the proposed solutions is compared with that of existing DS-SS signals for current satellite positioning systems. Possible countermeasures to the effects of multipath propagation are also discussed.  相似文献   
Reduction of energy in foods by eliminating sugar, combined with an increase in fiber, frequently results in products with sensory characteristics that cannot be compared with standard counterparts. This study analyzed the response of young educated consumers (n = 704) on standard or reduced-sugar vanilla yogurt enriched with inulin or with inulin combined with a grain mixture, a milled mixture of flakes, or a combination of grains and milled flakes. On a nine-point hedonic scale, mean acceptance was 6.4 and 6.8 for yogurt with 112 g kg?1 and 160 g kg?1 sugar, respectively. It was concluded from acceptance data and from results obtained by just-about-right rating that adapting the flavoring concentration might be an appropriate tool to mask sugar reduction. In yogurt with visible fiber, it is mainly the size of incorporated fiber that should be considered in product optimization. In these products, sugar content significantly affects acceptance.  相似文献   
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