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Theoretical analyses for the single fibre pull-out and push-out models under monotonic loading are given which are based on a shear-lag analysis in a fracture mechanics approach considering non-constant friction at the debonded interface as a result of fibre Poisson contraction (or expansion). The solutions allow the determination of typical fibre/matrix interfacial properties such as the interfacial fracture toughness, Gic, the coefficient of friction, μ, and the residual clamping stress, q0. Under cyclic loading the interfacial properties are expected to degrade as a result of repetitive abrasion, and a power law function is assumed between μ and the number of elapsed cycles, N. However, Gic is assumed to be unaffected and a fracture mechanics based debond criterion is derived for the relationship between the external applied stress, the debond length and the reduced friction coefficient for both fibre pull-out and fibre push-out. In addition, the relative displacements between the free fibre end and the matrix top are obtained for cyclic fatigue when the fibre is loaded and unloaded. A relationship obtained for the protrusion (or intrusion) length in fibre pull-out (or push-out) experiments allows the severity of the interface frictional degradation to be evaluated and characterised. Similarities and differences in the frictional degradation behaviour between fibre pull-out and push-out are also identified.  相似文献   
SiC particulate preforms were infiltrated by TiN matrix from a gas mixture of TiCl4 (5%), nitrogen (30%) and hydrogen using a repeating pressure pulse between 760 and about 1 torr. SiC particle sizes of 5 and 20 m were used. For matrix packing into deep level, optimum temperature was determined between 800 and 850 °C, and the maximum packing ratio reached 67% after 4 × 104 pulses at 850 °C. The increase of TiCl4 concentration to 10% resulted in higher deposition rate and packing ratio. The decrease of nitrogen concentration led to slower deposition, that is, a similar effect to temperature lowering. The maximum flexural strength measured was 140 MPa.  相似文献   
The paper reports the results of an experimental investigation on the essential work of fracture of a strain-aged low carbon (0.1% C) temper-rolled 16-gauge sheet steel which has been subjected to pre-strain levels of 2 to 12% and ageing temperatures of 80 and 100C. Deep edge-notched tension specimens were used to determine the specific essential work by extrapolating the straight-line relationship between the specific work of fracture (W f) and ligament length (I) to zero ligament length. The strain-aged steels at 80 and 100 give approximately the same specific essential fracture work of 0.18 to 0.20 J mm–2 which is independent of the amount of prestrain. Advancing crack opening displacements (C.O.D.) have also been analysed, which give 0.60 to 0.63 mm for the strain-aged steels. For comparison, the prestrained but unaged steels have a higher essential work of fracture of 0.275 J mm–2 and a larger C.O.D. of 0.73 mm. It is concluded, therefore, that the causes of strain-ageing embrittlement are primarily due to the reduction of both the essential work of fracture and the advancing C.O.D. at the crack tip end region.  相似文献   
激光三角法位移传感器测头设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以直射式激光三角测头为例,导出了满足Scheimpfiag成象条件下的待测面位移与象位移间的准确关系,作为仪器结构参数设计的基础,并对提高测量精度和实用性的各项改进设计进行了分析。  相似文献   
我国有机食品的现状及发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了有机食品的特点及对人与自然和谐发展的作用,并概述了我国有机食品的发展现状及趋势.  相似文献   
为了研究β-成核剂在合金中分散对聚丙烯(PP)成核效率的影响,采用2种方法制备了负载型β-成核剂成核PP(β-PP)/聚酰胺6(PA6)合金。用差示扫描量热仪和广角X射线衍射仪研究了不同制备方法及熔融温度对β-PP/PA6合金的结晶行为、熔融特性和β-PP含量的影响。结果表明:PP,PA6先熔融再降温至/90℃加入成核剂制备β-PP,PA6合金的β-PP含量高于先制备β-PP再与PA6混炼制备的合金。熔融温度高有利于β-PP/PA6合金中PP形成β-PP。  相似文献   
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