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The atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) of methyl methacrylate catalyzed by copper–tripodal complexes with ferrocene moieties (CuX/TRENFcImine, where X is Br or Cl, and TRENFcImine is tris‐[2‐(ferrocenylmethyleneimino)ethyl]amine) was investigated to understand the effect of redox active moieties on the performance of ATRP catalysts. The CuBr/TRENFcImine system was highly active, with 82% conversion in 2 h. However, the polymerization became slower at higher molar ratios of monomer to catalyst. The polydispersity index was broad, and the initiation efficiency was relatively low. On the basis of the conformational analysis, the highly active and less controlled polymerization was probably caused by the electronic effect rather than the steric effect on the ferrocene moieties, which led to the higher and lower values in the activation and deactivation steps, respectively. The polydispersity index was improved by the addition of CuBr2, but this led to slower rates of polymerization. The effect of halide groups on ATRP caused a faster rate in the CuBr/TRENFcImine polymerization system than in the CuCl/TRENFcImine system. The higher molar ratio of monomer to catalyst had no significant effect on the CuCl/TRENFcImine system. Nonetheless, the trace of water in the CuCl2·2H2O system accelerated the rate of propagation, which led to a higher molecular weight. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2009  相似文献   
This research aims to study the effect of ground fly ash (GFA) and ground bagasse ash (GBA) on the durability of recycled aggregate concrete. Recycled aggregate concrete was produced with recycled aggregate to fully replace crushed limestone in the mix proportion of conventional concrete (CON) and GFA and GBA were used to partially replace Portland cement type I at the rate of 20%, 35%, and 50% by weight of binder. Compressive strength, water permeability, chloride penetration depth, and expansion by sulfate attack on concretes were investigated.The results reveal that the use of GFA and GBA to partially replace cement in recycled aggregate concrete was highly effective in improving the durability of recycled aggregate concrete. The suitable replacement of GFA or GBA in recycled aggregate concrete to obtain the suitable compressive strength, low water permeability, high chloride penetration resistance, and high sulfate resistance is 20% by weight of binder.  相似文献   
The effects of soluble solids content and temperature on thermal properties of papaya puree were studied. Density and specific heat were measured using a pycnometer and differential scanning calorimeter, respectively, while thermal conductivity was measured using a line heat source probe. Thermal diffusivity was then calculated from the experimental results of the specific heat, thermal conductivity, and density. Thermal properties of papaya puree were experimentally determined within a soluble solids content range of 10 to 25 °Brix and temperature between 40 and 80°C. The density, specific heat, thermal conductivity, and thermal diffusivity of papaya puree were found to be in the ranges of 1014.6 to 1098.9 kg/m3, 3.652 to 4.092 kJ/kg °C, 0.452 to 0.685 W/m °C, and 1.127?×?10?7 to 1.650?×?10?7 m2/s, respectively. Moreover, the empirical models for each property as a function of soluble solids content and temperature were obtained.  相似文献   
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