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Soft sediments from the Detroit River were analyzed for the USEPA priority pollutants to generally characterize contaminant distribution. Forty-three were detected. Highest heavy metal concentrations were found in the Trenton Channel and immediately downstream of Grosse Ile. They ranged from an area mean (N = 2) of 0.19 mg/kg mercury to 338.7 mg/kg zinc (dry weight). Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons ranged from 0.1 mg/kg to 38.8 mg/kg (mean, N = 2) with the highest levels near Grosse Ile. PCBs ranged from 0.015 mg/kg to 1.7 mg/kg (mean, N = 2). Organochlorine pesticides were not detected except for a trace of heptachlor in one sample. Sediment contamination in the Detroit River is widespread with higher concentrations on the U.S. side downstream of the Rouge River and in the Trenton Channel. The significance of these in-place pollutants to biota and as a source to Lake Erie is still unknown.  相似文献   
Despite their decade of deployment, educational digital libraries have not achieved sustained use in elementary and secondary schools in the United States. Barriers to accessing the Internet and computers have been widely targeted by myriad initiatives, but efforts aimed at bridging this first-level “digital divide” have not led to increased use of the Internet and digital library resources in U.S. classrooms. In fact, such programs have revealed additional divides that affect educators’ use. This paper examines the additional digital divide levels and proposes a new framework for understanding technology innovation in schools that can improve development and outreach approaches by digital library developers.  相似文献   
Approximately 75% of the PAF present in saliva is recovered on extraction of whole saliva (0.8 vol) with chloroform/methanol/water (2∶2∶1 v/v/v). PAF levels, determined by our recently developed radioimmunoassay, in saliva extracts ranged from 0.5–21 ng/mL with 59% between 2–6 ng/mL. These figures, for apparently healthy subjects, are higher than previously reported levels obtained by platelet assays. The validity of our radioimmunoassay results was checked by isolating and quantitating the PAF fraction from whole saliva. In addition, when we examined our saliva samples by platelet aggregation, low levels of PAF, comparable with the values found in the literature, were detected. Investigations revealed the presence of a substance(s) which inhibited PAF-induced platelet aggregation but which did not affect the radioimmunoassay.  相似文献   
Research on cross-modal performance in nonhuman primates is limited to a small number of sensory modalities and testing methods. To broaden the scope of this research, the authors tested capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) for a seldom-studied cross-modal capacity in nonhuman primates, auditory-visual recognition. Monkeys were simultaneously played 2 video recordings of a face producing different vocalizations and a sound recording of 1 of the vocalizations. Stimulus sets varied from naturally occurring conspecific vocalizations to experimentally controlled human speech stimuli. The authors found that monkeys preferred to view face recordings that matched presented vocal stimuli. Their preference did not differ significantly across stimulus species or other stimulus features. However, the reliability of the latter set of results may have been limited by sample size. From these results, the authors concluded that capuchin monkeys exhibit auditory-visual cross-modal perception of conspecific vocalizations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Life stress was studied in relation to postrecovery attrition, symptom course, and recurrence of depression over 3 yrs. Participants were 67 individuals with recurrent depression who had responded to treatment. Life stress was assessed for the prior 12 wks at acute treatment entry (T1), initial recovery (T2), and after 17 wks of sustained recovery (T3). Severe life events at T1 predicted greater attrition, a more favorable postrecovery symptom course, and a lower likelihood of recurrence over 3 yrs. Life stress at T2 was not predictive of outcomes. Finally, undesirable life events at T3 tended to predict a worse symptom course and a higher likelihood of recurrence, particularly for individuals on medication. The findings are discussed in terms of (a) different processes influenced by life stress over time and (b) limitations of existing longitudinal research for studying the effects of life stress over prolonged intervals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
The physical aspect of mar behavior is studied by applying a standardized progressive sliding load methodology to smooth and textured automotive-grade thermoplastic olefins. It is shown that surface texture has a strong effect on light scattering and, hence, the propensity for mar visibility. It is also shown that digital imaging via a desktop scanner can be used to quantitatively and objectively assess mar resistance using contrast as a basis. Incorporation of slip agent definitively improves the mar resistance for both types of surfaces. Relationships between contrast, gloss and surface roughness in relation to mar visibility are discussed.  相似文献   
The effects of CW interference on a phase-locked loop (PLL) have been examined in many papers. None of these included the effects of a bandpass limiter (BPL) preceding the phase-locked loop. This paper extends some of those analyses to include the effects of a BPL and applies the results to the carrier tracking loop of a Deep Space Network (DSN) receiver, which employs a second-order phase-locked loop preceded by a BPL. The DSN receiver is used for deep space communications and is often subject to potential interference. Experimental data and computer simulation results are presented.  相似文献   
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