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We will analyze the economic sensitivity of new energy-saving technologies to weather, future energy price, and system lifetime uncertainties. Graphical rate of return analysis is employed. A representative residential solar water heating investment is analyzed to illustrate the impact of uncertainties. The wide range of reasonable rates of return found suggests some considerations for policy makers and some areas of future research. 相似文献
Elizabeth Andrews 《河流研究与利用》1989,4(2):199-202
The British otter Lutra lutra L. requires good water quality, an adequate supply of fish and certain types of vegetation or cavities (holts) adjacent to water bodies for resting and breeding sites. In the U.K. otters and their holts are legally protected. Trained surveyors are needed to confirm the presence of otters on a river as the animals are rarely seen, but their tracks and droppings (spraints) may be detected. To evaluate a river for otters, information is required on water quality, fish species and biomass, as well as available habitat. Pioneer evaluation work based on the River Corridor Survey techniques has been done on Welsh rivers with good otter populations. Riparian vegetation, especially trees, is shown to be particularly important. This work is now being extended to areas on the margins of otter distribution such as the lower river Wye in England and Wales. Such surveys provide important management information for water authorities and give opportunities for enhancement work to benefit this animal. 相似文献
In long-term memory, negative information is better remembered than neutral information. Differences in processes important to working memory may contribute to this emotional memory enhancement. To examine the effect that the emotional content of stimuli has on working memory performance, the authors asked participants to perform working memory tasks with negative and neutral stimuli. Task accuracy was unaffected by the emotional content of the stimuli. Reaction times also did not differ for negative relative to neutral words, but on an n-back task using faces, participants were slower to respond to fearful faces than to neutral faces. These results suggest that although emotional content does not have a robust effect on working memory, in some instances emotional salience can impede working memory performance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Ss (aged 52–83 yrs) named 30 famous people 4 times over the course of an hour and responded to 2 targets (a beard and a pipe) by marking the trial number on the response sheet. Initial performance in the prospective memory task was related only to a measure of incidental learning. Subsequent forgetting (i.e., success followed by failure) occurred more often for older Ss than for younger Ss, but there was no difference between the age groups in recovery (i.e., failure followed by success). Forgetting was predicted by age, even after a composite measure of general ability was included in the regression. Recovery was related to general ability alone. Results both replicate and extend those from a reanalysis of a previous study (E. A. Maylor, 1990). They provide a striking contrast with the effect of age on retrospective memory, namely, age-related impairment on initial performance but no effect of age on subsequent forgetting. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
LeAnn Southward Hogan Elizabeth Marschall Carol Folt Roy A. Stein 《Journal of Great Lakes research》2007,33(1):46-61
Lake Erie's food web has been dramatically modified by exotic species. Both exotic dreissenid mussels and the round goby Neogobius melanastomus have shifted the food web from a pelagicbased to a benthic-based one, potentially creating a new pathway for contaminant transfer to top predators. Before the invasion of round gobies, few predators of dreissenids occurred in Lake Erie, allowing contaminants to be confined to these benthic organisms. The invasion of the round goby has produced a new pathway through which these contaminants can enter the food web. To characterize heavy-metal transfer through this new food web and to assess risk to humans, water, surficial sediment, dreissenid, round goby, and smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieui samples were collected at three sites during summers, 2002 and 2003, and analyzed for total lead (Pb), total mercury (Hg), and methyl mercury (MeHg). In addition, we compared smallmouth bass Pb and Hg concentrations to those measured in 1993/1994, before round gobies were prevalent. Pb biodiminished and MeHg biomagnified through the food web to smallmouth bass; patterns were similar among our three sites. Total Pb concentrations in smallmouth bass were higher before the incorporation of round gobies into their diet. We attributed this decline to changes in food web structure, changes in contaminant burdens in prey, or declines in sediment Pb concentrations in Lake Erie. By comparison, Hg concentrations in smallmouth bass changed little, before and after the round goby invasion, possibly due to a shift in diet that increased growth. Despite a decline in sediment Hg concentrations in Lake Erie, smallmouth bass continued to accumulate Hg at historical rates possibly because of their high consumption rates of benthivorous round gobies. As smallmouth bass continue to consume round gobies during their lives, their Hg concentrations may well continue to increase, potentially increasing the risk of Hg contamination to humans. 相似文献
In recent years, educators and students are increasingly employing online collaboration applications such as Google Docs™ and PBWorks™ for group projects and assignments. Yet, the effectiveness of these emerging technologies has not been rigorously examined. Anchoring upon and informed by the existing literature, two design characteristics – sociability and visibility, and two human characteristics – gender and age, are focused on, which are salient in online collaboration applications. A field experiment was conducted to examine the direct and moderating effects of design and human characteristics on learning outcomes. The research found that sociability improved process satisfaction and positive social environment while visibility enhanced academic performance and solution satisfaction of learners. Males had higher solution satisfaction while older learners had higher academic performance. Moderating effects were also found. Both theoretical and practical implications are drawn. In particular, a rubric for online collaboration application selection for academic performance is conceived. This study provides empirical support for online collaboration application effectiveness in education which will augur well for future adoption, use and evolution. 相似文献
In location and address based Wireless Sensor Networks, secure route detection, data transference, energy conservation and costs are very crucial in existing networks. To overcome the issues and make a secure, correct location finding within sensor node regions (intra) and between sensor nodes regions (inter), many researches are proposed. But none of the process satisfied these issues in efficient manner. To make the secure and exact location finding as efficient manner, we proposed a new location based technique named report hexagonal based dynamic location (RHBDL). This proposed system employed the location discovering scheme using sequence-based localization. Moreover RHBDL is used to find the exact locations of the destination node. The location has been computed using RHBDL by placing the mobile nodes in the edge and radio range path of the hexagonal regions. RHBDL preserve the previous communication path based on accuracy, error location, efficient energy and node lifetime. This will help to reduce the alternate location of exact location due to (or by eliminating) unwanted nodes. The most appropriate exact path from source to destination of node location will be formed over the network. The experimentation was performed as the result, our proposed RHBDL technique provides better and exact localization with more accuracy than other radio signal location discovering scheme using sequence-based localization techniques over a range of wireless channel and nodes. 相似文献
Volume rendering of segmented image objects 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This paper describes a new method of combining ray-casting with segmentation. Volume rendering is performed at interactive rates on personal computers, and visualizations include both "superficial" ray-casting through a shell at each object's surface and "deep" ray-casting through the confines of each object. A feature of the approach is the option to smoothly and interactively dilate segmentation boundaries along all axes. This ability, when combined with selective "turning off" of extraneous image objects, can help clinicians detect and evaluate segmentation errors that may affect surgical planning. We describe both a method optimized for displaying tubular objects and a more general method applicable to objects of arbitrary geometry. In both cases, select three-dimensional points are projected onto a modified z buffer that records additional information about the projected objects. A subsequent step selectively volume renders only through the object volumes indicated by the z buffer. We describe how our approach differs from other reported methods for combining segmentation with ray-casting, and illustrate how our method can be useful in helping to detect segmentation errors. 相似文献
Abril Zoraida Graciano-Verdugo Herlinda Soto-Valdez Elizabeth Peralta Pavlov Cruz-Zárate Alma Rosa Islas-Rubio Saúl Sánchez-Valdes Armida Sánchez-Escalante Natalia González-Méndez Humberto González-Ríos 《Food research international (Ottawa, Ont.)》2010,43(4):1073-1078
The migration of α-tocopherol (α-T) from low density polyethylene (LDPE) films, added with 20 (film A) and 40 mg g?1 (film B) to corn oil for 12 weeks at 5, 20 and 30 °C was determined. A LDPE film added with no α-T was used as control (film C). Diffusion coefficient (D) values for the film A system were 1.4 × 10?11, 7.1 × 10?11 and 30.3 × 10?11 cm2 s?1 at 5, 20 and 30 °C, respectively. Meanwhile, D values for the film B system were 1.3 × 10?11, 9.6 × 10?11 and 51.1 × 10?11 cm2 s?1 at the same temperatures. The activation energy (Ea) for the diffusion of α-T was 126.5 (film A) and 105.9 kJ mol?1 (film B). The effect of the migration of α-T on the oxidative stability of corn oil was evaluated by monitoring hexanal content by solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) and gas chromatography. The hexanal content in the oil showed that both films added with α-T resulted suitable to maintain the oxidative stability of the oil for about 16 weeks at 30 °C, compared to 12 weeks for the oil in contact with the film C. 相似文献
Mundle SO Johnson T Lacrampe-Couloume G Pérez-de-Mora A Duhamel M Edwards EA McMaster ML Cox E Révész K Sherwood Lollar B 《Environmental science & technology》2012,46(3):1731-1738
Chlorinated ethenes are commonly found in contaminated groundwater. Remediation strategies focus on transformation processes that will ultimately lead to nontoxic products. A major concern with these strategies is the possibility of incomplete dechlorination and accumulation of toxic daughter products (cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cDCE), vinyl chloride (VC)). Ethene mass balance can be used as a direct indicator to assess the effectiveness of dechlorination. However, the microbial processes that affect ethene are not well characterized and poor mass balance may reflect biotransformation of ethene rather than incomplete dechlorination. Microbial degradation of ethene is commonly observed in aerobic systems but fewer cases have been reported in anaerobic systems. Limited information is available on the isotope enrichment factors associated with these processes. Using compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) we determined the enrichment factors associated with microbial degradation of ethene in anaerobic microcosms (ε = -6.7‰ ± 0.4‰, and -4.0‰ ± 0.8‰) from cultures collected from the Twin Lakes wetland area at the Savannah River site in Georgia (United States), and in aerobic microcosms (ε = -3.0‰ ± 0.3‰) from Mycobacterium sp. strain JS60. Under anaerobic and aerobic conditions, CSIA can be used to determine whether biotransformation of ethene is occurring in addition to biodegradation of the chlorinated ethenes. Using δ(13)C values determined for ethene and for chlorinated ethenes at a contaminated field site undergoing bioremediation, this study demonstrates how CSIA of ethene can be used to reduce uncertainty and risk at a site by distinguishing between actual mass balance deficits during reductive dechlorination and apparent lack of mass balance that is related to biotransformation of ethene. 相似文献