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Electromigration reliability of interconnect under bidirectional current stress has been studied in a wide frequency range (mHz to 200 MHz). Experimental results show that the AC lifetime rises with the stress current frequency. The current density exponent and the activation energy of AC lifetime are found to be twice that of DC lifetime. Pure AC current stress failure at extremely high current density is believed to result from thermal migration of metal at hot/cold transition points  相似文献   
GaAs Gunn diodes were fabricated for pulse source application at 8 mm wave band and operated with pulsewidths of 0.05 to 2.0 microseconds and duty cycles of 0.001 to 0.01. Peak pulse output power levels of 0.8–1.2W are achieved and the maximum available power is 1.6W with the highest efficiency of 6.5 percent. A simple and compact pulsed power combiner is also given in this paper.  相似文献   
In this paper, a new vectorial boundary element method is introduced and applied to the modal analysis of dielectric waveguides with piecewise homogeneous refractive indexes. The procedure, which is free of spurious modes, determines the full field distribution from the longitudinal fields at the refractive index boundaries. Singular kernels are evaluated through series solutions while the electric field discontinuity at corners is accommodated through either a grid refinement technique or a semianalytic approach. Our formalism generates propagation constants and modal field distributions for several representative refractive index profiles with far higher accuracy than standard finite-difference or finite-element procedures.  相似文献   
陶六珍 《小水电》2007,(4):28-29
元江县5 000t金属镍矿建设项目,是玉溪市“十一五”期间的重点工程,其项目建成投产后,将对元江县乃至玉溪市的经济发展起到重要的推动作用。省市两级党委和政府对此十分重视,积极促进和推动该项目的建设进程。该项目达到设计规模时,年生产用水将达500万m3,小板壁水库即为该项目  相似文献   
詹涛 《吉林水利》2021,(10):58-61
针对临近水库的别墅等建筑物的清查整治,在实体层面,尤其对于五证齐全的建筑物,如何定性为违建需要慎重把握,对水库管理范围的界定是一个重点问题;在程序层面,应避免执法中因急于求成而催生的程序违法.强拆行为会产生重大损失,涉及多方主体和多重法律关系,应理清其中各方的法律责任,妥善解决纠纷.  相似文献   
本文主要介绍了支持向量机在旋转机组状态趋势预示中的运用。通过对某旋转机组的振动烈度进行预测,并将其结果与使用时间序列进行预测的结果相比较,发现使用支持向量机进行预测的结果更好。  相似文献   
Ren Tao  Liu Qingyou 《Advanced Robotics》2014,28(17):1165-1175
The modern society is fuelled by very comprehensive grids of gas and liquid pipelines. In recent years, various in-pipe robots have been developed for inspection and maintenance tasks inside such pipes. In this paper, a novel in-pipe robot is proposed and developed for gas/oil well interventions at thousands of meters downhole. Due to the nature of such intervention, in-pipe robot design must be capable of carrying a very large payload, as large as 2500?N inside a pipe with diameter as small as 54?mm. The proposed design concept is based on a compound planetary gearing system. One of the major novelties of this design is the use of pipe wall as a ring gear for one stage of the compound planetary gear system; the other novelty is the generation of helical angle when the planetary gears are expanded to press on the pipe wall. The proposed concept is compact, efficient, and has never been reported before. In this paper, the helical angle, the velocity, and load capability of the proposed system will be analyzed. The load transportation capability of the proposed robot is also measured based on an experiment. Initial data have shown great potential in carrying large payloads.  相似文献   
针对在国产软硬件环境下,应用系统读取、浏览大量图像数据的速度慢问题,设计了图像组织浏览构件。通过改进图像组织方式,将基础影像和目标对象图像分开组织管理,并对目标对象图像的属性和分层、分类进行探讨,实现图像信息的快速展现。对图像组织浏览构件进行了插件化设计与实现,利用QT跨平台开发工具,实现了应用集成框架,并通过实现统一集成接口,进行各业务插件的集成。  相似文献   
The modified hydrodynamic theory of long rod penetration into semi-infinite targets was established independently by Alek-seevskii and Tate over forty years ago and since then many investigators contributed much to the development of the high speed penetration mechanics.However,in all the models proposed so far,the target resistance Rt is not well defined and usually determined by adjusting it until the predicted depth of penetration comes to an agreement with experimental data.In this paper,assumptions are...  相似文献   
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