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In this letter, we propose a bidirectional optical amplification scheme for fiber-optic time transfer based on bidirectional wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) transmission. The proposed scheme employs single unidirectional erbium-doped fiber amplifier (Uni-EDFA) for commercial optical networks to implement bidirectional optical amplification. Since including isolators, the effect of backscattering due to the accumulated amplification can be efficiently suppressed by the proposed amplifier. The proposed scheme is validated over different length fiber links in laboratory. Experimental results show that the proposed amplifier can support fiber-optic time transfer over several thousands of kilometers with an additional bidirectional delay difference fluctuation at picosecond magnitude.  相似文献   
为了对现有的时间传递系统进行管理和控制,保障系统的灵活性、完备性、安全性和高可用性,设计了一整套光纤时间传递监控系统。在系统结构上采用集中式的结构,在功能上包括故障管理、性能管理、配置管理、安全管理和数据存储与管理5个部分,并对各个功能的具体实现方法作了详细的说明。监控系统对时间传递系统各节点进行集中管理和分散控制,并将获取到的数据存储在数据库中。最后在基于双向时分复用同纤同波的点对点时间传递系统上测试了监控系统,实验表明该系统能够对系统实时监控并对故障做出一定的处理,具有较高的可靠性。  相似文献   
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