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Celine今季的新品赚足了漂亮女孩和性感女人凝视的眼神。只有两个字可以用来形容它最新的风韵——香艳,让人来不及喘息就迫不及待地去追逐,想方设法,只要穿一双她的鞋子,提一款她的手袋,只为享受一次香艳的悸动。  相似文献   
The cracking behaviour of X-70 pipeline steel in near-neutral pH solutions was studied under different modes of cyclic loading. The crack propagation process of X-70 pipeline steel under low frequency cyclic loading condition was controlled mainly by stress corrosion cracking (SCC) mechanism. Under mixed-mode cyclic loading, both higher tensile stress and shear stress made cracks easier to propagate. Applied cathodic potentials and high content of carbon dioxide in solutions also promoted the propagation of cracks. The propagation directions of cracks were different under different cyclic loading conditions. Under mode I (pure tensile stress) cyclic loading condition, cracks were straight and perpendicular to the tensile stress axis, while under mixed-mode I/Ill (tensile/shear stress) cyclic loading, cracks were sinuous and did not propagate in the direction perpendicular to the main tensile stress axis. Under the mixed-mode cyclic loading, cracks were much easier to propagate, suggesting that shear stress intensified the role of tensile stress. In addition, shear stress promoted the interaction between cracks, resulting in easier coalescence of cracks.  相似文献   
对加拿大一枝黄花碱-蒽醌化学浆D/CEpD和D/CEpD1EpD2漂白条件、漂白浆特性和D/CEpD漂白浆的打浆性能进行了研究.确定了较佳的D/CEpD和D/CEpD1EpD2漂白工艺.D/CEpD漂白较佳工艺条件:总用氯量为10%(D/C、D段用氯量比6.5∶3.5),Ep段H202用量1.0%.漂白浆指标:AP+AQ浆得率89.61%,卡伯值1.9,白度79.6%ISO,返黄值5.6,粘度71 8mL/g;KP+AQ浆得率91.00%,卡伯值1.3,白度82.3%ISO,返黄值4.7,粘度711mL/g.D/CEpD1EpD2漂白较佳工艺条件:总用氯量10%(D/C、D1和D2段用氯量比为6∶3∶1),Ep段H2O2用量1.5%.漂白浆指标为:AP+AQ浆得率88.11%,卡伯值1.2,白度83.8%ISO,返黄值4.0,粘度710mL/g;KP+AQ浆得率88.96%,卡伯值1.1,白度84.7%ISO,返黄值3.9,粘度708mL/g.  相似文献   
多种植物纤维复合制备纸质蛋盒及其静力学特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了一种把大米草处理成热磨机械浆后,再与化学浆料复配,制备纸质蛋盒包装的方法,对所研制的蛋盒包装材料进行了静态压缩实验。结果表明:在相同湿度与温度条件下,利用瓦楞纸板浆制备的蛋盒材料承载性能最强,其最终承载能力达到了380N,利用废报纸浆复配40%(质量分数)大米草纤维以及纯白竹浆复配30%(质量分数)大米草纤维制备成的蛋盒,最终承载能力分别为302,300N,说明利用大米草复配化学浆料制备蛋盒包装材料具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   
Highly crystalline and thermally stable pure multi-walled Ni3Si2O5(OH)4 nanotubes with a layered structure have been synthesized in water at a relatively low temperature of 200–210 °C using a facile and simple method. The nickel ions between the layers could be reduced in situ to form size-tunable Ni nanocrystals, which endowed these nanotubes with tunable magnetic properties. Additionally, when used as the anode material in a lithium ion battery, the layered structure of the Ni3Si2O5(OH)4 nanotubes provided favorable transport kinetics for lithium ions and the discharge capacity reached 226.7 mA·h·g−1 after 21 cycles at a rate of 20 mA·g−1. Furthermore, after the nanotubes were calcined (600 °C, 4 h) or reduced (180 °C, 10 h), the corresponding discharge capacities increased to 277.2 mA·h·g−1 and 308.5 mA·h·g−1, respectively.   相似文献   
陈智晖  陈集  谭佳 《天津化工》2010,24(4):49-51
提出了一种用酸性碘酸钾溶液直接滴定亚硫酸钠溶液的方法,用以测定高浓度亚硫酸钠样品的含量。该方法与标准方法相比,不用易挥发损失的I2溶液和稳定性较差且配置标定较麻烦的硫代硫酸钠溶液,简化了操作,降低了分析成本。其镜密度较高,RSD≤0.18%,测定结果与标准方法无显著差异。  相似文献   

K416B Ni-based superalloy with high W content has good high temperature properties and low cost, which has a great development potential. To investigate the room temperature tensile property and the deformation feature of K416B superalloy, tensile testing at room temperature was carried out, and optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to analyze the deformation and damage mechanisms. Results show that the main room temperature tensile deformation features of the K416B nickel-based superalloy are dislocations slipping in the matrix and shearing into γ′ phase. The <110> super-dislocations shearing into γ′ phase can form the anti-phase boundary two coupled (a/2)<110> partial-dislocations or decompose into the configuration of two (a/3)<112> partial dislocations plus stacking fault. In the later stage of tensile testing, the slip-lines with different orientations are activated in the grain, causing the stress concentration in the regions of block carbide or the porosity, and cracks initiate and propagate along these regions.

吹风机注塑模具浇口的优化设计   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
浇口位置在注塑成型过程中起关键性作用。介绍专业注塑模分析软件MPI在吹风机注塑模具浇口位置设计的应用,从产品的填充时间、充模压力、流动前沿温度和熔接痕等方面对不同的浇口设计方案进行对比。分析表明,两浇口位置方案具有注射压力、锁模力小,熔接痕和气穴数量少的优点,是较佳的浇口位置方案。  相似文献   
一、前言华国锋主席在五届人大二次会议上所作的政府工作报告中阐述贯彻执行对国民经济进行调整、改革、顿整、提高的八字方针时,提出我国当前发展国民经济着重抓好的十项工作中、第一项就是“坚持贯彻以农业为基础的指导思想,集中力量把农业搞上去”,从一九五八年以来,全国小氮肥工业的发展,已象雨后春笋一般,蓬勃地发展起来,四川省的小氮  相似文献   
汽车转向梯形机构最佳参数确定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对不同转向梯形机构给出了内外轮转角的关系,用加权量小二乘法和复合形法、约束随机射线法进行机构最佳参数确定;文中给出了算例,说明迭代过程收敛计算结果可信。  相似文献   
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