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The results of residual phase noise measurements on a number of VHF, UHF, and microwave amplifiers, both silicon (Si) bipolar junction transistor (BJT) and gallium arsenide (GaAs) field effect transistor (FET) based, electronic phase shifters, frequency dividers and multipliers, etc., which are commonly used in a wide variety of frequency source and synthesizer applications are presented. The measurement technique has also been used to evaluate feedback oscillator components, such as the loop and buffer amplifiers, which can play important roles in determining an oscillator's output phase noise spectrum (often in very subtle ways). While some information has previously been published related to component residual phase noise properties, it generally focused on the flicker noise levels of the devices under test, for carrier offset frequencies less than 10 kHz. The work reported herein makes use of an extremely low noise, 500 MHz surface acoustic wave resonator oscillator (SAWRO) test source for residual phase noise measurements, both close-to-and far-from-the-carrier. Using this SAWRO-based test source at 500 MHz, we have been able to achieve a measurement system phase noise floor of -184 dBc/Hz, or better, for carrier offset frequencies greater than 10 kHz, and a system flicker phase noise floor of -150 dBc/Hz, or better, at 1 Hz carrier offset. The paper discusses the results of detailed residual phase noise measurements performed on a number of components using this overall system configuration. Several interesting observations related to the residual phase noise properties of moderate to high power RF amplifiers, i.e., amplifiers with 1 dB gain compression points in the range of +20 to +33 dBm, are highlighted  相似文献   
Tachykinin immunoreactivity is found in a ventromedial spinal plexus in the lamprey. Neurons in this plexus project bilaterally and are thus in a position to modulate locomotor networks on both sides of the spinal cord. We have examined the effects of the tachykinin substance P on NMDA-evoked locomotor activity. Brief (10 min) application of tachykinin neuropeptides results in a prolonged concentration-dependent (>24 hr) modulation of locomotor activity, shown by the increased burst frequency and more regular burst activity. These effects are blocked by the tachykinin antagonist spantide II. There are at least two phases to the burst frequency modulation. An initial phase (approximately 2 hr) is associated with the protein kinase C-dependent potentiation of cellular responses to NMDA. The long-lasting phase (>2 hr) appears to be protein synthesis-dependent, with protein synthesis inhibitors causing the increased burst frequency to recover after washing for 2-3 hr. The modulation of the burst regularity is caused by a separate effect of tachykinins, because unlike the burst frequency modulation it does not require the modulation of NMDA receptors for its induction and is blocked by H8, an inhibitor of cAMP- and cGMP-dependent protein kinases. The effects of substance P were mimicked by the dopamine D2 receptor antagonist eticlopride. The effects of eticlopride were blocked by the tachykinin antagonist spantide II, suggesting that eticlopride may endogenously release tachykinins. Because locomotor activity in vitro corresponds to that during swimming in intact animals, we suggest that endogenously released tachykinins will result in prolonged modulation of locomotor behavior.  相似文献   
This paper develops a transient thermal model for line traps. The model was incorporated into a computer program that numerically integrates the governing nonlinear differential equation in time to predict critical temperatures and component short and long term ratings for a wide range of operating conditions. The model accounts for many factors including: variable air properties, variable material properties, environmental conditions, and a wide variety of component geometries and orientations. To verify the temperatures predicted by the thermal model, The Georgia Power Research Center carried out an extensive series of indoor laboratory tests to experimentally measure temperatures of energized line traps under transient loading conditions. Model predictions were within 8°C for 75 percent of the data. This paper presents the development of the governing equations and describes in detail the calculation of the convective and radiative components of heat transfer. Comparisons of the model predictions for two different line trap designs in different orientations to experimental data are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and flexibility of the thermal model  相似文献   
We have developed a three-dimensional toroidal gyrokinetic particle simulation to study tokamak turbulence. The gyrokinetic equations are a reduced set derived from the Vlasov-Maxwell equations by phase averaging over the ion gyromotion and keeping only the time and space scales relevant for describing tokamak plasmas. These large-scale simulations in complex geometry can produce gigabytes of data consisting of large 3D arrays evolving in time. Visualization plays a critical role in going from the raw nonlinear solution of these complex equations to a simplified theoretical model explaining the essential underlying physics  相似文献   
Waist location and Rayleigh range for higher-order mode laser beams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurement and characterization of HEMT dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The variation of high electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) large-signal behavior with a change in operating condition is examined with a view to understanding the dynamics involved and developing a modeling strategy. The observed variation exhibits the dynamics of thermal, impact ionization, and trapping effects. A novel measurement of drain characteristic transients gives time-evolution information that clearly shows these as separate quantifiable phenomena with significant dependence on initial operating conditions. A drain-current model that describes high-frequency characteristics with pinchoff, gain, and drain feedback parameters is adapted to describe the variation of the characteristics with changing operating conditions. The results reported give insight and grounding for simulation of HEMT circuits  相似文献   
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