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Polyetherurethaneureas (PEUUs) were synthesised from polyethylene-glycols (PEGs) of molecular weight 400, 600 and 1000, 4,4′-diphenylmethanediisocyanate (MDI) and aliphatic diamine chain extenders, 1,3-propanediamine (PDA) and 1,6-hexanediamine (HDA). Polymer films were irradiated with 365 nm light at 293 K and the effects of polyether soft segment length and urea hard segment on photo-oxidative stability were studied by following the variation in weight-average molecular weight (M w), gel formation and stress-strain properties. Changes in ultraviolet and infrared spectroscopy were monitored on photo-oxidation and hydroperoxide content determined. The soft segment length was increased by increasing the molecular weight of PEG from 400 to 1000 and hard segment structure was changed by variation of diamine. It was noted that the structure of urea and polyether soft segment length plays an important role in photostability of PEUUs. PDA chain extended PEUUs were more stable than HDA chain extended PEUUs.  相似文献   
Characteristics of supersonic flow are examined with specific regard to nano-particle thin-film coating. Effects of shockwaves, nozzle geometry, chamber pressure, and substrate location were studied computationally. Shockwaves are minimized to reduce fluctuations in flow properties at the discontinuities across diamond shock structures. Nozzle geometry was adjusted to ensure optimal expansion (i.e., P exit = P ambient), where shock formation was significantly reduced and flow kinetic energy maximized. When the ambient pressure was reduced from 1 to 0.01316 bar, the nozzle’s diverging angle must be increased to yield the optimum condition of minimized adversed effects. Beyond some critical distance, substrate location did not seem to be a sensitive parameter on flow characteristics when P amb = 0.01316 bar; however, overly close proximity to the nozzle exit caused flow disturbances inside the nozzle, thereby adversely affecting coating gas flow.  相似文献   
The present investigation shows the role of chromium in Fe–P binary and Fe–P–Cr ternary alloys. The compositions are characterized in terms of microstructure, porosity content, hardness and tensile properties. The alloys were made using a hot powder forging technique. In this process mild steel encapsulated powders were hot forged into slabs. Then the slabs were hot rolled and annealed to relieve the residual stresses. Densifications as high as 98.9% of theoretical density have been realized. Microstructures of these alloys consist of single-phase ferrite only. Both Fe–0.45P and Fe–0.45P–3Cr alloys showed very high strength. As forged and hot rolled Fe–0.45P alloy showed low elongation. It was observed that, the addition of Cr to Fe–P based alloys caused an increase in strength associated with the reduction in ductility. Alloys developed in the present investigation were capable of hot working to very thin gage of sheets and wires.  相似文献   
Extracts obtained by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of cones and leaves of hop (Humulus lupulus L) at different combinations of temperature and pressure were analysed for their α- and β-acids and volatiles, using HPLC and GC respectively. The yield and composition of the mixtures of bitter compounds from the cones were largely influenced by the temperature and pressure applied during the extraction. Bitter compounds could not be detected in the extracts from the leaves. The most important volatile components identified were β-myrcene, β-caryophyllene and α-humulene. The extraction parameters also influenced the composition of the mixture of volatiles from the cones and leaves, 40°C and 20.0 MPa being optimum for the extraction of both bitter compounds and volatiles, which are thought to be important for the aroma of beer.  相似文献   
Singh  A. K.  Chandra  Devesh  Kattayat  Sandhya  Kumar  Shalendra  Alvi  P. A.  Rathi  Amit 《Semiconductors》2019,53(12):1584-1592
Semiconductors - Compositional variations in GaAs based ternary alloys have exhibited wide range alterations in electronic properties. In the present paper, first-principles study of...  相似文献   
Initiatives towards large-scale dissemination of solar dryers for drying of agri-produce face severe competition from the largely prevalent practice of open sun drying in most of the developing countries. Therefore, solar drying systems must offer exceptionally attractive financial gains to enhance their acceptance among the potential users. A modest attempt to develop a simple framework to facilitate a comparison of the financial feasibility of solar drying as against open sun drying has been made in the present work. Results of some exemplifying calculations are presented and briefly discussed.  相似文献   
The impact of molten tin droplets (0.6 mm diameter) on solid surfaces was observed for a range of impact velocities (10–30 m/s), substrate temperatures (25–200 °C) and substrate materials (stainless steel, aluminum and glass). The substrate was mounted on the rim of a rotating flywheel and the collision of single droplets with the moving substrate was photographed. Droplet impact Reynolds number ranged from 2.2 × 104 to 6.5 × 104 and Weber number from 8.0 × 102 to 7.2 × 103. On a hot surface there was no splashing and droplets spread to form disk-like splats with smooth edges. Solidification around the edges of droplets spreading on cold surfaces created a solid rim that obstructed flow and triggered splashing. An analytical model was developed to predict the transition temperature at which splashing disappeared by assuming that the thickness of the solid layer had to equal that of the splat in the time the droplet spread to its maximum extent in order to obstruct liquid flow. The model predicted the transition temperature for aluminum and stainless steel surfaces, assuming that thermal contact resistance between the droplet and substrate varied between 10−6 and 10−7 m2 K/W. The model also predicted that tin droplets would not splash on glass surfaces maintained at or above room temperature, and this was confirmed by experiments.  相似文献   
A theoretical treatment to determine the natural flow rate through a flat plate collector having heat losses is made. The governing equations have been expressed in terms of Grashof and Prandtl numbers and a dimensionless heat loss parameter. The method predicts the optimum tilt of the flat plate collector for the maximum draught for a given latitude and insolation. The experimental verification of the theoretical results shows a fair agreement.

A method to calibrate the hot wire anemometer at the desired temperature is evolved for the range of velocities encountered in practice for the flat plate solar collector.  相似文献   

This paper presents abstract layout techniques for a variety of field-programmable gate array switch block architectures. For subset switch blocks of small size, we find the optimal implementations using a simple metric. We also develop a tractable heuristic that returns the optimal results for small switch blocks and good results for large switch blocks. We show how it is possible to transform universal switch blocks into a subset architecture by using the decomposition property of universal switch blocks. This allows universal switch blocks to exploit the same layout methodologies as presented for subset architectures.  相似文献   
TerraSAR-X, the first civil German synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite, was successfully launched on June 15, 2007. After 4.5 days, the first processed image was obtained. The overall quality of the image was outstanding; however, suspicious features could be identified which showed precipitation-related signatures. These rain-cell signatures are thoroughly investigated, and the physical background of the related propagation effects is provided. In addition, rain-cell signatures from former missions like SIR-C/X and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission are provided for comparison. During the commissioning phase of TerraSAR-X, a total of 12 000 scenes were investigated for potential propagation effects, and about 100 scenes revealed atmospheric effects to a visible extent. Some of the particularly interesting events were selected and are discussed in greater detail. An interesting case of data acquisition over New York will be presented, which shows typical rain-cell signatures, and the SAR image will be compared with weather-radar data acquired nearly simultaneously (within the same minute). By comparing the images, it can be clearly seen that reflectivities in the weather-radar image of 50 dBZ may cause visible artifacts in SAR images. Furthermore, in this paper, we discuss the influence of the atmosphere (troposphere) on the external calibration of TerraSAR-X. By acquiring simultaneous weather-radar data over the test site and the SAR acquisition, it was possible to flag affected SAR images and to exclude them from the procedure to derive the absolute calibration constant. Thus, it was possible to decrease the 1 sigma uncertainty of the absolute calibration factor by 0.15 dB.  相似文献   
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