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The choice of statistical distributions characterising microbial counts is essential in risk assessment and risk management. While the lognormal distribution has been long used to directly model the microbial data obtained from food samples, it does not allow for complete absence of microorganisms in a sample. Within a heterogeneous Poisson theoretical interpretation, a gamma or a lognormal population distribution for the unknown microbial concentration and a Poisson measurement distribution produces a discrete Poisson-gamma (λ, 1/k) or a Poisson-lognormal (μ,σ) distribution of observed plate counts. The capability of both distributions to deal with clustering was compared using six data sets of variable proportion of zero counts: total viable counts, coliforms and Escherichia coli on pre-chill and post-chill beef carcasses. Whereas the Poisson-lognormal distribution fitted better to the high counts data sets, the Poisson-gamma distribution represented the low counts data sets (13–81% zero counts) by far better than the Poisson-lognormal – which invariably tended to have a longer tail, an overestimated mean log and a lower predicted probability of zero counts. The inverse close relationship between the observed proportion of zero counts in the data set and the fitted dispersion factor 1/k suggested the possibility of obtaining a first approximation of 1/k by this means. Finally, in absence of zero counts, it was demonstrated that fitting a Poisson-lognormal to the observed plate count data can be closely approximated by the common practice of fitting a simple normal distribution to the back-calculated ‘unobserved’ mean concentrations in log CFU/g.  相似文献   
In the present research, we test the assumption that emotional mimicry and contagion are moderated by group membership. We report two studies using facial electromyography (EMG; Study 1), Facial Action Coding System (FACS; Study 2), and self-reported emotions (Study 2) as dependent measures. As predicted, both studies show that ingroup anger and fear displays were mimicked to a greater extent than outgroup displays of these emotions. The self-report data in Study 2 further showed specific divergent reactions to outgroup anger and fear displays. Outgroup anger evoked fear, and outgroup fear evoked aversion. Interestingly, mimicry increased liking for ingroup models but not for outgroup models. The findings are discussed in terms of the social functions of emotions in group contexts. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Incidence of fungal contamination of quinoa seeds from three locations (Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia; Salta and Tucumán provinces, Argentina) was analyzed in samples with and without treatment to remove saponins (wet method). In processed samples, the percentage of infection was reduced. Distribution of the different fungal genera was not homogeneous in the three locations (p<0.05), although Penicillium and Aspergillus were the most prevalent contaminants, regardless the geographic origin of the samples. Other genera, such as Eurotium, Fusarium, Phoma, Ulocladium, Mucor and Rhizopus were less frequently isolated. Absidia, Alternaria, Cladosporium, Dreschlera, Epicoccum and Monascus were sporadically encountered. Significant differences (p<0.05) in the distribution of fungal genera in samples with and without saponins from each location were observed. In all cases, processing caused a decrease of Aspergillus incidence, while increased the proportion of Penicillium, Eurotium, Mucor and Rhizopus indicating that these genera were part of the internal mycota. A. flavus and A. niger were the dominating species of genus Aspergillus. A similar pattern of prevalent Penicillium species was observed in samples with and without saponins, since P. aurantiogriseum, P.chrysogenum, P. citrinum and P. crustosum were always present in high number, although their relative density was variable according to the geographic origin of samples. Mycotoxin-producing ability of most representative species was also determined. Toxigenic strains of A. flavus (aflatoxins and cyclopiazonic acid), A. parasiticus (aflatoxins), P. citrinum (citrinin) and P. griseofulvum (cyclopiazonic acid) were found. None of the A. niger isolates was ochratoxin A producer. The above mentioned mycotoxins were not detected in the samples analyzed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Synthese von acht verschiedenen 2-Alkoxy-5-alkyl-tetrahydrofuranen und ihren Stereoisomeren wird vorgestellt, sieben von ihnen sind als Aromastoffe der Wassermelone bekannt. Alle Stereoisomeren werden, ausgehend von optisch reinen-Nonalacton-Enantiomeren, synthetisiert und mit Diisobutylaluminiumhydrid selektiv zu den entsprechenden Lactolen reduziert. Die Lactole werden mit den gewünschten Alkoholen in schwach saurer Lösung zucis/trans-Diastereomeren umgesetzt und durch Flüssigchromatographie in optisch reine Stereoisomere getrennt. Die sensorische Charakteristik aller Stereoisomeren der sieben Verbindungen wird aufgezeigt. Die Trennung dercis/trans-Diastereomeren an DB-210 wird vorgestellt und die chirospezifische Differenzierung der acht Verbindungen diskutiert.
Stereoisomeric flavour compounds L. Optically pure 2-alkoxy-5-alkyl-tetrahydrofurans — structures and properties
Summary The synthesis of eight different 2-alkoxy-5-alkyltetrahydrofurans and their stereoisomers is presented, seven of which are known to be flavour compounds of water melons. All stereoisomers were synthesized from optically pure-lactone enantiomers, which were selectively reduced by diisobutylaluminium hydride to the corresponding lactols. The lactols were treated with the desired alcohol component in weakly acidic media to yield thecis/trans diastereoisomers, which were separated into optically pure stereoisomers by liquid chromatography. The sensory characteristics of all four stereoisomers of the seven compounds are given. The Stereodifferentiation of thesecis/trans diastereoisomers on DB-210 is demonstrated and the direct chirospecific differentiation of all eight compounds discussed.
Aquatic humic substances (AHS) isolated from two characteristic seasons of the Negro river, winter and summer corresponding to floody and dry periods, were structurally characterized by 13C nuclear magnetic ressonance. Subsequently, AHS aqueous solutions were irradiated with a polychromatic lamp (290-475 nm) and monitored by its total organic carbon (TOC) content, ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorbance, fluorescence, and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). As a result, a photobleaching up to 80% after irradiation of 48 h was observed. Conformational rearrangements and formation of low molecular complexity structures were formed during the irradiation, as deduced from the pH decrement and the fluorescence shifting to lower wavelengths. Additionally a significant mineralization with the formation of CO2, CO, and inorganic carbon compounds was registered, as assumed by TOC losses of up to 70%. The differences in photodegradation between samples expressed by photobleaching efficiency were enhanced in the summer sample and related to its elevated aromatic content. Aromatic structures are assumed to have high autosensitization capacity effects mediated by the free radical generation from quinone and phenolic moieties.  相似文献   
Apple (Malus domestica) is the most widely cultivated fruit crop in Europe and frequently causes allergic reactions with a variable degree of severity. So far, four apple allergens Mal d 1, Mal d 2, Mal d 3 and Mal d 4 have been identified. Mal d 1, a Bet v 1 related allergen, and Mal d 4, apple profilin, are sensitive to proteolytic degradation, whereas Mal d 2, a thaumatin-like protein and Mal d 3, a nonspecific lipid transfer protein, are rather stable to proteolytic processes. Mal d 1 and Mal d 4 were purified after expression in Escherichia coli expression system, while Mal d 2 and Mal d 3 were purified from apple fruit tissue. All purified proteins were subjected to detailed physicochemical characterisation to confirm their structural integrity and maintained IgE binding capacity. Detailed investigations of carbohydrate moieties of Mal d 2 demonstrated their involvement in the overall IgE binding capacity of this allergen. It was concluded that the folded structure and IgE binding capacity of all four allergens were preserved during purification.  相似文献   
Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni contains several steviol glycosides with sweet flavour. They all are sweeter than sucrose (up to factor 450). The various steviol glycosides are difficult to separate by reversed-phase chromatography. In this paper, five different hydrophilic liquid interaction chromatography columns are characterized using isocratic elution (5–20% water in acetonitrile with buffer or formic acid). Separation of the steviol glycosides is possible with all but one of the tested columns, but the robustness of the separation against changes of buffer concentration and percentage of water differ. Aqueous percentage and ion strength of the eluent are the main factors to be optimized in method development.  相似文献   
Cotton plants under herbivore attack release volatile semiochemicals that attract natural enemies of the herbivores to the damaged plant. The volatiles released in response to herbivory are not only released from the damaged leaves but from the entire cotton plant. We found that cotton plants that released myrcene, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, (E)--ocimene, linalool, (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene, (E)--farnesene, and (E, E)-4,8,12-trimethyl-1,3,7,11-tridecatetraene systemically from undamaged leaves of caterpillar damaged plants were attractive to the generalist parasitoid Cotesia marginiventris and the specialist parasitoid Microplitis croceipes. Plants from which the caterpillar damaged leaves were removed and that released those compounds systemically were significantly preferred over undamaged control plants in two-choice experiments in a flight tunnel. Artificially damaged cotton plants that released green leafy volatiles and constitutive terpenoids were less attractive for M. croceipes and C. marginiventris. Only C. marginiventris preferred artificially damaged plants over undamaged control plants, whereas M. croceipes showed no preference. The apparent lack of specificity of systemically released compounds in response to different herbivores feeding on the lower leaves is discussed.  相似文献   
Linear polymers, particularly polyesters, and crosslinked epoxide systems were studied to determine the relationship between glass transition, Tg, and cohesive energy, Ecoh, which was calculated from incremental values as described by Fedors. In the case of thermoplastics having no side chains and in the absence of pronounced intermolecular interactions, it was found that standardization of Ecoh with reference to the number of structural elements capable of rather independent motions leads to a linear relationship between Tg, and Ecoh from which Tg, can be predicted. Without modifying our equation to suit the polymer, the influence of substituents and side chains can as yet only be assessed when they form a small part of the total segment. In the case of crosslinked epoxide systems, addition of the contribution made by crosslinking to the value of Tg, for the uncured polymer calculated from Ecoh results in a shift to higher Tg, values. In linear aliphatic polyamides and other polymers with analogous structure the formation of hydrogen bonds leads to an increase in Tg, comparable to the effect of chemical crosslinking. Reinforcing fillers also act as multifunctional crosslinks between the macromolecules and increase Tg. Just as Ecoh can be used to calculate Tg, experimentally readily ascertainable Tg values can be used to calculate Ecoh. This approach provides information on material properties like flexural strength at the yield point and torsional adhesive strength as well as on the effect of reinforcing fillers.  相似文献   
Products of the Thermal Ene-Reaction of Unsaturated Fatty Compounds and Maleic Anhydride The thermal ene reaction of the methylates of unsaturated fatty acids 10-undecenoic acid, oleic acid and (E)-10-eicosendioic acid with maleic anhydride was carried out at 190°C. The mono addition products were isolated and their stereochemistry was deduced from 1HNMR- and 13C-NMR-spectroscopy.  相似文献   
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