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In advancement of Pyrosil®‐technology a new kind of precursor delivery was developed, build and tested on real substrates. A Lab‐demonstrator was build to demonstrate the resources of the technology.  相似文献   
A central event in the life of a cellular system is the interaction between the exterior and the interior compartments. Biochemical signals arrive at the cellular surface, bind to their membrane bound receptor followed by a conformational change triggering the release of an internal chemical or electrical signal.This basic principle is followed by all our perceptive abilities like sense of smell or taste, but also by different signal transduction pathways involved in nerve conductivity, vision, sense of touch or hearing. To follow and mimic this principle of parallel registration is one of the aims of modern nanobiotechnology. If we are able to specifically biofunctionalize small arrays of a solid surface, which could be an electrode or a semiconductor, this approach will enable us to build up devices called “biochips” or “biosensors” that allow the determination of bioactive molecules with high specificity at lowest concentrations. Potential pharmacological active substrates might be screened as well as new receptors may be determined. Applications in genomics as well as proteomics are realistic. The major prerequisite for such a broad spectrum of applications is the fabrication of receptive surfaces. Biomolecules have to be surface‐adsorbed in a highly reproducible, oriented and well organised fashion, a task which in biology is taken by the cellular membranes as external or internal receptive surfaces. The physical principles like hydrogen bonds, electrostatic or hydrophobic interactions that lead to such an organized surface are well known. To synthesize molecular building blocks and to position them onto an otherwise unspecific surface is one of the challenges of nanobiotechnology combining biological knowledge and chemical skills with biophysical techniques that allow to handle or analyze even single molecules.  相似文献   
Several kinetic characteristics of a thermostable anthocyanin-β-glycosidase from Aspergillus niger have been evaluated. With strawberry anthocyanins as substrate, at pH optimum (4·0) and t = 30°C, Km was found to be 123 ± 4 μm and Vmax, 1·16 ± 0·06 μmol min?1mg?1 protein. Temperature optimum was observed at about 68°C. The apparent energy of activation was calculated to be 11 ± 1 kcal/mol. The inhibitory effect of different sugars and sugar derivatives was examined. Glucono-deltalactone (Ki = 2·3 ± 0·1 μm), gluconic acid (Ki = 82 ± 2 μm) and glucose (Ki = 1·3 ± 0·1 mm) appeared to be competitive inhibitors of this enzyme.  相似文献   
This paper presents an algorithm for environment mapping by integrating scans from a time-of-flight laser and odometer readings from a mobile robot. The range weighted Hough transform (RWHT) is used as a robust method to extract lines from the range data. The resulting peaks in the RWHT are used as feature coordinates when these lines/walls are used as landmarks during navigation. The associations between observations over the time sequence are made in a systematic way using a decision directed classifier. Natural geometrical landmarks are described in the robot frame together with a covariance matrix representing the spatial uncertainty. The map is thus built up incrementally as the robot moves. If the map is given in advance, the robot can find its location and navigate relative to this a priori given map. Experimental results are presented for a mobile robot with a scanning range measuring laser having 2-cm resolution. The algorithm was also used for an autonomous plastering robot on a construction site. The sensor fusion algorithm makes few erroneous associations  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae HSc was grown with ethanol at concentrations up to 10% (v/v). The immediate effects of additions of externally added ethanol on CO2 production and O2 consumption of washed organisms were studied by stopped-flow membrane inlet quadrupole mass spectrometry. Fermentative activities of organisms grown with ethanol (0–5% v/v) showed similar sensitivities to inhibition by ethanol, whereas those grown with 10% (v/v) ethanol had become protected and were markedly less sensitive. The fluidity of subcellular membrane fractions was measured by determination of the temperature dependence of the rotational order parameter of the spin label 5-doxyl stearic acid (free radical) by electron spin resonance. Mitochondria prepared from yeasts grown with 0, 7 and 9% (v/v) ethanol showed similar overall fluidity, although differences in temperature-dependent behaviour indicate altered lipid composition or lateral phase separations. On the other hand the microsomal fraction from organisms grown with 9% ethanol showed a remarkable increase in fluidity. These data suggest that the protective effects of growth with ethanol near the limit of tolerance on fermentative activities may arise from altered plasma membrane fluidity properties.  相似文献   
In the electrical design of a high-voltage substation, the designer needs a simple and reliable tool, preferably a closed-form formula, when calculating the surface voltage gradient of line segments within the substation since the surface voltage gradient is the governing parameter of the corona performance. This paper presents a derivation of a closed-form formula for calculation of the maximum surface voltage gradient of a special line configuration, namely a horizontal AC three-phase line configuration with bundle conductors consisting of three sub-conductors in a horizontal arrangement. The formula has been verified against exact calculations and was found to have an error less than 5% for all practical combinations of the conductor radius, the sub-conductor spacing, the phase distance, and the height above earth  相似文献   
Full instrumental rationality and perfect institutions are two cornerstoneassumptions underlying neoclassical models. However, in the real world, thesetwo assumptions never hold, especially not in developing countries. In thispaper, we develop a game theoretical model to investigate if relaxations inthe full instrumental rationality and perfect institutions premise can explainthe conflicts that have been occurring between the various principals in theNarok district in Kenya with regard to land tenure and use.  相似文献   
A simple electrical model of the nerve axon is presented. The only non-linear element in the model is the sodium conductance, which is assumed to vary in a step-like way. This allows the propagation velocity for action potentials to be expressed analytically. The aftereffects from an action potential are generally slow. By considering them quasi-stationary, the velocity of a subsequent action potential can be calculated and compared with that of the first one. Considering the effects of afterpotential and afterconductance, it is shown that the theory adequately describes the variations in propagation velocity in the squid giant axon for action potentials separated by 3 ms to 14 ms.  相似文献   
Induktions-Vorschubhärten in einer Senkrecht-Härteanlage. Berechnung und Messung des zum Erreichen einer bestimmten Einhärtungstiefe notwendigen Abkühlungsverlaufes in der Walze. Abschreckversuche zur Abschätzung der Wärmeübergangszahl in der Abkühlungszone. Zusammenhang der Vorschubgeschwindigkeit mit der Geometrie der Härteanlage. Auswirkung auf die Einhärtungstiefe unter Berücksichtigung des Umwandlungsverhaltens bei dem Stahl 86 CrMoV 7.  相似文献   
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