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软X射线不仅能引起红细胞表面电荷的变化,同时也能导致淋巴细胞和血小板表面电荷下降,表现为照射后它们的电泳率下降。低剂量范围内,这种电荷的变化是暂时性的,照后4小时降到最低点,24小时后恢复到对照的水平。细胞电泳率的下降与辐射剂量相关。淋巴细胞是一个复杂的细胞群,正常状态下,按细胞在电场中泳动速度的快慢,可分为两个组分:快峰为T细胞,慢峰为B细胞。软X射线照射以后,T和B细胞的电泳率皆减慢,频数分布峰值下降,离散度加大。血小板成分单一,电泳率较一致。 从照射浓集的血小板再加回自身血浆中电泳率的下降较照射血浆再加到血小板中的电泳率下降大得多;受照射的血小板在磷酸缓冲液中电泳率下降较在血浆悬液中严重得多;2000 rad照后,悬浮于血浆中的血小板电泳率能恢复,而悬浮于磷酸缓冲液中则不能恢复,三个方面来看,血浆中可能存在抗辐射因子。超氧化物岐化酶能有效地预防血小板电泳率的下降,从而可阻止血小板的凝聚。  相似文献   
Based on the concepts of cascade multilevel converters and one-cycle technique, comparisons are conducted to characterize the distortion of the pulsewidth modulation (PWM) and one-cycle control methods that were applied to converters. Simulation results for the different control schemes are obtained in PSIM software initially to see the effect of one-cycle control different from that of PWM control. Through the comparisons, the advantages and disadvantages are identified for each method. The one-cycle scheme is better than PWM control in reducing undesirable harmonics and tracing dynamic waveforms. Simulation and experimental results are also provided to verify the conclusions.  相似文献   
A distributed circuit-switched approach for supporting the deployment of high speed wireless personal communication services in urban areas through the interconnection of base stations via metropolitan area networks (MANs) is proposed. Broadband MANs minimize traffic congestion by dynamic sharing of link capacity and by serving as distributed switches for partitioning call control functions. While the DQDB protocol readily supports distributed packet-switching over the IEEE 802.6 MAN, isochronous traffic such as voice and video is best supported by circuit-switched connections. The authors present an enhanced bi-state pre-arbitrated (PA) transport mechanism, and associated call control and handoff management techniques, which enable distributed circuit-switching over the MAN. These capabilities are not currently addressed in the 802.6 standards. The bi-state PA transport mechanism facilitates statistical multiplexing of variable rate isochronous traffic sources. The network capacity is constrained by the call setup delay performance, and is analyzed by simulations. Alternative signaling architectures, involving different placements of call control network elements, are evaluated. The effects of erasure nodes, and close bus versus open bus architectures, are considered. The overlap inter-MAN call setup procedure is proposed to reduce delays. Different call handoff procedures are formulated according to the type of handoff and the resulting change in call connectivity. Most handoffs are intra-MAN, requiring simple procedures with short delays  相似文献   
Qian Huang 《Thin》1991,12(5):355-372
The conventional approaches for stress analysis of composite laminates have encountered discontinuity problems. In this paper, the C1 continuity of displacements in the in-plane directions and C0 continuity of displacement along the thickness direction are discussed. Also, the global continuity of transverse stresses and local continuity of in-plane stresses are examined. Then, the formulations of stress analysis in both differential equation form and variational functional form are presented.  相似文献   
本文提出一种用“整体浇注法”制做三维牙——颌骨光弹性模型的新方法,即用价格便宜的石膏做阴模,先制出与真实牙几何相似的牙光弹性模型和模拟牙周膜的乳胶套,将它们粘接好,然后将其放入颌骨石膏阴模的适当位置,浇入环氧树脂混合液,用“二次固化法”进行固化,即可制成三维牙——颌骨整体光弹性模型。此法能保证模型与实物的严格几何相似和牙周的边界条件相似,使实验精度大大提高且工艺简单、成本低。  相似文献   
持续发展是唯一出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了人类、环境与发展的关系,指出不适当的发展模式已使三者之间形成恶性循环,必须及时地改变发展模式。列举了中国面临的严重环境问题,指出只有走可持续发展的道路才是唯一出路。并提出为实施可持续发展应注意的6个主要问题。  相似文献   
The autoclave products of reduced steel-slag of an electronic furnace mainly containing C3MS2 phase were detected. The hydrothermal products of this slag included calcio-chondrodite, brucite, and hydrogarnet phases. When suitable (CaO + MgO)/SiO2 molar ratios were chosen, C3MS2 can react with SiO2 to produce calcium silicate hydrates tobermorite, xonotlite, gyrolite, and truscottite phases with different saturated water vapor pressures. The phase brucite was present along with tobermorite, whereas phases Mg-xonotlite, Mg-gyrolite, and Mg-truscottite can rarely coexist with brucite. Hydrogarnet phase disappeared when Mg-truscottite was formed.  相似文献   
文章首先概述潇湘八景在日本传播发展的大致特点,之后重点针对铃木春信的《坐铺八景》这一组作品如何对应潇湘八景的每一个画题逐一做详细探讨,并深入阐释了春信作品如何将江户时代一个普遍的创作手法——“见立”创造性的运用于八景画题的独特特点。  相似文献   
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