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Wireless video sensor networks (WVSNs) have drawn significant attention in recent years due to the advent of low-cost miniaturized cameras, which makes it feasible to realize large-scale WVSNs for a variety of applications including security surveillance, environmental tracking, and health monitoring. However, the conventional video coding paradigms are not suitable for WVSNs due to resource constraints such as limited computation power, battery energy, and network bandwidth. In this paper, we evaluated and analyzed the performance of video codecs based on emerging video coding paradigms such as distributed video coding and distributed compressive video sensing for multihop WVSNs. The main objective of this work was to provide an insight into the computational (encoding/decoding) complexity, energy consumption, node and network lifetime, processing and memory requirements, and the quality of reconstruction of these video codecs. Based on the findings, this paper also provides some guidelines for the selection of appropriate video codecs for a given WVSN application.  相似文献   
Uncertainties associated with modelling of deteriorating bridges strongly affect management decisions, such as inspection, maintenance and repair actions. These uncertainties can be reduced by the effective use of health monitoring systems, through which information regarding in situ performance can be incorporated in the management of bridges.The objectives of this paper are twofold; first, an improved chloride induced deterioration model for concrete bridges is proposed that can quantify degradation in performance soon after chlorides are deposited on the bridge, rather than when initiation of corrosion at the reinforcement level takes place. As a result, the implications of introducing proactive health monitoring can be assessed using probabilistic durability criteria. Thus, the second objective of the paper is to present a methodology for performance updating of deteriorating concrete bridges fitted with a proactive health monitoring system.This methodology is illustrated via a simple example of a typical bridge element, such as a beam or a part of a slab. The results highlight the benefits from introducing ‘smart’ technology in managing bridges subject to deterioration, and quantify the reduction in uncertainties and their subsequent effect on predictions of future bridge performance.  相似文献   
Networks of phased array radars are generally able to provide better counter stealth target detection and classification. Each radar sensor (or node) generates information which requires transmission to a central authority that is able to evaluate the information. This requires a communications network to be established to allow transmission of information to and from any node. Each radar node is limited by range and degree and relies on the formation of a multi-hop network to facilitate these transmissions.This paper presents a model whereby the radar beam itself is used in the formation of a multi-hop network. The phased array’s multi-functional nature allows rapid switching between communications and radar function. A model of how the communication system could operate is presented, and an evolutionary optimisation algorithm based upon the concept of Pareto optimality is used for the topological design of the network. Finally, a simulation environment is presented to show the simulated performance of the communication model and designed networks.  相似文献   
Mobile WiMAX is a 3rd generation broadband wireless technology that enables the convergence of mobile and fixed broadband networks through a wide area radio-access. Since January 2007, the IEEE 802.16 working group has been developing a new amendment the IEEE 802.16 standard i.e. IEEE 802.16 m as an advanced air interface to meet the requirements of ITU-R/IMT-Advanced for 4G systems. The mobile WiMAX air interface adopts orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) as multiple access technique for its uplink and downlink to improve signal performance affected by multipath distortion. All OFDMA based networks, including mobile WiMAX, experience the problem of high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). This paper presents a discrete-sine-transform precoding technique based random-interleaved OFDMA (RI-OFDMA) uplink system for PAPR reduction in mobile WiMAX. The PAPR of proposed system is analyzed with root-raised-cosine pulse shaping filter to keep out of band radiation low and to fulfill the spectrum mask requirements. Simulation results show that, the proposed system has low PAPR compared to the Hadamard transform precoded RI-OFDMA uplink systems and the conventional RI-OFDMA uplink systems.  相似文献   
RFID technology continues to flourish as an inherent part of virtually every ubiquitous environment. However, it became clear that the public—implying the industry—seriously needs mechanisms emerging the security and privacy issues for increasing RFID applications. As the nodes of RFID systems mostly suffer from low computational power and small memory size, various attempts which propose to implement the existing security primitives and protocols, have ignored the realm of the cost limitations and failed. In this study, two recently proposed protocols—SSM and LRMAP—claiming to meet the standard privacy and security requirements are analyzed. The design of both protocols based on defining states where the server authenticates the tag in constant time in a more frequent normal state and needs a linear search in a rare abnormal states. Although both protocols claim to provide untraceability criteria in their design objectives, we outline a generic attack that both protocols failed to fulfill this claim. Moreover, we showed that the SSM protocol is vulnerable to a desynchronization attack which prevents a server from authenticating a legitimate tag. Resultantly, we conclude that defining computationally unbalanced tag states yields to a security/scalability conflict for RFID authentication protocols.  相似文献   
We study how to control the dynamics of tripartite entanglement among optical cavities using non-Markovian baths. In particular, we demonstrate how the reservoir engineering through the utilization of non-Markovian baths with different types of Lorentzian and ohmic spectral densities can lead to an entanglement survival for longer times and in some cases considerable regain of seemingly lost entanglement. Both of these behaviours indicate a better sustainability of entanglement (in time) compared to the usual Markovian bath situations which assumes a flat spectrum of the bath around the system resonant frequency. Our scheme shows these effects in the context of optical cavities starting off in a maximally entangled W and Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger tripartite states. In Lorentzian cases, we find that the far detuned double Lorentzian baths with small coupling strengths and for ohmic-type baths super-ohmic environments with smaller cutoff frequencies are the best candidates for preserving entanglement among cavities for significant amount of time. A non-Markovian quantum jump approach is employed to understand the entanglement dynamics in these cases, especially to recognize the collapse and revival of the entanglement in both W and GHZ states.  相似文献   
Functional and nutraceutical foods have captured the global market owing to trends and perceptions of consumers on the natural products and diet-health linkages. Health promoting potential of such foods has been attributed to the presence of essential bioactive moieties. Wheat, being staple food in many parts of the world, gained substantial attention of researchers particularly for the extraction of various functional components. Among these, fructan oligosaccharides in nature bestow quality of baked products and provide protection against various physiological disorders. Addition of fructan in various baked products enhances softness and color, especially in bread, and also imparts textural improvement. Moreover, fructans boost mineral absorption, hypocholesterolemic, and hypoglycemic perspectives, bifidogenic nature and controlling cancer insurgence. The benefits allied with fructan are mainly dose and time dependent. In this context, its industrial applications for vulnerable groups are increasing worldwide.  相似文献   
Antimicrobial behavior of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) has been explored since many years to assess their ability to produce bacteriocin, a natural preservative, to increase the shelf life of food. This study aims to characterize bacteriocin producing strains of lactic acid bacteria isolated from acidic to slightly acidic raw vegetables including tomato, bell pepper and green chili and to investigate their potential to inhibit food related bacteria. Among twenty nine LAB screened for antimicrobial activity, three exhibited antagonism against closely related bacterial isolates which was influenced by varying temperature and pH. They were identified up to strain level as Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis TI-4, L. lactis subsp. lactis CE-2 and L. lactis subsp. lactis PI-2 based on 16S rRNA gene sequence. Their spectrum of inhibition was observed against food associated strains of Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus. Moreover, L. lactis subsp. lactis PI-2 selected on the basis of higher antimicrobial activity was further evaluated for bacteriocin production which was detected as nisin A and nisin Z. These findings suggest the possible use of L. lactis strains of vegetable origin as protective cultures in slightly acidic as well as slightly alkaline food by the bio-preservative action of bacteriocins.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to estimate total arsenic concentration in different tissues (leg, breast, liver and heart) of broiler chicken by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HGAAS) and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS), prior to microwave assisted acid digestion. The accuracy of the techniques was evaluated by using certified reference material DORM-2. The percentage recoveries of total As were observed as 100.6% and 99.4% for HGAAS and GFAAS, respectively. The precision of the techniques, expressed as relative standard deviation, was observed as 1.71% and 4.18% for HGAAS and GFAAS measurements, respectively. The limits of detection for HGAAS and GFAAS were 0.025 μg/g and 0.052 μg/g, respectively. The concentrations of total arsenic in different tissues of broiler chicken were found in the range of 2.19–5.28, 2.15–5.22, 2.97–7.17 and 2.68–6.36 μg/g for leg, breast, liver and heart tissues, respectively. At a mean level of chicken consumption (60 g/person/day), people may ingest in the range of 72.0–85.1 μg arsenic/person/day from chicken alone.  相似文献   
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