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Roasting coffee led to a drop in the ochratoxin A (OTA) concentration, as measured by the reference method, especially for dark type roasts. The way the beverage was prepared also affected the OTA content, which could paradoxically be higher than that of the initial roasted coffee. Assays on the thermal stability of pure OTA showed that it ought to be found in larger quantities in roasted coffee. This suggested that OTA was masked by reactions with the substrate during roasting. The absence of OTA in green coffee is therefore the best guarantee of safety.  相似文献   
The catalytic activity of fresh Pd and Pt catalysts supported on γ-alumina in the complete oxidation of CH4 traces under lean-burn conditions was studied in the presence or the absence of water or H2S. Steam-aged catalysts were also studied in order to simulate long-term ageing in real lean-burn natural gas fuelled vehicles (NGVs) exhaust conditions. Without water or H2S added to the feed, Pd catalysts exhibit a superior catalytic activity in methane oxidation compared to Pt ones, whatever the catalysts were fresh or aged. The addition of 10 vol.% water vapour to the feed strongly affects the activity of the fresh Pd catalyst, thus being only slightly more efficient than the fresh Pt one. H2S has a strong poisoning effect on the catalytic activity of Pd catalysts, while Pt catalysts are more resistant. The fresh H2S-poisoned Pd/Al2O3 catalyst was studied by TPD in O2/He. Poisoning species decompose above 873 K as SO2 and O2 in relative concentrations consistent with the decomposition of surface sulphate species. However, a treatment in O2/He at temperatures as high as 923 K does not allow the complete regeneration of the catalytic activity of H2S-poisoned Pd/Al2O3. A mechanism involving the poisoning of PdO by sulphate species is proposed. Different diffusion processes by which these sulphate species can migrate back and forth between PdO and the support, depending on the experimental conditions, are suggested.  相似文献   
Recent developments of stability control in mines, essentially based on Ge-doped fiber Bragg gratings (FBG) are reported including results about the different aspects of the system: accurate characterizations of FBG, sensor network topology and multiplexing method, user interface design and sensor packaging  相似文献   
When one wants to understand and model the drying of high water content gels, one needs to gather all thermal physical parameters and to derive a physical model based on independently measured parameters. We chose to work experimentally and theoretically on water diffusion and drying of spheres of polyacrylamide gel.

We have demonstrated the strong influence of vitreous transition on the relationship of water diffusivity with moisture content. Values of the diffusion coefficient and temperature shift factor for diffusion have been proposed.

Convective and micro-wave drying kinetics show the presence of a drying phase purely specific to radiation absorption. Finally, we have proposed a mathematical model containing independent physical parameters, which' not only predicts mass fluxes but also analyses critical physical phenomena.  相似文献   
Addressing the still open question of the prebiotic origin of sequential macromolecules (peptides, nucleic acids) on the primitive Earth, we describe a molecular engine (the primary pump), which works at ambient temperature and continuously generates, elongates and complexifies sequential peptides. This new scenario is based on a cyclic reaction sequence, whose keystep is the activation of amino acids into their N‐carboxyanhydrides (NCA) through nitrosation by NOx. This process could have taken place on tidal beaches; it requires a buffered ocean, emerged land and a nitrosating atmosphere. With the help of geochemical studies and computer simulations of atmosphere photochemistry, we show that the primitive Earth during the Hadean may have satisfied all these requirements. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   
Air trench structures for reduced-size bends in low-index contrast waveguides are proposed. To minimize junction loss, the structures are designed to provide adiabatic mode shaping between low- and high-index contrast regions, which is achieved by the introduction of "cladding tapers." Drastic reduction in effective bend radius is predicted. We present two-dimensional (2-D) finite-difference time-domain/effective index method simulations of bends in representative silica index contrasts. We also argue that substrate loss, while present, can be controlled with such air trenches and reduced to arbitrarily low levels limited only by fabrication capabilities. The required trench depth, given an acceptable substrate loss, is calculated in three dimensions using an approximate equivalent current sheet method and also by a numerical solver for full-vector leaky modes. A simple, compact waveguide T-splitter using air trench bends is presented.  相似文献   
The radiotracer technique as a means to investigate the corrosion of zirconium, tantalum, and a Ta-40Nb alloy in fluoride containing azeotropic nitric acid Zirconium and tantalum as well as the tantalum 40% niobium alloy are of considerable technical importance due to their high corrosion resistance against numerous corrosive media. With respect to corrosion testing in analytically pure azeotropic nitric acid in the temperature range between 20 and 121°C, corrosion rates were determined for zirconium: 7 · 10?6 to 5 · 10?4 mm/y, for tantalum: 10?8 to 4 · 10?6 mm/y, and for the Ta-40Nb alloy: 2 · 10?7 to 8 · 10?6 mm/y [1]. These corrosion rates will be markedly increased by adding small amounts of fluorides or by fluoride impurities. The radiotracer method after neutron activation was applied to determine the corrosion rates in azeotropic fluoride containing nitric acid. Even minute additions of fluorides strongly affect the corrosion resistance of zirconium. In the range between 0.15 and 10 ppm F? and at a temperature of 108°C, corrosion rates between 5.3 · 10?3 and 3.1 mm/y were measured. It was impossible to establish a limit for the fluoride concentration, below which the corrosion rate of zirconium will not be adversely influenced. The corrosion rates of tantalum and the Ta-40Nb alloy are considerably increasing above a fluoride concentration of 10 ppm. The highest corrosion rates measured were between 8.4 · 10?3 mm/y at 50°C/280 ppm F? and 1.4 · 10?2 mm/y at 110°C/320 ppm F?. Within the range of this investigation, the corrosion resistance of tantalum was higher than that of the Ta-40Nb alloy by one order of magnitude. The corrosion resistance of zirconium and tantalum was not influenced by any treatment of the samples before testing.  相似文献   
This paper reports on statistics concerning production and consumption of packaging (as a whole or per capita) in Europe, in the USA, in Japan and in the world. Data have been provided by National Trade Associations and by consultants specialized in packaging and in economics. It is estimated that in 1986 the global consumption of packaging reached 150 millions of tonnes valued at 1200 billions of French francs. Consumption could reach 247 million tonnes by the year 2000. Paper and board have the highest consumption rate, but plastics have the highest rate of growth. Nevertheless, consumption per capita in the industrialized countries will be more than 10 times the consumption in underdeveloped countries. The packaging industries take fourth place in the USA, sixth in Western Germany and twelfth in France. In Europe, as in the world, paper and board is the material most used (40%), with glass (a high density material) taking second place and plastics third, i.e. if we consider the quantity of materials and not their value. Some differences appear between the various countries, but the figures for USA and Japan lead to similar conclusions. The survey shows clearly that the USA as compared with Europe has twice the consumption of packaging materials per capita and this difference is even greater compared with the rest of the world.  相似文献   
Creep experiments were conducted on ice crystals in compression to investigate the effects of boundary conditions on a single-slip system deformed in plane strain. Friction at the platens of the deformation apparatus introduces a bending moment which causes a variation in the amount of lattice rotation across the specimen. This is shown to occur in mechanically constrained crystals observed through plane polarized light. Relieving the constraints and minimizing friction at the ice-platen contact leads to the widening of the sample near the specimen-platen interface and the production of tails symmetrically disposed about the longitudinal axis of the deformed crystals. This is interpreted to originate from a bending moment in the opposite sense from that obtained in the constrained crystals, resulting from a progressive increase in slip displacement towards the platens where the segments of the slip plane become shorter. When the crystal ends were constrained but allowed to move sideways, a simple shear regime was established in which lattice slip was concentrated in the centre of the crystal.  相似文献   
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