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Frying is a common and popular cooking method, which has been widely used in food manufacturing, though it is a very energy-intensive process. Energy analysis has been commonly used to assess the performance of fryers. In this study, we attempted to exergetically assess the performance of a potato crisp frying system, which consists of three main components, a combustor, a heat exchanger, and a fryer. In the analysis, we utilized the actual operational data obtained from the literature. We determined exergy destruction in each system component and the whole system. We calculated universal and functional exergy efficiency values for the system components and compared them with each other. We also undertook a parametric study to investigate how the overall cycle performance was affected by changing the reference environment temperature and some operating conditions. We illustrated the exergy results through the Grassmann (exergy loss and flow) diagram. We calculated the universal exergetic efficiency values of 58, 82, and 77% for the combustor, heat exchanger, and fryer, respectively, with a universal exergetic efficiency value of 4% for the whole frying system. We found that the fryer had the highest functional exergetic efficiency value of 74%, followed by the heat exchanger with 47% and the combustor with 0.08%.  相似文献   
We apply absolute beta convergence techniques to cross sectional per capita income data for alternative specifications of U.S. regions in order to detect whether U.S. regional growth rates are converging over relatively recent time periods. We also explore whether estimates of convergence differ between economic and political region specifications. We show that convergence of growth rates across regions of the U.S. has continued in modern times (1969–1997) for almost any regional specification and for all time frames considered. We do find, however, some difference in convergence rates between economic and political regions. Convergence coefficients, however, are remarkably similar across alternative economic region specifications. An earlier version of this paper was presented in February 2003 at the 42nd annual meetings of the Western Regional Science Association in Rio Rico, Arizona. We would like to thank our session participants in Rio Rico and three anonymous referees for helpful comments. Any remaining errors or oversights, however, are entirely our responsibility.  相似文献   
Feature tracking and matching in video using programmable graphics hardware   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper describes novel implementations of the KLT feature tracking and SIFT feature extraction algorithms that run on the graphics processing unit (GPU) and is suitable for video analysis in real-time vision systems. While significant acceleration over standard CPU implementations is obtained by exploiting parallelism provided by modern programmable graphics hardware, the CPU is freed up to run other computations in parallel. Our GPU-based KLT implementation tracks about a thousand features in real-time at 30 Hz on 1,024 × 768 resolution video which is a 20 times improvement over the CPU. The GPU-based SIFT implementation extracts about 800 features from 640 × 480 video at 10 Hz which is approximately 10 times faster than an optimized CPU implementation.  相似文献   
Turbidity and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiencies were analyzed depending on electrode layouts by performing electrocoagulation experiments using horizontal and vertical electrochemical cells. Multiple aluminum plate electrodes were placed into different sections of the electrochemical cells. Removal efficiencies at the horizontal electrochemical cell were always higher than the one’s obtained from the vertical electrochemical cell. But the use of vertical electrochemical cell consumed less energy during the electrocoagulation tests. The highest COD removal efficiencies were 97% and 88% in the horizontal and vertical electrochemical cells, respectively. However, the energy consumption for COD removal in the horizontal electrochemical cell was 47% higher than the energy consumed in the vertical electrochemical cell.  相似文献   
The spontaneous combustion liability of coal can be determined by using different experimental techniques. These techniques are well-known in their application, but no certain test method has become a standard to prove the reliability of all of them. A general characterisation which included proximate and ultimate analyses, petrographic properties and spontaneous combustion tests(thermogravimetric analysis(TGA) and the Wits-Ehac tests) were conducted on fourteen coal and four coal-shale samples.The spontaneous combustion liability of these samples collected between coal seams(above and below)were predicted using the TGA and the Wits-Ehac tests. Six different heating rates(3, 6, 9, 15, 20 and 25 °C/min) were selected based on the deviation coefficient to obtain different derivative slopes and a liability index termed the TG_(spc) index. This study found that coal and coal-shale undergo spontaneous combustion between coal seams when exposed to oxygen in the air. Their intrinsic properties and proneness towards spontaneous combustion differ considerably from one seam to the other. The Wits-Ehac test results agreed with the TG_(spc) results to a certain extent and revealed the incidents of spontaneous combustion in the coal mines.  相似文献   
The characterization of the physical and chemical properties of coal on a standard provides an understanding of its characteristics towards spontaneous combustion. The trend of linear relationships between coal recording standards (% air-dried (ad), % dry (db) and % dry ash free (daf) basis) of 30 selected coal samples from the Witbank coalfields and spontaneous combustion liability indices were evaluated. The spontaneous combustion liability indices of these samples were evaluated by crossing point temperature (XPT), Stage II Slope, FCC (Feng, Chakravorty, Cochrane) and the Wits-Ehac tests, while the coal properties were determined from the proximate and ultimate analyses. The results obtained from these coal properties were related to different liability indices to develop trends of linear relationships using regression analysis. The ad basis indicated higher correlation coefficients than the db and daf basis for the XPT and FCC index, while the daf showed higher correlation coefficients than the ad and db basis for the Wits-Ehac index. It was found that the trend of linear relationships of these coal properties differs from one liability index to the next. The XPTs showed a better trend followed by the Stage II Slope on the coal properties among the spontaneous combustion liability indices evaluated.  相似文献   
In most of arid and semi-arid regions, there are limited sources of available fresh water for different domestic and environmental demands. Strategic and parsimonious fresh water-use in water-scarce areas such as Southern New Mexico is crucially important. Elephant Butte and Caballo reservoirs are two integrated reservoirs in this region that provide water supply for many water users in downstream areas. Since Elephant Butte Reservoir is in a semi-arid region, it would be rational to utilize other energy sources such as wind energy to produce electricity and use the water supply to other critical demands in terms of time and availability. This study develops a strategy of optimal management of two integrated reservoirs to quantify the savable volume of water sources through optimal operation management. To optimize operations for the Elephant Butte and Caballo reservoirs as an integrated reservoir operation in New Mexico, the authors in this case study utilized two autoregressive integrated moving average models, one non-seasonal (daily, ARIMA model) and one seasonal (monthly, SARIMA model), to predict daily and monthly inflows to the Elephant Butte Reservoir. The coefficient of determination between predicted and observed daily values and the normalized mean of absolute error (NMAE) were 0.97 and 0.09, respectively, indicating that the daily ARIMA prediction model was significantly reliable and accurate for a univariate based streamflow forecast model. The developed time series prediction models were incorporated in a decision support system, which utilizes the predicted values for a day and a month ahead and leads to save significant amount of water volume by providing the optimal release schedule from Elephant Butte into the Caballo Reservoir. The predicted daily and monthly values from the developed ARIMA prediction models were integrated successfully with the dynamic operation model, which provides the optimal operation plans. The optimal operation plan significantly minimizes the total evaporation loss from both reservoirs by providing the optimal storage levels in both reservoirs. The saved volume of the water would be considered as a significant water supply for environmental conservation actions in downstream of the Caballo Reservoir. Providing an integrated optimal management plan for two reservoirs led to save significant water sources in a region that water shortage has led to significant environmental consequences. Finally, since the models are univariate, they demonstrate an approach for reliable inflow prediction when information is limited to only streamflow values. We find that hydroelectric power generation forces the region to lose significant amount of water to evaporation and therefore hinder the optimal use of freshwater. Based on these findings, we conclude that a water scarce region like Southern New Mexico should gain independence from hydroelectric power and save the freshwater for supporting ecosystem services and environmental purposes.  相似文献   
Effects of equal and unequal circumferential pick spacing on the performance of boom type roadheaders having cylindrical cutting heads are investigated. For this purpose, two experimental cutting heads with equal and unequal circumferential spacing are designed and manufactured. The cutting head with unequal circumferential spacing is specifically designed to prevent tool-holder overlap at the nose section. Manufacturing difficulties associated with equal circumferential pick spacing due to tool-holder overlap are discussed with solid modeling and practical applications. The heads are tested at Park Cayirhan Coal Mine in Turkey and their cutting performances are analysed. Although better cutting performance for equal circumferential spacing are predicted by force–balance analysis, in situ measurements of instantaneous (net) traversing speed and cutting rate, pick consumption rate and machine vibration show that no significant difference exists between the performances of the two cutting heads.  相似文献   
This paper examines the discharge and velocity distributions in natural open channel flows using the entropy theory. Flow measurements were carried out at four different cross‐sections in central Turkey. The mean and maximum velocities at these stations exhibited a linear distribution and the entropy parameter was calculated to be M=1.31. Using this value, discharges for all flow conditions were calculated as a function of the measured maximum velocities (umax). It was observed that the umax/H and zmax/H ratios remained relatively constant when 0.2≤y/T≤0.8, especially for the wider channels. Using these constant values for each station, umax and zmax could be determined solely as a function of the water depth H. Although the calculated velocities were higher than those measured at some verticals, the entropy‐based approach presents an attractive alternative to the traditional flow‐measurement techniques for the determination of flow properties because of its simplicity and quick application.  相似文献   
This paper demonstrates the feasibility of using phase stepping and a multicore optical fiber to calculate an object's depth profile. An interference pattern is projected by an optical fiber onto the object. The distorted interference pattern containing the object information is captured by a CCD camera and processed using a phase step interferometry method. The phase step method is less computationally intensive compared to two-dimensional Fourier transform profilometry and provides more accuracy when measuring objects of high frequency spatial variations.  相似文献   
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