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Fe(3)O(4) nanoparticles covalently linked to a gold electrode have been used for immobilizing catalase (CAT) enzyme to sense the presence of various concentrations of H(2)O(2). These nanoparticles ranging from 20 to 30 nm were synthesized by thermal co-precipitation of ferric and ferrous chlorides. SEM and XRD have been used for morphological and structural characterization of Fe(3)O(4) nanoparticles. CAT enzyme was linked covalently to the surface of iron oxide using carbodiimide in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) at 4?°C. The enzyme-iron oxide link was confirmed by FT-IR spectroscopy. Sensing studies carried out using cyclic voltammetry showed a linear response of the CAT/nano Fe(3)O(4)/Au bioelectrode towards H(2)O(2) between 1.5 and 13.5 μM with a very sharp response time of 2 s.  相似文献   
Owing to the rapid development and advancements in the field of networks and communication, sharing of multimedia contents over insecure networks has becom  相似文献   
Heavy duty gas turbine power plants may cause severe instability in grid connected operation under load fluctuations. To overcome such instability problems, an attempt has been made to develop proportional-integral-derivative controller for all the heavy duty gas turbine models with Speedtronic governor. Proportional-integral-derivative gains are tuned by Ziegler-Nichols and performance index methods and the step responses are obtained by using MATLAB/Simulink considering various droop settings. Simulation results of all the models reveal that the integral of squared error tuned proportional-integral-derivative controller provide better response. In order to improve the stability further, fuzzy self-tuning proportional-integral-derivative controller has been proposed in this article for all the heavy duty gas turbine models. On analyzing the simulation results, the proposed fuzzy self-tuning proportional-integral-derivative controller is found to be adaptive for all the heavy duty gas turbine models irrespective of the droop settings and yield better transient and steady state responses than Ziegler Nichols and Performance index methods.  相似文献   
Silver(I) catalyzed oxidation of amino acids such as glycine and α-alanine by peroxomonosulphate (PMS) in aqueous perchloric acid medium was found to be first order in [peroxomonosulphate] and fractional order in [amino acid] and [Ag(I)]. The rate equation was derived by assuming equilibrium formation of adduct between amino acids and Ag(I). This adduct was presumed to react with PMS in a slow step to yield (adduct)2+, which was self-oxidized in a fast step to give the products. The kinetic results revealed that silver catalyzed reaction occurred approximately 104 times faster than the uncatalyzed reaction and this is attributed to the formation of (adduct)2+. The bimolecular rate constant (k) for the slow step and the activation parameters were calculated and the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The exponential rise in software computing and internet technologies have broadened the horizon of cloud computing applications serving numerous purposes like business processes, healthcare, finance, socialization, etc. In the last few years the increase is security breaches and unauthorized data access has forced industry to achieve computationally efficient and robust security system. The increase in multimedia data communication over different cloud applications too demands an efficient security model, which is expected to have low computational complexity, negligible quality-compromise and higher security robustness. Major conventional security-systems like cryptography and steganography undergo high computational overhead, thus limiting their potential towards cloud-communication where each data input used to be of large size and a gigantic amount of multimedia data is shared across the network. To alleviate above stated problems and enable a potential solution, in this paper a highly robust Lightweight Feistel Structure based Substitution Permutation Crypto Model is developed for multimedia data security over uncertain cloud environment. Our proposed model applies substitution permutation crypto concept with Feistel structure which performs substitution-permutation over five rounds to achieve higher confusion and diffusion. To retain higher security with low computation, we applied merely 64-bit block cipher and equal key-size. MATLAB based simulation revealed that the proposed lightweight security model achieves better attack-resilience even maintaining low entropy, high-correlation, and satisfactory computation time for multimedia data encryption. Such robustness enables our proposed security model to be applied for real-world cloud data security.


Mobile phones have become one of the mostly used gadgets in the world. The number of devices being used has been increasing tremendously and the concern for signal connectivity has been growing everyday. In this work, a mobile phone location registration model has been proposed using a hybrid random number generator (HRNG). Traffic of the cellular devices during the successive location registration with base station can be managed by incorporating a HRNG which produces different delays in different mobile phones. This HRNG was designed using ring oscillator, PLL and cellular automata. The developed HRNG was utilized to create non-overlapping pulses on Cyclone II FPGA EP2C20F484C7 which depict a part of mobile registration controller hardware. The proposed scheme utilized 1616 combinational functions and 1003 registers with a total power dissipation of 69.96 mW. The HRNG was analyzed with restart, entropy and NIST randomness analyses. The capability of mobile registration architecture was analyzed with correlation and random distribution analyses.

Neural Processing Letters - Multimedia data encryption is an ever-growing and challenging domain in the emerging digital world, with image encryption at the forefront to provide privacy for the...  相似文献   

The volatile development in the multimedia cognitive content is changing the global set-up towards a cloud-based architecture which is helped us with a massive amount of computer storage and the highest computational platform. Cost-saving and elasticity of services will be provided by progressive cloud computing technology for users. With the advancement in multimedia technology, the data owners outsource their private multimedia data on the hybrid cloud. Meantime the cloud servers also carry out some highly computationally expensive tasks. Nevertheless, there is an opportunity for security infracts possible in the public cloud environment. It makes an alarm for a cloud environment in security aspects. Before outsourcing multimedia data, an encryption technique is needed for safeguarding against several attacks. But performing the same is a significant challenge. A new research area was recently awakened on privacy-preserving Reversible Data Hiding (RDH) especially for multimedia data over the outsourced environment. A novel RDH for an encrypted image was proposed in this paper by using the (Most Significant Bit) MSB difference of the pixel value. By using this method, any third-party people can embed the ciphertext in the cipher image without the knowledge of the cover and secret. A person with decryption keys can get back the secret and the cover without any loss. The proposed work achieves the embedding capacity up to 1 bpp (bits per pixel) with the encryption quality of near-zero correlation and uniform histogram. The decrypted image is also retrieved with infinite Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), unit Structural Similarity Index Metric (SSIM) and zero Bit Error Rate (BER).

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