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Two barley genotypes were grown, in 2 seasons, at sites in both Scotland and Spain. The development of enzyme levels and endosperm modification were assayed, over the final 3 days of malting. Spanish grown samples demonstrated faster and more extensive synthesis of both α-amylase and β-glucanase, more rapid cell wall modification and a greater reduction in milling energy during malting than Scottish grown samples. Malt milling energy was strongly associated with cell wall breakdown, which was a limiting step in modification of Scottish, but not Spanish, grown samples. Extract levels were not related to α-amylase activity, but Kolbach index exhibited an association with extract at both sites.  相似文献   
Pumping treatments with water or 4.5% sodium tripolyphosphate (STP) were evaluated on the fresh longissimus from pigs of different Rendement Napole genotypes. The longissimus muscle (32 RN/rn, 32 rn+/rn+) was divided into 3 sections and allocated to the: nonpumped, water pumped, and 4.5% STP, treatments. Following aging (14 days) chops were cut, packaged, and frozen. Boneless loin chops were cooked to internal temperatures of either 70C or 80C. Nonpumped loins resulted in the least amount of purge loss, whereas STP loins had the highest raw yield. Pumping loin sections with water and STP increased raw and cooked moisture contents. Pumping with STP increased juiciness and tenderness ratings. Increasing the endpoint temperature decreased juiciness and cooked moisture percentage. Pork from RN/rn+ pigs had lower shear force and higher tenderness and juiciness. These data indicate that increasing end point cooking temperature reduced pork palatability while STP pumping and the RN gene improved sensory properties.  相似文献   
Apple puree was treated with various amounts of commercial liquefaction enzyme (0%– 0.066%) for 2 hr at 50°C. To produce clarified juice purees were pumped through a metallic oxide membrane ultrafiltration system, consisting of 3.27 ft2 (0.304 m2) of membrane coated internally onto a l–1/4 inch (i.d.) × 10 ft (3.12 cm × 3.04 m) sintered stainless steel tubing. All enzyme treatments reduced viscosity 70–80% within 1 hr but steady state flux increased with higher concentrations of enzyme. Alcohol insoluble solids (AIS) and total pectins of the apple puree after enzyme treatment decreased as enzyme concentration increased to 0.044%. A large scale system, l–1/4 inch (i.d.) × 120 ft (3.12 cm × 36.48 m), was operated at 86% juice yield with minimal pressure drops as predicted by a mathematical model.  相似文献   
The effect of load on initial neck growth between alumina single-crystal spheres has been measured at 1530°C. The neck areas are larger than those observed in pressureless sintering and constant for all times between 10 and 480 minutes. The neck areas are proportional to the loads; i.e. they equilibrate at equal stresses (50,000 psi). It is shown quantitatively that the initial enhanced neck growth observed cannot be attributed to enhanced sintering by diffusion under the influence of stress. The plastic flow contribution to densification during hot-pressing is calculated from the stress inferred from the foregoing measurements, from the applied load in hot-pressing, and from geometric relations between particles. It is shown that for aluminum oxide the contribution of plastic flow to densification at the pressures normally used in hot-pressing is small. It is concluded that the final stage of densification of alumina during hot-pressing occurs by enhanced diffusion under the influence of stress.  相似文献   
Water uptake into the grain is a critical aspect off malting quality. Contrasting environments have been used to examine the role of protein and cell wall components in water uptake. A model based on a threshold value for protein content, the ratio of B to C hordeins and the composition and solubility of β-glucans has been formulated. Better malting performance is associated with lower levels of insoluble β-glucans and higher levels of C-Hordein.  相似文献   
A study was conducted to characterize the relationship between Longissimus thoracis ultimate pH(LTpH) and pork quality. Animals (n = 47) were selected based on LTpH measured at 24 h postmortem. Data were analyzed using regression procedures with ultimate pH as the independent variable, and relationships were determined to be linear (L), quadratic (Ql or cubic (C). Ultimate pH explained 79% (C) of the variation in subjective color, which increased as pH increased. Drip loss, purge loss and L* value decreased as LTpH increased (R2= 0.57C, 0.77 Q and 0.68 Q, respectively). Shear force decreased and sensory juiciness increased as LTpH increased (R2= 0.26Q and 0.46C, respectively). However, of flavor intensity increased as LTpH fell below pH 5.2 or exceeded 6.1(R2=0.52C). Increasing LTpH, up to a point, will improve fresh pork quality and processed meat properties, whereas, above approximately 6.1, of-flavor may increase.  相似文献   
Nowadays, intensely farmed poultry eggs show almost no differences in egg yolk and albumin compared with domestic layers. Annatto shrub grows rapidly to produce seeds coated with bixin and norbixin dyes which are used to color foods requiring no limits according to codex standards because they are generally regarded as safe for food applications. In this research, annatto concentrate prepared at 1:1 feed to annatto seeds was applied at 1, 4, 7 and 10% over 8 months. The results show that such feeds had no effect on the egg size ( P >  0.05) (mean  =  62.25 g) as well as proximate composition of feed and flavor of the resulting egg yolks, while rate of application of concentrate show significant ( P <  0.05) effect on overall preference of egg yolk of layers fed up to 7%. It is recommended that annatto concentrate can be applied at 1% to give generally acceptable color intensity.


The increasing demand of consumers for naturally colored egg products drive poultry farmers to seek for safer ways of achieving this preference. This research is opening a window of opportunity for these farmers to achieve this aim by using Bixa orellana seeds coated with annatto, which is abound in the forest zones of the tropics. Advantage can therefore be taken of this resource which has very little or no application in the poultry sector.  相似文献   
Animals (n = 72) with longissimus glycolytic potential (GP) values ranging from 113.8 to 301.1 μmol/g of tissue, were classified as having low (n = 24), moderate (n = 24), and high (n = 24) GP levels. Meat quality measurements such as longissimus ultimate pH and subjective color score decreased, while Hunter L* values, percentage drip loss and purge loss increased for animals classified as having either high or moderate GP levels compared to those with low GP values. Animals with higher GP had decreased longissimus protein content and improved taste panel tenderness scores and lower shear force indicating superior eating quality. Increasing aging time from 2 to 21 days decreased shear force and improved taste panel tenderness scores. These data indicate that both glycolytic potential level within the muscle and aging time can have significant effects on pork quality characteristics.  相似文献   
The creep behavior of a commercial grade of reaction-bonded silicon carbide was characterized at a temperature of 1300°C. Creep occurred more easily in tension than in compression. At a given applied stress, the steady-state creep rate in tension was found to be at least 20 times that obtained in compression. In both tension and compression, the stress exponent for steadystate creep was found to increase with increasing applied stresses. At low applied stresses, the stress exponent was ∼4, suggesting some kind of dislocation mechanism operating in the two-phase composite. At high stresses, the stress exponent was ∼11 in tension. The increase in the stress exponent was attributed to damage accumulation in the form of cavities. An effective threshold stress for cavitation of less than 100 MPa was suggested. In compression, the cause of the increase of stress exponent with stress cannot be attributed to cavitation.  相似文献   
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