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Diffraction of an electromagnetic wave by an open end of a coaxial line with an infinite flange adjoining a piecewise-uniform plane-layered lossy medium is considered. The direct problem is solved on the basis of admittance and impedance algorithms taking into account losses in the flange and the medium. For an infinite conductivity of the flange, a stationary functional for the input admittance is used to find an explicit solution in the form of an integral; numerical results are obtained. The inverse problem consisting in determination of the layer parameters (thickness, permittivity, and permeability) from known (experimental) values of the magnitude of the reflection coefficient at specified frequencies via minimization of the corresponding residual of the least-squares method is considered. It is proposed to increase the amount of experimental data through performance of measurements for several positions of the sample relative to the flange and for different impedance conditions behind the sample. In order to solve the inverse problem, a perceptron neural network is constructed. This approach reduces the solution time by several orders of magnitude.  相似文献   
New tobacco products, designed to attract consumers who are concerned about the health effects of tobacco, have been appearing on the market. Objective evaluation of these products requires, as a first step, data on their potentially toxic constituents. Tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) are an important class of carcinogens in tobacco products, but virtually no data were available on their levels in these products. In the present study, we analyzed several new products-Ariva, Stonewall, Exalt, Revel, Smokey Mountain, and Quest-for TSNAs and compared their TSNA levels with those in nicotine replacement products and conventional smokeless tobacco and cigarette brands. TSNAs were not detected in Smokey Mountain, which is a tobacco-free snuff product. The lowest levels among the new products containing tobacco were in Ariva and Stonewall (0.26-0.28 microg/g wet weight of product). The highest levels in the new products were found in Exalt (3.3 microg/g tobacco), whereas Revel and Quest had intermediate amounts. Only trace amounts were found in nicotine replacement products, and conventional brands had levels consistent with those reported in the literature. These results demonstrate that TSNA levels in new tobacco products range from relatively low to comparable with those found in some conventional brands.  相似文献   
Recorded molecular weights (MWs) for humic substances (HS) range from a few hundred to millions of daltons. For purposes of defining HS as a specific class of chemical compounds, it is of particular importance to ascertain if this broad range of MWs can be attributed to actual variability in molecular properties or is simply an artifact of the analytical techniques used to characterize HS. The main objectives of this study were (1)to establish if a preferential range of MWs exists for HS and (2) to determine any consistent MW properties of HS. To reach the goal, we have undertaken an approach to measure under standardized conditions the MW characteristics of a large set of HS from different natural environments. Seventy-seven humic materials were isolated from freshwater, soil, peat, and coal, such that each possessed a different fractional composition: humic acid (HA), fulvic acid (FA), and a nonfractionated mixture of HA and FA (HF). Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) was used as the analytical technique to determine molecular weight characteristics. The MW distributions were characterized by number (Mn) and weight (Mw) average MW, and by polydispersity. The complete range of Mw values varied within 4.7-30.4 kDa. The maximum Mw values were observed for peat HF and soil HA, whereas the smallest weights were measured for river water HF. Maximum values of polydispersity (3.5-4.4) were seen for peat HF and soil HA, while much lower values (1.6-3.1) were found for all preparations isolated with XAD-resins. Statistical evaluation showed consistent Mw and Mn variations with the HS source, while polydispersity was mostly a function of the isolation procedure used. A conclusion was made that HS have a preferential range of MW values that could characterize them as a specific class of chemical compounds.  相似文献   
The biodiversity and distribution of testate amoebae in the Middle Ob flood plain soils have been studied. The biodiversity of Testacea in the soils consists of 83 species and varieties from 12 families. The population of Testacea in flood plain habitats is rich in water forms, especially in the flood plain part of the catena, because of annual floods. The study showed that the density of Testacea in the forest plots is approximately 10 times higher than in the meadow ones. The species diversity of Testacea in the meadows of the flood plain includes 40 species and varieties. It was found that there is an enrichment of the fauna of Testacea in the flood plain meadows with water forms and a decrease in the population of Testacea in the soil according to the depth. The decrease in the diversity and number down the soil profile is related to the decrease in the amount of the oxygen available and general induration of soil. On the whole, the population composition of Testacea in the soils of the pine forest consists of typical representatives of humus substrates with low values of pH, small stock of humus and mineral nutrition. The soils of mature pine forests are rich in Testacea; they have a similar complex of morphological types, mainly because of the moss cover and forest litter thickness.  相似文献   
高氯酸杂环配合物金属盐的激光起爆(英)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
1 IntroductionNowadays the electrical way of blast-caps initiation istraditional. But the devices used for this process are in-herently susceptible to an accident initiation by externalstimuli such as an electrostatic discharge (ESD), elec-tromagnetic interference (EMI), and radio wave irradia-tion (RI). Pulse laser initiation of explosives is a newperspective method. Pulse lasers provide practical meansof electrical isolation of the energetic materials, therebyeliminating hazards associat…  相似文献   
Tall oil fatty acids (TOFA) were esterified with trimethylolpropane (TMP) without a catalyst at different molar ratios of TMP to TOFA. A molar ratio was defined, at which a polyol stable in long-term storage, with the maximum content of TMP monoesters, was synthesized. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and gas chromatography were used for the identification of the polyols’ chemical structure and composition. Based on the synthesized polyols, polyurethane coatings were prepared. The effect of the isocyanate index and concentration of traditional Sn-based and less toxic Bi-based catalysts on the gel time of the polyurethane composition, and the mechanical and thermal properties of the coatings was studied. It was found that the new coatings had high tensile strength and modulus of elasticity, comparable with the strength and modulus of the polyurethane based on diethanolamides of TOFA. The initial temperature of decomposition of these coatings was higher than that of the polyurethanes based on esters of TOFA and a number of uralkyds. The coatings based on TMP esters of TOFA were obtained without the use of solvents, and potentially, these esters can be used in spray-applied VOC-free polyurethane coatings’ formulation.  相似文献   
This paper presents our method, which simultaneously combines automatic imaging, identification, and counting with the acquisition of morphological information for at least 1000 blood cells from several three-dimensional images of the same sample. We started with seeking parameters to differentiate between red blood cells that are similar but different with respect to their development stage, i.e., mature or immature. We highlight that these cells have different diffractive patterns with complementary central intensity distribution in a given plane along the propagation axis. We use the Fresnel approximation to simulate propagation through cells modeled as spheroid-shaped phase objects and to find the cell property that has the dominant influence on this behavior. Starting with images obtained in the reconstruction step of the digital holographic microscopy technique, we developed a code for automated simultaneous individual cell image separation, identification, and counting, even when the cells are partially overlapped on a slide, and accurate measuring of their morphological features. To find the centroids of each cell, we propose a method based on analytical functions applied at threshold intervals. Our procedure separates the mature from the immature red blood cells and from the white blood cells through a decision based on gradient and radius values.  相似文献   
On the basis of studies of the piezo-optic effect, it has been shown that SrB(4)O(7) crystals can be used as efficient acousto-optic materials in the vacuum ultraviolet spectral range. The full matrices of piezo-optic and photoelastic coefficients have been experimentally obtained for these crystals. The acousto-optic figure of merit and the diffraction efficiency have been estimated for both the visible and deep ultraviolet spectral ranges.  相似文献   
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