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In this paper, we study an E0-like combiner with memory as the keystream generator. First, we formulate a systematic and simple method to compute correlations of the FSM output sequences (up to certain bits). An upper bound of the correlations is given, which is useful to the designer. Second, we show how to build either a uni-bias-based or multi-bias-based distinguisher to distinguish the keystream produced by the combiner from a truly random sequence, once correlations are found. The data complexity of both distinguishers is carefully analyzed for performance comparison. We show that the multi-bias-based distinguisher outperforms the uni-bias-based distinguisher only when the patterns of the largest biases are linearly dependent. The keystream distinguisher is then upgraded for use in the key-recovery attack. The latter actually reduces to the well-known Maximum Likelihood Decoding (MLD) problem given the keystream long enough. We devise an algorithm based on Fast Walsh Transform (FWT) to solve the MLD problem for any linear code with dimension L and length n within time O(n+L⋅2 L ). Meanwhile, we summarize a design criterion for our E0-like combiner with memory to resist the proposed attacks.  相似文献   
Analytical expressions for EM-waves and evolutionary equations for the waves in geometric regular waveguides with layered nonstationary media are presented. A piecewise-homogeneous and periodic along the guide's axis medium is considered in detail. The analytical solution of the dispersion equation is invariant to both the guide's cross-section contour form and eigenwave type. The periodicity dispersion, particular resonances and an algorythm of the modeling application are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper describes a study of the evolution of the AgCdO contact material surface microstructure as a function of the number of electrical arcs imposed on the switching surface. Five power switching devices were tested under different conditions. They were subjected to, respectively, 1, 2, 3, 10, and 100 electrical arcs under the same operating conditions: supply current of 400 A, circuit voltage of 28 V direct current (DC), and resistive load. For the analysis, a binocular microscope and a scanning electron microscope with an energy-dispersive x-ray spectrometer were used.  相似文献   
Polycarbonate is known to suffer from dramatic reductions in ductility upon exposure to hot, humid environments, such as during steam sterilization. Two phenomena have been proposed to be the main causes of this embrittlement: hydrolysis and microcavity formation. The present study focuses on a third phenomenon, whose contribution to the embrittlement has until now been considered insignificant: (physical) aging. By studying the influence of steam sterilization on the tensile deformation behavior of polycarbonate, it is shown that aging actually is one of the dominant factors in the embrittlement.  相似文献   
A new screening method for the detection and identification of GMO, based on the use of multiplex PCR followed by microarray, has been developed and is presented. The technology is based on the identification of quite ubiquitous GMO genetic target elements first amplified by PCR, followed by direct hybridisation of the amplicons on a predefined microarray (DualChip® GMO, Eppendorf, Germany). The validation was performed within the framework of a European project (Co-Extra, contract no 007158) and in collaboration with 12 laboratories specialised in GMO detection. The present study reports the strategy and the results of an ISO complying validation of the method carried out through an inter-laboratory study. Sets of blind samples were provided consisting of DNA reference materials covering all the elements detectable by specific probes present on the array. The GMO concentrations varied from 1% down to 0.045%. In addition, a mixture of two GMO events (0.1% RRS diluted in 100% TOPAS19/2) was incorporated in the study to test the robustness of the assay in extreme conditions. Data were processed according to ISO 5725 standard. The method was evaluated with predefined performance criteria with respect to the EC CRL method acceptance criteria. The overall method performance met the acceptance criteria; in particular, the results showed that the method is suitable for the detection of the different target elements at 0.1% concentration of GMO with a 95% accuracy rate. This collaborative trial showed that the method can be considered as fit for the purpose of screening with respect to its intra- and inter-laboratory accuracy. The results demonstrated the validity of combining multiplex PCR with array detection as provided by the DualChip® GMO (Eppendorf, Germany) for the screening of GMO. The results showed that the technology is robust, practical and suitable as a screening tool.  相似文献   
Saccharomyces cerevisiae kre5delta mutants lack beta-1,6-glucan, a polymer required for proper cell wall assembly and architecture. A functional and cell biological analysis of Kre5p was conducted to further elucidate the role of this diverged protein glucosyltransferase-like protein in beta-1,6-glucan synthesis. Kre5p was found to be a primarily soluble N-glycoprotein of approximately 200 kDa, that localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum. The terminal phenotype of Kre5p-deficient cells was observed, and revealed a severe cell wall morphological defect. KRE6, encoding a glucanase-like protein, was identified as a multicopy suppressor of a temperature-sensitive kre5 allele, suggesting that these proteins may participate in a common beta-1,6-biosynthetic pathway. An analysis of truncated versions of Kre5p indicated that all major regions of the protein are required for viability. Finally, Candida albicans KRE5 was shown to partially restore growth to S. cerevisiae kre5delta cells, suggesting that these proteins are functionally related.  相似文献   
In this study, rDNA ITS restriction analysis was used to identify yeasts from two naturally fermented products: French ciders and black olives. In cider musts and bottled ciders, the PCR-RFLP method generated 15 different ITS/RFLP profiles for a total of 208 isolates. The predominant yeasts corresponded to Saccharomyces bayanus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lachancea cidri and Dekkera anomala. Three identified species: Candida sake, Candida tropicalis and Kluyveromyces marxianus had never been described before in ciders. For the black olive fermentation, the method allowed for identification of 11 profiles for a total of 137 isolates. A sequential apparition of yeasts was observed with Pichia anomala, Candida boidinii and Debaryomyces etchellsii being the predominant species. Four isolates did not correspond to any known species based on the sequencing of the D1/D2 region of the 26S rRNA gene. By using the rDNA ITS method, valuable information on yeast population biodiversity and dynamics in the naturally fermented food products studied was obtained.  相似文献   
This review examines the parameters of enzymatic browning in apple and apple products that is, phenolic compounds, polyphenoloxidases, and other factors (ascorbic acid and peroxidases), both qualitatively and quantitatively. Then the relationships between intensity of browning and the browning parameters are discussed, including a paragraph on the methods used for browning evaluation. Finally, the different methods for the control of browning are presented.  相似文献   
Retting, a spontaneous and traditional fermentation of cassava roots in Central Africa, was optimised in terms of time and the quality of the end-product. Optimal conditions were achieved by using an experimental research methodology. Temperature is the most influential factor, with an optimum of 34°C for quicker retting. The roots should be peeled and soaked in water immediately after harvesting to increase the quality of cassava foods. Inoculation of water with juice from a prior retting helps in cassava detoxification but has no influence on the time or the quality of foo-foo. Foo-foo samples had the most favourable organoleptic quality when an incubation temperature of between 28 and 37°C was used. Using optimal conditions, retting time was reduced 3-fold, and foo-foo of high and constant quality could be processed.  相似文献   
The degradation and leaching of phytates, phytase activity and iron and zinc concentrations have been studied after soaking of whole seeds, dehulled seeds and flours of millet and soybean, in order to investigate the efficiency of soaking on reducing Phy/Fe and Phy/Zn molar ratios. When using millet grains, dehulling and milling before soaking facilitated the leaching of phytates and phytases in the aqueous medium and hence phytate degradation. Dehulling of soybean seeds led to a marked increase in phytate content, whereas milling favoured reactions between phytases and phytates. The Phy/Fe and Phy/Zn molar ratios decreased only slightly during soaking. The highest decreases for millet were obtained after soaking of flour for 8 h (Phy/Fe: 10.8–7.7 and Phy/Zn: 20.3–15.1), and after soaking of whole seeds for 24 h for soybean (Phy/Fe: 10.4–9.4 and Phy/Zn: 23.8–19.1). Cooking of flours with water used for soaking did not increase phytate degradation.  相似文献   
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