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采用MTS-CMT5105电子万能试验机,在温度为250~400℃、初始应变速率为10-4~10-1s-1,最大变形量为40%的条件下,对铸态Mg-2.5Sn(wt.%)和Mg-2.5Sn-0.2Y(wt.%)合金进行压缩变形。结合真应力-应变曲线、峰值应力、显微组织、本构方程、DMM加工图,研究了微量Y(0.2 wt.%)对铸造Mg-Sn合金热变形行为的影响。结果表明:微量Y的添加,在较低应变速率时,会使Mg-Sn合金热压缩峰值应力增加30%以上;但在较高应变速率时,却对其影响不大。会改变合金塑性变形机制的控制方式,即由扩散控制变为位错的滑移和攀移。会抑制动态再结晶。会降低功率耗散系数,扩大加工失稳区。 相似文献
Stress intensity factors for semi-elliptical surface cracks in plates and cylindrical pressure vessels using the hybrid boundary element method 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
At first, a hybrid boundary element method used for three-dimensional linear elastic fracture analysis is established on the basis of the first and the second kind of boundary integral equations. Then the concerned basic theories and numerical approaches including the discretization of boundary integral equations, the divisions of different boundary elements, and the procedures for the calculations of singular and hypersingular integrals are presented in detail. Finally, the stress intensity factors of surface cracks in finite thickness plates and cylindrical pressure vessels are computed by the proposed method. The numerical results show that the hybrid boundary element method has very high accuracy for the analysis of surface crack. 相似文献
热壁加氢反应器运行过程中的材质劣化问题 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
堆焊层的表面开裂、氢致剥离,器壁母材的回火脆化、氢脆和氢致裂纹扩展等材质劣化问题是影响热壁加氢反应器使用安全的主要问题。对这些问题产生的原因及其影响因素作了概要的分析和讨论。并在理论分析和实验研究的基础上,探讨了热壁加氢反应器安全运行的保障技术。 相似文献
运行模态分析方法综述 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
运行模态分析(OMA)是结构动态设计和机械故障诊断的一种重要方法,是系统辨别方法在工程振动领域中的应用.为了在结构动态设计和机械故障诊断中更好地运用该方法,从频域方法、时域方法以及时频分析方法三个方面,综述了运行模态分析国内外研究现状,指出了其关键技术、存在问题以及研究发展方向. 相似文献
The purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive range of results of mode I SIFs of three-dimensional surface cracks in internally pressurized thick-walled cylinders. The hybrid boundary element method is summarily reviewed and used to calculate the SIFs of surface cracks in pressurized thick-walled cylinders. The analyzed ratio of crack depth to wall thickness ranges from 0.2 to 0.8; the ratio of crack depth to crack length ranges from 0.25 to 1.0; and the ratio of wall thickness to cylinder radius is 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0. The present normalized SIFs are also compared with other solutions from the literature. The recent results of the body force method and the finite element method agree well (ca 3%), and the early ones of the boundary integral equation and the finite element method agree fairly well (ca 10%) with the present results. 相似文献
为了获得红瓜子仁水酶法提油的最佳工艺条件,了解红瓜子仁油贮藏过程中挥发性成分的变化,以红瓜子仁油提取率为指标,采用单因素试验和正交试验对红瓜子仁油的水酶法提取工艺条件进行优化,并采用HS-GC-IMS技术对贮藏0 d和1年(4℃冰箱中存放)的红瓜子仁油的挥发性成分进行分析。结果表明:水酶法提取红瓜子仁油最佳工艺条件为料液比1∶5、碱性蛋白酶添加量5%、酶解温度50℃、酶解时间3 h、pH 10,在此条件下红瓜子仁油提取率为75.68%;红瓜子仁油中主要的挥发性成分有25种,不同贮藏时间下红瓜子仁油中挥发性成分的含量存在差异,其中3-甲基-1-丁醇和3-羟基-2-丁酮可初步确定为新鲜红瓜子仁油挥发性成分的标志物。研究结果说明水酶法提取红瓜子仁油可以获得较高的油脂提取率,贮藏时间影响红瓜子仁油中挥发性成分的组成及含量。 相似文献
Wei Jie Wang Qudong Yin Dongdi Zhang Li Zhou Hao Ye Bing Jiang Haiyan Ding Wenjiang 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》2020,51(4):1487-1492
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A - High pressure die casting Mg-Al-RE alloy has an intrinsic and macroscopic gradient structure regarding the grain size and the area fraction of second... 相似文献
采用Mg-11Y-5Gd-2Zn-0.5Zr镁合金重力铸造发动机活塞,确定了浇注温度、模具温度、热处理工艺等参数。对镁合金活塞本体的组织研究表明,原始铸态合金组织中有大量的第二相分布于晶界处,经过固溶和时效热处理,在晶界处析出大量的层片状析出相。在时效态,活塞裙部的硬度(HV)达到131.4;活塞顶部的高温抗拉强度大,在350℃时的抗拉强度为161.9MPa;在250℃、80MPa条件下经过100h镁合金活塞材料的蠕变变形量只有0.428%;Mg-11Y-5Gd-2Zn-0.5Zr镁合金活塞的密度为1.995g.cm-3,100℃时比热容为850J.kg-1.K-1,室温热导率为23W.m-1.K-1,20~100℃的线膨胀系数为25.6×10-6K-1。 相似文献