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电力铁塔组立是危险系数极高的工作。为了保障施工安全,施工前有安全作业理论验算和严格的施工流程步骤管理,施工中有各种规章制度约束并采用视频监控等方式进行监督。但上述方式缺乏直接的力检测手段,为解决此难题,提出一种适用于内悬浮外(内)拉线组塔工艺承力系统的力检测方案,检测其吊装过程中抱杆系统的受力情况。以实际应用为目标,针对抱杆系统开发出卸扣力传感器、钢丝绳张力传感器和抱杆姿态仪等设备,详细说明了各传感器的安装位置,结合ZigBee无线通信技术,配合上位机软件,实现对组塔吊装过程的实时监控和预测预警。通过现场试用,表明该检测系统测量精确、安装方便,能满足现场检测要求。 相似文献
A semi-empirical gas entrainment model was proposed for the ventilated cavity in vertical pipe, based on which, a complete numerical scheme was established by coupling with the Eulerian-Eulerian two-fluid model to predict the multiscale flow field created by ventilated cavity. Model predictions were validated against experimental measurements on void fraction and bubble size distributions. Simulations were carried out to explore the effect of ventilation rate and inlet turbulence intensity on the macroscale cavity shape and the bubbly flow downstream of the ventilated cavity. As the ventilation rate increasing, a reverse trend was observed for the void fraction and bub- ble size distributions. It is concluded that the average void fraction in the pipe flow region is determined by the volumetric ratio between liquid and gas. However, the bubble size evolution is dominated by the breakage effect induced by turbulence in the vortex region. Furthermore, simulations were conducted to analyze geometric scale effect based upon Froude similitude. The results imply that the velocity distributions were properly scaled. Slight scale effect was seen for the void fraction caused by faster dispersion of bubbles in the larger size model. The com- paratively greater bubble size was predicted in the smaller model, implying significant scale effects in terms of tur- bulence and surface tension effect. It reveals that empirical correlations valid in wide range are required for the ex- trapolation from small-size laboratory models. 相似文献
工程系统中不可避免地存在各种参数不确定性,利用数值计算模型对系统进行虚拟试验时应进行不确定性分析.大型耗时计算模型的不确定性分析将面临严重的的计算复杂性问题,为此,针对工程应用中耗时计算模型,提出一种基于贝叶斯预测模型的不确定性分析仿真方法,采用概率分布为参数不确定性建模,研究系统响应预测不确定性的概率特征.泰勒杆撞击实例验证了该方法的高效性. 相似文献