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A fiber optic ring network, such as fiber distributed data interface (FDDI), can be operated over multiple wavelengths on its existing fiber plant consisting of point-to-point fiber links. Using wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology, FDDI nodes can be partitioned to operate over multiple subnetworks, with each subnetwork operating independently on a different wavelength, and inter-subnetwork traffic forwarding performed by a bridge. For this multiwavelength version of FDDI, which we refer to as wavelength distributed data interface (WDDI), we examine the necessary upgrades to the architecture of a FDDI node, including its possibility to serve as a bridge. The main motivation behind this study is that, as network traffic scales beyond (the single-wavelength) FDDI's information-carrying capacity, its multiwavelength version, WDDI, can gracefully accommodate such traffic growth. A number of design choices exist in constructing a good WDDI network. Specifically, we investigate algorithms using which, based on prevailing traffic conditions, partitioning of nodes into subnetworks can be performed in an optimized fashion. Our algorithms partition the nodes into subrings, such that the total traffic flow in the network and/or the network-wide average packet delay is minimized  相似文献   
This paper presents a simplified analytical model of a silicon-controlled-rectifier based, load-commutated inverter driven, commutatorless series motor to predict its speed-current, torque-current and torque-speed characteristics. The model has been formulated, keeping in view the steady state equivalent circuit of a conventional DC series motor. The proposed analytical expressions relating torque and current with speed are found to follow an inverse law and that relating torque and current is found to be parabolic, as is expected in a "series" machine. The drive has been implemented, loaded with a DC generator and experimentally similar characteristics have been obtained, as predicted by the analytical model. The characteristics obtained experimentally are seen to follow the ones, predicted by the analytical model closely  相似文献   
A local lightwave network can be constructed by employing two-way fibers to connect nodes in a passive-star physical topology, and the available optical bandwidth may be effectively accessed by the nodal transmitters and receivers at electronic rates using wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). The number of channels, ω, in a WDM network is limited by technology and is usually less than the number of nodes, N, in the network. We provide a general method using channel sharing to construct practical multi-hop networks under this limitation. Channel sharing may be achieved through time division multiplexing. The method is applied to a generalized shuffle-exchange-based multi-hop architecture, called GEMNET. Multicasting-the ability to transmit information from a single source node to multiple destination nodes-is becoming an important requirement in high-performance networks. Multicasting, if improperly implemented, can be bandwidth-abusive. Channel sharing is one approach toward efficient management of multicast traffic. We develop a general modeling procedure for the analysis of multicast (point-to-multipoint) traffic in shared-channel, multihop WDM networks. The analysis is comprehensive in that it considers all components of delay that packets in the network experience-namely, synchronization, queuing, transmission, and propagation. The results show that, in the presence of multicast traffic, WDM networks with ω相似文献   
Multicomponent silicate glasses of composition (wt%) 66SiO2-18B2O3-7Al2O3-6Na2O-3BaO were prepared by three sol-gel processes which differed primarily in the extent of hydrolysis of the metal alkoxide precursors. Gels which were prepared from solutions in which a stoichiometric excess of water was added, causing extensive replacement of OR groups (R (C x H(2x+1))s–1 by hydroxyl groups, were converted to fully dense, organic-free, monolithic glasses at temperatures near the glass transition temperature. Gels containing large numbers of OR groups showed enhanced densification at lower temperatures due to condensation reactions, but these gels could not be converted to fully dense, organic-free glasses. This investigation has shown that at least three possible densification mechanisms might be operative during the gel to glass conversion: volume relaxation, condensation reactions and viscous sintering.A US Department of Energy Facility.  相似文献   
This study investigates the problem of fault management in a wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM)-based optical mesh network in which failures occur due to fiber cuts. In reality, bundles of fibers often get cut at the same time due to construction or destructive natural events, such as earthquakes. Fibers laid down in the same duct have a significant probability to fail at the same time. When path protection is employed, we require the primary path and the backup path to be duct-disjoint, so that the network is survivable under single-duct failures. Moreover, if two primary paths go through any common duct, their backup paths cannot share wavelengths on common links. This study addresses the routing and wavelength-assignment problem in a network with path protection under duct-layer constraints. Off-line algorithms for static traffic is developed to combat single-duct failures. The objective is to minimize total number of wavelengths used on all the links in the network. Both integer linear programs and a heuristic algorithm are presented and their performance is compared through numerical examples.  相似文献   
Protecting multicast sessions in WDM optical mesh networks   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Recent advances in wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) technology are expected to facilitate bandwidth-intensive multicast applications. However, a single fiber (bundle) cut on such a network can disrupt the transmission of information to several destination nodes on a "light tree"-based multicast session. Thus, it is imperative to protect multicast sessions e.g., by reserving resources along backup trees. We show that, if a backup tree is directed-link-disjoint to its primary counterpart, then data loss can be prevented in the event of any single link failure. We provide mathematical formulations for efficient routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) of several multicast sessions (including their backup trees for dedicated protection) at a globally optimum cost. We present these formulations for networks equipped with two kinds of multicast-capable switch architectures: one using the opaque (O-E-O) approach and the other using transparent (all-optical) approach. We expand our formulations to accommodate sparse splitting constraints in a network, in which an optical splitter has limited splitting fanout and each node has a limited number of such splitters. We develop a profit-maximizing model that would enable a network operator to be judicious in selecting sessions and simultaneously routing the chosen ones optimally. We illustrate the solutions obtained from solving these optimization problem formulations for a representative-size network.  相似文献   
Wavelength conversion in WDM networking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wavelength conversion has been proposed for use in wavelength-division multiplexed networks to improve efficiency. This study highlights systems challenges and performance issues which need to be addressed in order to incorporate wavelength conversion effectively. A review/survey of the enabling technologies, design methods, and analytical models used in wavelength-convertible networks is provided  相似文献   
The goal of the work presented here was to develop a simulation approach for studying the effects of materials and geometry on the performance of Li‐ion Solid State Batteries (SSB). Simulation provides the opportunity to explore, with ease, different material properties and cell geometries to optimize a Li‐ion SSB's performance. Simulations shown in this paper are time‐dependent and consider electrochemical reaction, heat transfer, the diffusion of Li‐ions and electrons in the electrolyte, and solid Li diffusion in the positive electrode. A 2D model was simulated and the results shown. The simulations were able to show discharge curves, heat flux, the concentration of Li‐ions, electrons, and solid Li at any time in the discharge cycle. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We explore design principles for next-generation optical wide-area networks, employing wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) and targeted to nationwide coverage. This optical network exploits wavelength multiplexers and optical switches in routing nodes, so that an arbitrary virtual topology may be embedded on a given physical fiber network. The virtual topology, which is used as a packet-switched network and which consists of a set of all-optical “lightpaths”, is set up to exploit the relative strengths of both optics and electronics-viz. packets of information are carried by the virtual topology “as far as possible” in the optical domain, but packet forwarding from lightpath to lightpath is performed via electronic switching, whenever required. We formulate the virtual topology design problem as an optimization problem with one of two possible objective functions: (1) for a given traffic matrix, minimize the network-wide average packet delay (corresponding to a solution for present traffic demands), or (2) maximize the scale factor by which the traffic matrix can be scaled up (to provide the maximum capacity upgrade for future traffic demands). Since simpler versions of this problem have been shown to be NP-hard, we resort to heuristic approaches. Specifically, we employ an iterative approach which combines “simulated annealing” (to search for a good virtual topology) and “flow deviation” (to optimally route the traffic-and possibly bifurcate its components-on the virtual topology). We do not consider the number of available wavelengths to be a constraint, i.e., we ignore the routing of lightpaths and wavelength assignment for these lightpaths. We illustrate our approaches by employing experimental traffic statistics collected from NSFNET  相似文献   
School-age children in Chile received 30 g of wheat-flour biscuits daily through a National School Lunch Program. To improve iron nutrition, these biscuits were fortified with 6% of a bovine hemoglobin concentrate. Hemoglobin iron bioavailability, measured with a double isotope technique, showed that heme-iron absorption in fortified biscuits was high (19.7%). In a pilot field trial, a cohort of 215 school-children received fortified biscuits (30 g) daily during two school periods, and their iron nutrition status was compared with that of children who received non-fortified biscuits (n = 212). Acceptability of both types of biscuits was excellent. Initially, both groups had comparably good iron nutrition. The fortified children presented higher mean ferritin values at the end of the first and second school periods. Good iron stores (serum ferritin greater than or equal to 20 micrograms/lt) were present in 92% and 79% of the fortified and control subjects, respectively (P less than 0.004). The high-iron bioavailability, the good organoleptic characteristics and the biological effect on iron nutriture make this product an appealing alternative to combat iron deficiency.  相似文献   
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