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In this study, an aluminum based metallic matrix (Al-2wt.% Cu) was reinforced with SiC particulates using a conventional casting technique and a new disintegrated melt deposition technique. Microstructural characterization studies conducted on the samples taken from disintegrated melt deposition technique revealed a more uniform distribution of SiC particulates and good interfacial integrity between SiC particulates and metallic matrix when compared to the conventionally cast composite samples. Results of ambient temperature mechanical tests demonstrate an increase in 0.2% YS and ultimate tensile strength of samples taken from disintegrated melt deposition technique when compared with the unreinforced and conventionally cast composite samples. The results of microstructural characterization and mechanical testing were finally rationalized in terms of the nature of processing technique employed to reinforce Al-2wt.% Cu metallic matrix with SiC particulates.  相似文献   
A stability-indicating high-performance liquid chromatography for the quantitation of cefaclor in pharmaceutical dosage forms has been developed. The method is accurate and precise with a percent relative standard deviation of 1.2 based on 5 readings. A number of inactive ingredients present in the capsules and suspensions did not interfere with the assay procedure. The extraction procedure from the dosage forms is very simple. The recovery from the synthetic mixtures was quantitative. The capsules which had expired 3 years ago lost only 3% of the potency. The drug appears to be very sensitive to strong acids or bases since a 5 minute boiling caused 100% degradation of drug in both the solutions.  相似文献   
Jyoti Parikh 《Energy》1985,10(7):793-804
Since many of the factors related to rural energy systems are gradually being quantified, there is a need to construct a model that integrates a number of these factors simultaneously in a consistent framework. Therefore, a general linear programming model is developed to capture energy and agricultural interactions existing in the rural areas of developing countries. Energy used for agriculture includes fertilizers, irrigation, and mechanization. Several technological choices of each of the above are considered and so are several crop commodities, several types of livestock, and farmers of different income groups along with their assets, i.e. land holdings, livestock, etc. The by-products of agriculture, i.e. biomass, such as crop residues, animal dung, wood, etc., can be used to generate energy. On the demand side the use of them for feed, fuel, and fertilizer must be considered. Thus, the household sector (which is the largest user of noncommercial energy), as well as the rural industries sector, is intimately related to the agriculture sector. Twelve different energy sources and several conversion technologies, such as biogas, charcoal kilns, alcohol distilleries, etc., are considered. The model is applicable to low-income, biomass-scarce developing countries. However, different types of countries will require different approximations, and their needs for detailing some aspects or other may vary. The model is suitable for policy purposes because it considers several income groups separately and considers how different changes affect each of them.  相似文献   
A reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography method for the quantitation of sulfacetamide, sulfadiazine, sulfamerazine, and sulfamethazine in various combinations has been developed. The method is simple, accurate, precise and reproducible. The percent relative standard deviations based on 6 injections were 2.1, 0.6, 1.9, and 1.6 for sulfacetamide, sulfadiazine, sulfamerazine, and sulfamethazine, respectively. The ratio of peak heights (drug/internal standard) wer closely related (r value 0.99 or better) to concentrations (± 20% of the standard solution concentrations). The results of synthetic mixtures showed quantitative recovery and method was successfully applied to commercial dosage forms (tablets and suspension). Extraction of sulfa drugs from the dosage forms required a very simple procedure.  相似文献   
Because of undesirable side effects of chemical methods pulsed underwater corona discharges are emerging as a potential future advanced oxidation process (AOP) for water disinfection. In pulsed corona discharges a discharge channel is created, which contains a non-thermal plasma with a low degree of ionisation and low electron densities, but with electron energies of up to 10 eV. It has been demonstrated that electrons with this energy can dissociate water and oxygen molecules and produce various reactive radicals (*OH, H*, O*, HO2*), molecular species (H2O2, H2, O2), ultraviolet radiation and shock waves. It is supposed that the combination of all effects leads to a very efficient killing of microorganisms. To understand this in detail and to improve the efficiency of the overall system there is the need to develop suitable diagnostic methods for the quantitative determination of the various oxidants produced during the discharge. In this paper we present preliminary experimental results obtained with different chemical probes for *OH radicals, and H2O2 produced by pulsed corona discharges.  相似文献   
Entrance pressure losses for the creeping flow of a power-law fluid are calculated for an abrupt contraction of ratio 2, 4, 8 and ∞ for both the axisymmetric and planar cases using P2P1 and PP1 finite elements. Contrary to some earlier findings in the literature, the entrance pressure loss obtained by using the two different types of finite elements, both of which satisfy the Babus?ka-Brezzi condition, are found to converge to the same results. The present results also confirm that the variational method of Duda and Vrentas gives excellent upper bounds for both the axisymmetric and planar cases with infinite contraction ratio.  相似文献   
N. Gupta  S. Sen 《Algorithmica》2001,31(2):179-207
We describe an efficient parallel algorithm for hidden-surface removal for terrain maps. The algorithm runs in O(log 4 n) steps on the CREW PRAM model with a work bound of O((n+k) \polylog ( n)) where n and k are the input and output sizes, respectively. In order to achieve the work bound we use a number of techniques, among which our use of persistent data structures is somewhat novel in the context of parallel algorithms. Received July 29, 1998; revised October 5, 1999.  相似文献   
The synthesis and properties of sulfur-doped nanocrystalline diamond films were investigated. The films were deposited by hot-filament chemical vapor deposition on Mo substrates using methane, hydrogen, and hydrogen disulfide. The nanocrystalline nature of the material arises from the induction of continuous secondary nucleation in the chemical vapor deposition environment. Complementary characterization tools were employed in order to obtain a comprehensive and coherent understanding of the correlations between the structural and electronic properties. In particular, sulfur-doped nanocrystalline diamond films show n-type Hall conductivity, enhanced field emission properties, and insensitivity to ion radiation. It was found that n-type doping of the tetragonally-bonded carbon matrix together with a nano network of trigonally-bonded carbon are crucial elements for enhanced field emission from nanocrystalline diamond. These conclusions and the corresponding supporting evidence are discussed.  相似文献   
A successful attempt to grow carbon nanotubes (CNTs) by electrodeposition technique for the first time is reported here. Carbon nanotubes were grown on Si (001) substrate using acetonitrile (1% v/v) and water as electrolyte at an applied d.c. potential ∼20 V. The films were characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Raman, optical absorbance, Fourier Transform Infra Red spectroscopy (FTIR) and Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) measurements. The effect of magnetic field on the growth of nanotubes was studied critically. It was found that the presence of magnetic field during electro-deposition played a crucial role on the growth of carbon nanotubes and hence the electronic properties. Photoluminescence (PL) studies indicated band edge luminescence ∼0.72-0.83 eV. Field emission studies indicated lower turn-on voltage and higher current density for films deposited with magnetic field.  相似文献   
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