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This paper introduces and investigates the k-simultaneous consensus task: each process participates at the same time in k independent consensus instances until it decides in any one of them. It is shown that the k-simultaneous consensus task is equivalent to the k-set agreement task in the wait-free read/write shared memory model, and furthermore k-simultaneous consensus possesses properties that k-set does not. In particular we show that the multivalued version and the binary version of the k-simultaneous consensus task are wait-free equivalent. These equivalences are independent of the number of processes. Interestingly, this provides us with a new characterization of the k-set agreement task that is based on the fundamental binary consensus problem.  相似文献   
A synchronizer is a compiler that transforms a program designed to run in a synchronous network into a program that runs in an asynchronous network. The behavior of a simple synchronizer, which also represents a basic mechanism for distributed computing and for the analysis of marked graphs, was studied by S. Even and S. Rajsbaum (1990) under the assumption that message transmission delays and processing times are constant. We study the behavior of the simple synchronizer when processing times and transmission delays are random. The main performance measure is the rate of a network, i.e., the average number of computational steps executed by a processor in the network per unit time. We analyze the effect of the topology and the probability distributions of the random variables on the behavior of the network. For random variables with exponential distribution, we provide tight (i.e., attainable) bounds and study the effect of a bottleneck processor on the rate  相似文献   
This paper studies notions of locality that are inherent to the specification of distributed tasks by identifying fundamental relationships between the various scales of computation, from the individual process to the whole system. A locality property called projection-closed is identified. This property completely characterizes tasks that are wait-free checkable, where a task $T =(\mathcal{I },\mathcal{O },\varDelta )$ T = ( I , O , Δ ) is said to be checkable if there exists a distributed algorithm that, given $s\in \mathcal{I }$ s ∈ I and $t\in \mathcal{O }$ t ∈ O , determines whether $t\in \varDelta {(s)}$ t ∈ Δ ( s ) , i.e., whether $t$ t is a valid output for $s$ s according to the specification of $T$ T . Projection-closed tasks are proved to form a rich class of tasks. In particular, determining whether a projection-closed task is wait-free solvable is shown to be undecidable. A stronger notion of locality is identified by considering tasks whose outputs “look identical” to the inputs at every process: a task $T= (\mathcal{I },\mathcal{O },\varDelta )$ T = ( I , O , Δ ) is said to be locality-preserving if $\mathcal{O }$ O is a covering complex of $\mathcal{I }$ I . We show that this topological property yields obstacles for wait-free solvability different in nature from the classical impossibility results. On the other hand, locality-preserving tasks are projection-closed, and thus they are wait-free checkable. A classification of locality-preserving tasks in term of their relative computational power is provided. This is achieved by defining a correspondence between subgroups of the edgepath group of an input complex and locality-preserving tasks. This correspondence enables to demonstrate the existence of hierarchies of locality-preserving tasks, each one containing, at the top, the universal task (induced by the universal covering complex), and, at the bottom, the trivial identity task.  相似文献   
Exploring the power of shared memory communication objects and models, and the limits of distributed computability are among the most exciting research areas of distributed computing. In that spirit, this paper focuses on a problem that has received considerable interest since its introduction in 1987, namely the renaming problem. It was the first non-trivial problem known to be solvable in an asynchronous distributed system despite process failures. Many algorithms for renaming and variants of renaming have been proposed, and sophisticated lower bounds have been proved, that have been a source of new ideas of general interest to distributed computing. It has consequently acquired a paradigm status in distributed fault-tolerant computing.In the renaming problem, processes start with unique initial names taken from a large name space, then deciding new names such that no two processes decide the same new name and the new names are from a name space that is as small as possible.This paper presents an introduction to the renaming problem in shared memory systems, for non-expert readers. It describes both algorithms and lower bounds. Also, it discusses strong connections relating renaming and other important distributed problems such as set agreement and symmetry breaking.  相似文献   
We present a shared memory algorithm that allows a set of f+1 processes to wait-free “simulate” a larger system of n processes, that may also exhibit up to f stopping failures. Applying this simulation algorithm to the k-set-agreement problem enables conversion of an arbitrary k-fault-tolerant{\it n}-process solution for the k-set-agreement problem into a wait-free k+1-process solution for the same problem. Since the k+1-processk-set-agreement problem has been shown to have no wait-free solution [5,18,26], this transformation implies that there is no k-fault-tolerant solution to the n-process k-set-agreement problem, for any n. More generally, the algorithm satisfies the requirements of a fault-tolerant distributed simulation.\/ The distributed simulation implements a notion of fault-tolerant reducibility\/ between decision problems. This paper defines these notions and gives examples of their application to fundamental distributed computing problems. The algorithm is presented and verified in terms of I/O automata. The presentation has a great deal of interesting modularity, expressed by I/O automaton composition and both forward and backward simulation relations. Composition is used to include a safe agreement\/ module as a subroutine. Forward and backward simulation relations are used to view the algorithm as implementing a multi-try snapshot\/ strategy. The main algorithm works in snapshot shared memory systems; a simple modification of the algorithm that works in read/write shared memory systems is also presented. Received: February 2001 / Accepted: February 2001  相似文献   
A simple proof of the uniform consensus synchronous lower bound   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We give a simple and intuitive proof of an f+2 round lower bound for uniform consensus. That is, we show that for every uniform consensus algorithm tolerating t failures, and for every f?t−2, there is an execution with f failures that requires f+2 rounds.  相似文献   
The condition-based approach studies restrictions on the inputs to a distributed problem, called conditions, that facilitate its solution. Previous work considered mostly the asynchronous model of computation. This paper studies conditions for consensus in a synchronous system where processes can fail by crashing. It describes a full classification of conditions for consensus, establishing a continuum between the asynchronous and synchronous models, with the following hierarchy where includes all conditions (and in particular the trivial one made up of all possible input vectors). For a condition , we have:
–  For values of consensus is solvable in an asynchronous system with t failures, and we obtain the known hierarchy of conditions that allows solving asynchronous consensus with more and more efficient protocols as we go from d = 0 to d = −t.
–  For values of consensus is solvable in an asynchronous system with t failures, and we obtain the known hierarchy of conditions that allows solving asynchronous consensus with more and more efficient protocols as we go from d = 0 to d = −t.
–  For values of d<0 consensus is known not solvable in an asynchronous system with t failures, but we obtain a hierarchy of conditions that allows solving synchronous consensus with protocols that can take more and more rounds, as we go from d = 0 to d = t.
–  d = 0 is the borderline case where consensus can be solved in an asynchronous system with t failures, and can be solved optimally in a synchronous system.
After having established the complete hierarchy, the paper concentrates on the two last items: . The main result is that the necessary and sufficient number of rounds needed to solve uniform consensus for a condition (such that ) is d +1. In more detail, the paper presents a generic synchronous early-deciding uniform consensus protocol that enjoys the following properties. Let f be the number of actual crashes, I the input vector and the condition the protocol is instantiated with. The protocol terminates in two rounds when and , and in at most d +1 rounds when and . (It also terminates in one round when and .) Moreover, whether I belongs or not to C, no process requires more than min rounds to decide. The paper then proves a corresponding lower bound stating that at least d +1 rounds are necessary to get a decision in the worst case when (for and ). This paper is based on the DISC’03 and DISC’04 conference versions MRR03,MRR04 A. Mostefaoui is currently Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Rennes, France. He received his Engineer Degree in Computer Science in 1990 from the University of Algiers, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1994 from the University of Rennes, France. His research interests include fault-tolerance and synchronization in distributed systems, group communication, data consistency and distributed checkpointing. Achour Mostefaoui has published more than 70 scientific publications and served as a reviewer for more than 20 major journals and conferences. Moreover, Achour Mostéfaoui is heading the software engineer degree of the University of Rennes S. Rajsbaum received a degree in Computer Engineering from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in 1985, and a PhD in the Computer Science from the Technion, Israel, in 1991. Since then he has been a member of the Institute of Mathematics at UNAM, where he is now a Full Professor with Tenure. He has been a regular visiting scientist at the Laboratory for Computer Science of MIT. Also, he was a member of the Cambridge Research Laboratory of HP from 2000 to 2002. He was chair of the program committee for Latin American Theoretical Informatics LATIN2002, and for ACM Principles of Distributed Computing PODC03, and member of the Program Committee of various international conferences such as ADHOC, DISC, ICDCS, IPDPS, LADC, PODC, and SIROCCO. His research interests are in the theory of distributed computing, especially issues related to coordination, complexity and computability, and fault-tolerance. He has also published in graph theory and algorithms. Overall, he has published over fifty papers in journals and international conferences. He runs the Distributed Computing Column of SIGACT News, the newsletter of the ACM Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory. He has been editor of several special journal issues, such as the Special 20th PODC Anniversary Special Issue of Distributed Computing Journal (with H. Attiya) and of Computer Networks journal special issue on algorithms. M. Raynalhas been a professor of computer science since 1981. At IRISA (CNRS-INRIA-University joint computing research laboratory located in Rennes), he founded a research group on Distributed Algorithms in 1983. His research interests include distributed algorithms, distributed computing systems, networks and dependability. His main interest lies in the fundamental principles that underly the design and the construction of distributed computing systems. He has been Principal Investigator of a number of research grants in these areas, and has been invited by many universities all over the world to give lectures on distributed algorithms and distributed computing. He belongs to the editorial board of several international journals. Professor Michel Raynal has published more than 90 papers in journals (JACM, Acta Informatica, Distributed Computing, Comm. of the ACM, Information and Computation, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, JPDC, IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on SE, IEEE Transactions on KDE, IEEE Transactions on TPDS, IEEE Computer, IEEE Software, IPL, PPL, Theoretical Computer Science, Real-Time Systems Journal, The Computer Journal, etc.); and more than 190 papers in conferences (ACM STOC, ACM PODC, ACM SPAA, IEEE ICDCS, IEEE DSN, DISC, IEEE IPDPS, Europar, FST&TCS, IEEE SRDS, etc.). He has also written seven books devoted to parallelism, distributed algorithms and systems (MIT Press and Wiley). Michel Raynal has served in program committees for more than 70 international conferences (including ACM PODC, DISC, ICDCS, IPDPS, DSN, LADC, SRDS, SIROCCO, etc.) and chaired the program committee of more than 15 international conferences (including DISC -twice-, ICDCS, SIROCCO and ISORC). He served as the chair of the steering committee leading the DISC symposium series in 2002-2004. Michel Raynal received the IEEE ICDCS best paper Award three times in a row: 1999, 2000 and 2001. He is a general co-chair of the IEEE ICDCS conference that will be held in Lisbon in 2006.  相似文献   
In the renaming problem, each process in a distributed system is issued a unique name from a large namespace, and the processes must coordinate with one another to choose unique names from a much smaller name space. We show that lower bounds on the solvability of renaming can be formulated as a purely topological question about the existence of an equivariant chain map from a “topological disk” to a “topological annulus”. Proving the non-existence of such a map implies the non-existence of a distributed renaming algorithm in several related models of computation.  相似文献   
A slowly-growing number of computer scientists have found that ideas from topology can be used to analyze and understand problems in distributed computing. In this paper, we review one approach we have used in the past to write a succinct proof of the lower bound for the number of rounds needed to solve the k-set agreement problem in a synchronous, message-passing model of computation. The central idea in this approach is a simple combinatorial structure we call a pseudosphere, in which each process from a set of processes is independently assigned a value from a set of values. Pseudospheres have a number of nice combinatorial properties, but their principal interest lies in the observation that the global states that arise in the synchronous, message-passing model can be viewed as simple unions of pseudospheres, and the fact that topological properties of unions of pseudospheres are so easy to prove. We choose this work to review because it is a simple example of how we model distributed systems with topology, and because it is the basis of on-going work to simplify the proof of this result.  相似文献   
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