Carcase and meat quality of young bulls raised on one of three fattening strategies from 224 to 450 kg were compared. One group was fed concentrates (CON), another group grazed on lucerne plus 1.8 kg DM barley/day (LUC) and the last group had the same management as LUC young bulls for 3 months and was then finished on concentrates for 2 months. Among carcase traits, only tissue composition differed, with LUC young bulls having more muscle and less subcutaneous and intermuscular fat than their counterparts. Concerning meat quality, most attributes did not differ among fattening strategies but LUC young bulls had the lowest intramuscular fat, which presented greatest n−3 PUFA content. It can be concluded that lucerne grazing can be a good alternative to concentrates for young bulls, with similar carcase and meat quality but with lower fat content and healthier fatty acid composition than young bulls fed concentrates during the finishing period. 相似文献
The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of forage diets (grazing vs. hay) around the time of ewe parturition, on the fatty acids profile of suckling lamb meat (10-12 kg body weight). Forty-eight multiparous single-bearing ewes were used. The experimental treatments were conducted during the last 5 weeks of pregnancy and the 5 weeks of lactation in a 2 × 2 factorial design. Ewes were fed ad libitum on pastures or hay in the autumn. Results showed that milk from grazing ewes during the pre-partum period had a higher content of PUFA and CLA (P < 0.05) and VA, CLA in their suckling lambs' meat (P < 0.05). The effect in post-partum feeding was greater, revealing higher CLA, PUFA/SFA, PUFA n-3 and PUFA n-6/n-3 in milk and meat (P < 0.05). The CLA, VA and PUFA n-6/n-3 ratios are those that are most affected by grazing. Pre-partum grazing, regardless of post-partum feeding, improves FA composition, increasing CLA content in both milk and meat. 相似文献
The poplar wood industry chain from planted forests takes a strategic position for the creation of a competitive, profitable, and highly technological bioeconomy in the world. Niche sectors such as buildings can find in poplar wood an effective ally to reduce its carbon footprint and ecological backpack. For the poplar wood, it is important to understand the huge significance of the proper silvicultural management of a plantation and to characterize the raw material. In this context, this paper carries out such characterization for the particular case of young plantations of the clone I-214 (Populus × euroamericana (Dode) Guinier), commonly used for its high growth rate. The acoustic non-destructive characterization of poplar wood is carried out from standing trees, logs and sawn timber and then compared with the one obtained through destructive mechanical tests. The study shows that growth parameters are highly affected by the age and moderately affected by stand density, while mechanical properties are strongly affected by the age and less affected by the stand density. The study also shows high values of the linear regression coefficients between the mechanical properties obtained on standing trees, logs, and sawn timber using non-destructive and destructive methods (R2?=?0.7 for all three cases), greater than those obtained for other species. A good linear fitting was obtained between the tree and log velocities (R2?=?0.76) and between the tree and log elastic moduli (R2?=?0.85). Consequently, the evaluation of the mechanical properties employing the optimized acoustic protocol provides a reliable characterization for the poplar wood.
In pancreatic beta-cells, stimulatory glucose concentrations increase cytosolic diadenosine polyphosphates ([ApnA]i) to concentrations sufficient to block ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channels. High-performance liquid chromatography and patch clamp techniques were used to study the metabolic pathways by which pancreatic beta-cells synthesize ApnA and the mechanism through which ApnA inhibit KATP channels. ApnA show a glucose- and time-dependent cytosolic concentration increase parallel, though 30- to 50-fold higher, to changes observed in adenine nucleotides. Other fuel secretagogues, leucine and 2-ketoisocaproate, raise [ApnA]i as efficiently as 22 mM glucose. Blockade of glycolysis or Krebs cycle decreases glucose-induced [ApnA]i. No significant increase in cytosolic ApnA concentrations is induced by nonnutrient secretagogues or nonmetabolizable nutrient secretagogues. Inorganic pyrophosphatase inhibition with sodium fluoride blocks 22 mM glucose-induced [ApnA]i increase. ApnA inhibition of KATP channel resembles that of ATP in efficacy, but shows clear functional differences. Unlike ATP, Ap4A does not restore channel activity after rundown. Furthermore, these compounds do not compete with each other for the same site. These features suggest a prominent role for Ap4A in beta-cell function, comparable to ATP. We conclude that nutrient metabolism through pyrophosphatase activation is necessary to induce ApnA synthesis, which in turn constitutes a new, ATP-independent, metabolic regulator of KATP channel activity. 相似文献
The molecular composition of a core conduction element formed by the alpha-subunit of cloned epithelial Na+ channels (ENaC) was studied in planar lipid bilayers. Two pairs of in vitro translated proteins were employed in combinatorial experiments: 1) wild-type (WT) and an N-terminally truncated alphaDeltaN-rENaC that displays accelerated kinetics (tauo = 32 +/- 13 ms, tauc = 42 +/- 11 ms), as compared with the WT channel (tauc1 = 18 +/- 8 ms, tauc2 = 252 +/- 31 ms, and tauo = 157 +/- 43 ms); and 2) WT and an amiloride binding mutant, alphaDelta278-283-rENaC. The channels that formed in a alphaWT:alphaDeltaN mixture fell into two groups: one with tauo and tauc that corresponded to those exhibited by the alphaDeltaN-rENaC alone, and another with a double-exponentially distributed closed time and a single-exponentially distributed open time that corresponded to the alphaWT-rENaC alone. Five channel subtypes with distinct sensitivities to amiloride were found in a 1alphaWT:1alphaDelta278-283 protein mixture. Statistical analyses of the distributions of channel phenotypes observed for either set of the WT:mutant combinations suggest a tetrameric organization of alpha-subunits as a minimal model for the core conduction element in ENaCs. 相似文献
Microscopy of fluorescent proteins has enabled unprecedented insights into visualizing gene expression in living systems. Imaging deeper into animals, however, has been limited due to the lack of accurate imaging methods for the visible. We present a novel system designed to perform tomographic imaging of fluorescent proteins through whole animals. The tomographic method employed a multiangle, multiprojection illumination scheme, while detection was achieved using a highly sensitive charge-coupled device camera with appropriate filters. Light propagation was modeled using a modified solution to the diffusion equation to account for the high absorption and high scattering of tissue at the visible wavelengths. We show that the technique can quantitatively detect fluorescence with sub millimeter spatial resolution both in phantoms and in tissues. We conclude that the method could be applied in tomographic imaging of fluorescent proteins for in vivo targeting of different diseases and abnormalities. 相似文献
In recent years several approaches have been proposed to overcome the multiple-minima problem associated with nonlinear optimization techniques used in the analysis of molecular conformations. One such technique based on a parallel Monte Carlo search algorithm is analyzed. Experiments on the Intel iPSC/2 confirm that the attainable parallelism is limited by the underlying acceptance rate in the Monte Carlo search. It is proposed that optimal performance can be achieved in combination with vector processing. Tests on both the IBM 3090 and Intel iPSC/2-VX indicate that vector performance is related to molecule size and vector pipeline latency. 相似文献
Industrial control applications are usually developed in two phases: control design and real-time system implementation. In the control design stage a regulator is obtained and later it is translated into an algorithm in the implementation phase. Traditionally, these two phases have been developed in separate ways. Recently, some works have pointed out the necessity of the integration of the control design and its implementation. One of these works reduce the delay variance of control tasks (defined as the control action interval (CAI) and data acquisition interval (DAI) parameters) splitting every task into three parts. The CAI reduction method highly reduces the delay variance and improves the control performance. This work shows how to evaluate these delays under static and dynamic scheduling policies. A new task model is proposed in order to reduce the CAI and DAI parameters, which implies an improvement in the control performance. The new task model will be implemented in a real process, and the experimental measurements will show how, effectively, the control performance is highly improved with the methods presented in this paper. 相似文献
Machine hammer peening is a surface treatment technique originally developed for smoothening tools and mold surfaces. Treated surfaces are locally cold-worked, which results in a hardness increase and the induction of compressive residual stresses. In the present work, the feasibility of using this technique as a tool for embedding tungsten carbide hard particles on engineering-relevant substrate materials is systematically investigated. Tungsten carbide particles of three different sizes were embedded onto selected substrates using machine hammer peening. The particle embedment quality of the engineered surfaces was evaluated and correlated to the substrates' mechanical properties. The resulting tribological performance was investigated under reciprocating sliding conditions and the dominant wear mechanisms were correlated with the diameter of the embedded particles. The results show that machine hammer peening is a suitable technique for embedding hard particles in substrates of various materials, which additionally results in an enhancement in wear resistance, thus opening up a wide range of potential applications in tribologically loaded surfaces. 相似文献
We report three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction of optical parameters for the mesoscopic light scattering regime from experimentally obtained datasets by using polarized light. We present a numerically inexpensive approximation to the radiative transfer equation governing the polarized light transport. This approximation is employed in the reconstruction algorithm, which computes two optical parameters by using parallel and perpendicular polarizations of transmitted light. Datasets were obtained by imaging a scattering phantom embedding highly absorbing inclusions. Reconstruction results are presented and discussed. 相似文献