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The first results of the movable electrode biasing experiments performed on the IR-T1 tokamak are presented. For this purpose, a movable electrode biasing system was designed, constructed, and installed on the IR-T1 tokamak, and then the positive voltage applied to an electrode inserted inside the tokamak limiter and the plasma current, poloidal and radial components of the magnetic fields, loop voltage, and diamagnetic flux in the absence and presence of the biased electrode were measured. Results compared and discussed.  相似文献   
Resorcinol formaldehyde xerogels are modified by mercaptopropyl‐trimethoxysilane during the sol–gel process used to produce the xerogel. The chemical modification is confirmed by Fourier‐transform infrared spectroscopy. The xerogel is then used to adsorb mercury ions from aqueous solutions. The effects of the molar ratios of the precursors as well as the catalyst and the modifier are studied on the textural properties of the xerogel and the adsorption efficiency. It is shown that the chemical modification of the resorcinol formaldehyde xerogels creates the chemical sites on the structure of the xerogel to adsorb more mercury ions and increase the adsorption efficiency. At the same time, chemical modification decreases the xerogel surface area which results in a reduction of the mercury adsorption. Therefore, there exists an optimum value for the chemical modification of the xerogel to achieve the highest adsorption efficiency. Adsorption kinetics as well as equilibrium isotherm of xerogels were examined using pseudo‐first‐ and second‐order kinetic equations, and Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm models. The adsorption kinetics was found to follow the pseudo‐second‐order kinetic equations. The experimental data was also fitted into the Longmuir model more precisely comparing the Freundlich model. Finally, a series of mercury adsorption–desorption tests proved that the optimized mercapto‐modified resorcinol formaldehyde xerogel was an efficient reusable adsorbent for mercury ions. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2015 , 132, 42543.  相似文献   
Fiber‐graded poly(propylene) was modified by polyester‐amide‐based dendritic nanostructures with the aim of improving its dyeability. Two different dendritic polymers were used and the dendritic nanostructures were formed in situ via reactive blending with maleic anhydride‐modified poly(propylene). Samples were chosen exploiting a 4‐component mixture design. Thermal, morphological, and rheological characterizations showed domains with different size and distribution were formed and primary properties of the dendritics determined the characteristics of the resulted domains. Morphological parameters were quantified by digital analysis of scanning electron microscope images. Thermal and rheological behavior also demonstrated good agreements with the inferred morphology of the formed dendritic domains. The modified samples were then dyed with dispersed dyestuffs. A variety of substantivities were obtained, and some of the modified samples showed a significant enhancement in dyeing properties. A predictive model was developed for K/S ratio, where K and S are absorption and scattering coefficients of the Kubelka‐Munk one constant theory, respectively. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012  相似文献   
Salinity of the San Francisco Bay Delta has been studied for the past seven decades. There is a significant gradient in salinity within this estuarine system that influences the growth and distribution of phytoplankton as well as the abundance and migration of shrimp and fish population. Several government agencies which have jurisdictions over this area are attempting to gather extensive data for effectively monitoring of this estuary. Repetitive remotely sensed data acquired from Landsat may be considered by these agencies as having the potential to provide a cost-effective method for gathering and processing water quality related data. In this study, Landsat multispectral scanner (MSS) data and color and color infrared photographs acquired from a U-2 aircraft were combined with surface measurements for salinity mapping of the San Francisco Bay Delta. The salinity measurements and U-2 photography were obtained simultaneously and coincident with landsat overpass. A regression model was developed between the surface truth data and Landsat digital data for 29 preselected sample sites and was then extended to the entire study area. The results included a salinity map of the study area and the statistical summaries. The results were in general agreement with the reported distribution of salinity values in the literature for the same time of the year. Based on the results and the associated analyses of natural color and color infrared photographs and Landsat color composite imagery, it was concluded that: (1) it was virtually impossible, at least within this test site, to establish any quantitative judgement regarding the salinity values by visual interpretation of the imagery; and (2) the present study constitutes the first effort to successfully use Landsat digital data for salinity mapping, by means of digital processing, for this geographic area.  相似文献   
Polypropylene (PP) as a thermoplastic polymer has been foamed using batch foaming process. CO2 is used as the blowing agent of the foaming. Ferrous oxide nanoparticles (nano Fe2O3) are also added as reinforcement. Effect of different parameters including nanoparticle weight percentage, foaming temperature and time on the structural properties of PP/nano Fe2O3 nanocomposites is investigated using Taguchi approach. Scanning electron microscope results depict that an appropriate microcellular structure is obtained with the cell density of 109 cells/cm3 and almost 1 μm of cell size. Analysis of variance results indicated that foaming temperature is the most significant parameter on the structural properties. Cell density and expansion ratio are decreased by increasing foaming temperature. This phenomenon could be due to the reducing melt strength of polymer/gas mixture. It was also inferred that adding 2 wt% of nanoparticles leads to 80% improvement in cell density while cell size and expansion ratio was decreased.  相似文献   
Conservation laws in cellular automata (CA) are studied as an abstraction of the conservation laws observed in nature. In addition to the usual real-valued conservation laws we also consider more general group-valued and semigroup-valued conservation laws. The (algebraic) conservation laws in a CA form a hierarchy, based on the range of the interactions they take into account. The conservation laws with smaller interaction ranges are the homomorphic images of those with larger interaction ranges, and for each specific range there is a most general law that incorporates all those with that range. For one-dimensional CA, such a most general conservation law has—even in the semigroup-valued case—an effectively constructible finite presentation, while for higher-dimensional CA such effective construction exists only in the group-valued case. It is even undecidable whether a given two-dimensional CA conserves a given semigroup-valued energy assignment. Although the local properties of this hierarchy are tractable in the one-dimensional case, its global properties turn out to be undecidable. In particular, we prove that it is undecidable whether this hierarchy is trivial or unbounded. We point out some interconnections between the structure of this hierarchy and the dynamical properties of the CA. In particular, we show that positively expansive CA do not have non-trivial real-valued conservation laws.  相似文献   
This study aims to investigate the permanent deformation behavior of asphalt concrete reinforced by nylon fibers. Nylon fibers (12 mm length) have been added to a typical asphalt concrete at different percentages of 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, and 0.3% (based on total weight of mixture), and the permanent deformation behavior of the mixtures have been investigated by dynamic creep tests at different stress levels of 200 and 400 kPa, and different temperatures of 40, 50, and 60 °C on the mixtures. A three-stage model (developed by Zhou et al.) has been used for modeling the creep curve of the mixtures and determining the flow number and creep strain slope of the mixtures, which are used to describe the permanent deformation of asphaltic mixtures. The parameters of the models were determined in MATLAB using an algorithm established by Zhou et al. The results showed that the mixture reinforced by 0.1% of nylon fibers has the highest resistance to permanent deformation. The three-stage model was well fitted with the dynamic creep test results of the mixtures. The results also showed that the mixture containing 0.1% of nylon fibers has the lowest creep strain slope and the highest flow number, indicating that this mixture has the highest resistance to permanent deformation.  相似文献   
In this paper, crack detection and estimation method is presented in structures using modified extreme learning machine. For this purpose, extreme learning machine was modified using modified weights and biases. By using the first three frequencies and mode shapes as input, crack was detected as output. Performance of the proposed method was evaluated by using some numerical examples consisting of a simply supported beam, cantilever beam and fixed-simply supported beam. In addition, noise effect (3% noise level) on the measured frequencies and mode shapes have been investigated. In another work, a portal frame has been studied. The results indicated that the proposed method is effective and fast in crack detection and estimation of structures.  相似文献   
In this paper, a new algorithm for generating more-randomized keys for symmetrical cipher one-time pad (OTP) according to the linear congruential (LCG) method based on the idea of genetic algorithm is proposed. The method, genetic-based random key generator, is proposed for generating keys for the OTP method with a high degree of key randomness; this adds more strength to the OTP method against breaking this cryptosystem. This algorithm is composed of two parts. Initially, the first population is being generated by LCG method, and then, genetic operators for generating the next populations are being used. Generating random keys with the presented method requires seven-parameter key that increases the security of communication between the transceivers.  相似文献   
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