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A new lateral MOS-gated thyristor, called the Base-Current-Controlled Thyristor, is described. This device is designed so that most holes at the on-stage reach the P base through the floating P+ region adjacent to the P base and the on-state MOSFET. At the turn-off stage, the interruption of the hole current to the P base due to switching off the above MOSFET occurs simultaneously with the conventional turn-off operation. The concept of this device is verified experimentally by using the fabricated lateral device with the external MOSFET. This device exhibits a better trade-off relation between the on-state voltage and the turn-off time compared uith the conventional MOS-gated thyristor  相似文献   
The effects of the inclination angle β of the [001] axis out of the sheet plane on the thickness dependence of the power losses in  相似文献   
The accuracy and efficiency of the self-consistent (regarding the electric field) Monte Carlo model, nonself-consistent Monte Carlo model, and the soft-threshold lucky electron model (LEM) for the calculation of substrate currents in deep sub-μm n-MOSFET's are investigated. While the two Monte Carlo models are in good agreement with the experiment, the simpler LEM model still gives reasonable results even for a 0.16 μm n-MOSFET. On the other hand, huge differences in the CPU time consumption are found and the LEM is about four orders of magnitude faster than the self-consistent Monte Carlo simulations. The nonself-consistent calculations are only one order of magnitude slower than the LEM. The good agreement with the experiment is obtained without considering the so-called surface impact ionization or any fitting of parameters on the device level  相似文献   
A previous study has shown that the adhesion between the film and substrate of film‐insert injection‐molded poly(propylene) (PP) film/PP substrate was evident with the increases in barrel temperature and injection holding pressure. In this second part of the research work, the crystallinity at the interfacial region (i.e., region between the film and the injected substrate) was extensively studied using FTIR imaging, polarized light microscopy, and DSC in an attempt to determine the level of influence that crystallinity has on the interface and bulk mechanical properties. Consequently, a more thorough and clearer picture of the influence of the inserted film on the interfacial crystallinity and subsequently the substrate mechanical properties, such as peel strength and impact strength, has been revealed. The initial proposition that crystallinity could enhance film–substrate interfacial bonding has been confirmed, judging from the higher peel strength with increasing crystallinity at the interfacial region. Nevertheless, the change in crystallinity was not only confined to the interfacial region. With the film acting as heat‐transfer inhibitor between the injected resin and the mold wall, the total crystal structure of the substrate was substantially altered, which subsequently affected the bulk mechanical properties. The lower impact strength of film‐insert injection‐molded samples compared to that of samples without film inserts provided evidence of how the film could impart inferior properties to the substrate. The difference in cooling rate between the substrate and film might also cause other defects such as warpage and/or residual stress build‐up within the product. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 98: 294–301, 2005  相似文献   
Titanium carbide nano-fiber was synthesized by self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) method. The final products after the SHS reaction were titanium carbide containing excess carbon and metallic titanium, which were removed by additional leaching process. TEM observation revealed that the average diameter is about 20 nm. Neutron diffraction analysis was carried out to study non-stoichiometric number of the titanium carbide. The non-stoichiometric numbers of the titanium carbide were 0.89–0.94. The Rietveld refinement of each patterns converged to good agreement (÷2=0.49–1.34). The formation mechanism of the carbide is related to a liquid-solid reaction including the preferential diffusion process of carbon atom into liquid titanium. This article is based on a presentation made in the 2002 Korea-US symposium on the “Phase Transformations of Nano-Materials,” organized as a special program of the 2002 Annual Meeting of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, held at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea on October 25–26, 2002.  相似文献   
Process and device parameters are characterized in detail for a 30-GHz fT submicrometer double poly-Si bipolar technology using a BF2-implanted base with a rapid thermal annealing (RTA) process. Temperature ramping during the emitter poly-Si film deposition process minimizes interfacial oxide film growth. An emitter RTA process at 1050°C for 30 s is required to achieve an acceptable emitter-base junction leakage current with an emitter resistance of 6.7×10-7 Ω-cm2, while achieving an emitter junction depth of 50 nm with a base width of 82 nm. The primary transistor parameters and the tradeoffs between cutoff frequency and collector-to-emitter breakdown voltage are characterized as functions of base implant dose, pedestal collector implant dose, link-base implant dose, and epitaxial-layer thickness. Transistor geometry dependences of device characteristics are also studied. Based on the characterization results for poly-Si resistors, boron-doped p-type poly-Si resistors show significantly better performance in temperature coefficient and linearity than arsenic-doped n-type poly-Si resistors  相似文献   
Structural and economical merits of a spherical silicon solar cell with semi-concentration reflector system have been discussed. The roles of the reflector system have been clarified; the reflector improves short-circuit current density and also open-circuit voltage by 4–6 times concentration to make a light irradiation area comparable to a p–n junction area. We have theoretically demonstrated that the spherical Si solar cell with semi-concentration reflector system can realize a performance comparable to that of conventional Si solar cells, with less amount of silicon material use.  相似文献   
C60/amorphous carbon superlattice structures were fabricated by shutter-controlled molecular beam deposition. The periodic structure of resulted films was confirmed by X-ray diffraction measurements. From the UV–vis reflectance/transmittance measurements, the energy shift of absorption edge was observed in the superlattice structures as a function of their well width. The carbon-based superlattice structure is the useful technique to control the band gap energy of carbon materials.  相似文献   
A solar energy powered Rankine cycle using supercritical CO2 for combined production of electricity and thermal energy is proposed. The proposed system consists of evacuated solar collectors, power generating turbine, high-temperature heat recovery system, low-temperature heat recovery system, and feed pump. The system utilizes evacuated solar collectors to convert CO2 into high-temperature supercritical state, used to drive a turbine and thereby produce mechanical energy and hence electricity. The system also recovers heat (high-temperature heat and low-temperature heat), which could be used for refrigeration, air conditioning, hot water supply, etc. in domestic or commercial buildings. An experimental prototype has been designed and constructed. The prototype system has been tested under typical summer conditions in Kyoto, Japan; It was found that CO2 is efficiently converted into high-temperature supercritical state, of while electricity and hot water can be generated. The experimental results show that the solar energy powered Rankine cycle using CO2 works stably in a trans-critical region. The estimated power generation efficiency is 0.25 and heat recovery efficiency is 0.65. This study shows the potential of the application of the solar-powered Rankine cycle using supercritical CO2.  相似文献   
This study explores some problems to analyze time-course gene expression data by state-space models (SSMs). One problem is regarding the methods of parameter estimation and determination of the dimension of the internal state variable. Although several methods have been applied, there are few literature studies which with to compare them. Thus, this paper gives a brief review of the existing literature that use the SSM to analyze the gene expression time-course data. Another problem is the identifiability of the model. If the parameters of SSMs are simply estimated without any constraints for parameter space, they lack identifiability. To identify a system uniquely, it requires a specific algorithm to estimate the parameters with some constraints. For that purpose, an identifiable form of SSMs and an algorithm for estimating parameters are derived. The last problem is the extraction of biological information by interpreting the estimated parameters, such as mechanism of gene regulations at the module level. For that one, this paper explores methods to extract further information using the estimated parameters, that is, reconstruction of a module network from time-course gene expression data  相似文献   
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