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GIS局部放电是造成绝缘材料劣化、电气设备故障的主要原因,检测GIS腔体内部的局部放电情况,有助于保证电力系统的安全可靠运行。然而在实际工程中,GIS内部结构较为复杂,不同弯角和绝缘子结构必然会对电磁波和光信号的传播特性产生一定的影响。文中根据252kVGIS的结构尺寸,建立仿真模型,研究不同距离、不同弯角结构、不同绝缘子下电磁波和光信号传播特性的差异,得到电磁波和光信号在设备腔体内部的变化规律。仿真结果表明,随着与放电源距离的增大,电磁波信号在400mm以外电场强度幅值近似呈线性衰减趋势,光信号强度整体呈指数衰减的趋势;L型、T型弯角结构对电磁波和光信号均有较强的衰减,但电磁波在弯角结构中反射严重,原始波与反射波叠加会造成信号强度增加;放电信号在经过不同绝缘子结构时,光信号的衰减远大于电磁波信号,盆式绝缘子比圆盘式对电磁波信号的衰减作用更大,光信号的传播依赖于开孔的大小。文中的研究为实际特高频、光传感器的安置提供一定的理论指导。  相似文献   
采用γ-缩水甘油醚氧丙基三甲氧基硅烷(KH560)对氮化硼纳米片(BNNS)进行表面改性,然后将其掺入环氧树脂基体中,制备了环氧树脂/功能化氮化硼纳米片(EP/BNNS-KH560)复合材料。对功能化氮化硼纳米片的结构及形貌进行测定,并对EP/BNNS-KH560复合材料的性能进行研究。结果表明:BNNS表面成功接枝KH560,在透射电子显微镜下展现出透明薄层结构;宽能级间隙的BNNS-KH560填料的加入可以保持复合材料的高电绝缘性、优异的介电性能和力学性能,使其热稳定性提高,并能在环氧树脂基体中形成良好的导热通道,有效改善复合材料的导热性能。当复合材料中BNNS-KH560质量分数为20%时,复合材料的导热系数可达到0.51 W/(m·K)。  相似文献   
The arcing process greatly affects the breaking ability after current zero. The instability stage is the transition stage from the ignition to the movement stage, which affects the arc movement characteristics. In this paper, the arc characteristics during the instability stage on spiral-type contacts were investigated using a high-speed video camera. A multi-column parallel instability mode and a single-column instability mode were found during the instability stage. The arc appearance and constriction degree changed rapidly. The arc voltage usually increased accompanied by fluctuations. In addition, it was found that the current significantly influenced the arc mode and duration in the instability stage. With increased peak current, the probability of a single-column instability mode increased, and the fluctuation range and average time decreased.  相似文献   
利用城市用地评定软件(PDBZ系统),结合绥芬河市各区域的工程地质条件、地形地貌、水文、气象、自然生态、人为影响等因素对绥芬河市划分用地评定单元,并以各评定单元的基本指标和特殊指标作为分类统计和计算的参数,对各区域评定单元作为建设用地的适宜性作出评定,为合理规划区域城市最佳布局、合理开发利用城市土地提供依据。  相似文献   
针对GIS设备内部可能残存的微粒在受到母线电压时会发生运动的问题,建立了微粒运动的数值计算模型和GIS实验模型,在SF6/N2混合气体作为绝缘介质的情况下,仿真研究了不同微粒情况下的微粒运动特性及不同微粒陷阱对金属微粒的捕获情况.仿真发现:交流电压下,金属微粒会发生频繁的上下往复运动,金属微粒的密度越大,碰撞频率和最大...  相似文献   
真空断路器二次回路或操动机构运行状态能通过电流曲线特征反映.首先,通过对真空断路器分合闸线圈铁心卡涩、电压异常(过高或过低)和击穿3种常见故障进行实验室模拟,创建了故障电流曲线特征库.其次,利用故障电流信号经过经验模态分解后的经验模态分量中的能量密度乘对应平均周期为恒定常数的性质,提出一种改进经验模态分解方法来提取分合...  相似文献   
为减少温室效应气体SF6的使用量,从SF_6-N_2混合气体绝缘特性理论分析和试验研究两方面分析GIS设备用SF_6-N_2混合气体作为绝缘介质的可行性,结合SF_6-N_2混合气体绝缘性能和GIS母线罐体及元件承受压力能力,提出了GIS母线试应用SF_6-N_2混合气体绝缘时最佳体积混合比例。  相似文献   
介绍了GIS设备外壳环流产生的原理,以及因环流引起发热缺陷原因,并结合多个现场检测的典型案例,分析了GIS设备不同部位发热的热像特征,总结并提出了相应的处理意见。  相似文献   
分析了Sf6和N2气体的状态参量关系,按照GIS母线工程应用和高精度计算要求分别给出了Sf6-N2混合气体分压状态方程和SRK状态方程,研究了Sf6-N2混合气体液化和高落差时混合均匀性的情况,提供了一种工程应用的Sf6-N2混合气体饱和蒸汽压拟合公式,说明了GIS设备应用Sf6-N2混合气体时是否存在气体分层的问题。  相似文献   
With the continuous improvement of current levels in power systems,the demands on the breaking capacity requirements of vacuum circuit breakers are getting higher and higher.The breaking capacity of vacuum breakers is determined by cathode spots,which provide electrons and metal vapor to maintain the arc.In this paper,experiments were carried out on two kinds of transverse magnetic field (TMF) contacts in a demountable vacuum chamber,the behavior of the cathode spots was recorded by a high-speed charge-coupled device (CCD) video camera,and the characteristics of the cathode spots were analyzed through the image processing method.The phenomenon of cathode spot groups and the star-shaped pattern of the spots were both discovered in the experiment.The experimental results show that with the condition of TMF contacts the initial expansion speed of cathode spots is influenced by some parameters,such as the tested current,contact gap,the structure of the contact,the contact diameter,the number of slots,etc.In addition,the influence of the magnetic field on the formation of the cathode spot groups,the distribution,and the dynamic characteristics of the cathode spots were analyzed.It is concluded that the characteristics of the cathode spots are due to the effect of the magnetic field on the near-cathode plasma.The study of the characteristics of cathode spots in this paper would be helpful in the exploration of the physical process of vacuum arcs,and would be of guiding significance in optimizing the design of vacuum circuit breakers.  相似文献   
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