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1 IntroductionRecently,anewspace timecodeadaptedtomultipleantennaswirelessfadingchannelhasbeenproposed[1~6] .Thecodesarethejointdesignofcoding ,modulation ,transmissionandreceptiondi versityto providethebesttradeoffbetweendatarates,diversityadvantageandcodes… 相似文献
1 Introduction Toobtain goodresolutionandwideFOV ,manyopticaldesignerschoseTMAoff -axisas phericalconfigurationforthenextgenerationspacetelescopes.However,thedesignshavenotbeenmadeapplicableuntilthesignificantprogressesre centlytookplaceinopticaldesign ,c… 相似文献
YANG Jian hong CHENG Shu WANG You jun CHEN Fei YU Mao hong Department of Civil Engineering Xi''''an Jiaotong University Xi''''an P.R.China The Second Artillery Engineering College Xi''''an P.R.China 《国际设备工程与管理》2002,7(1)
In reference[1], we measured fracture properties of raw material, weld seam and heat-affected zone of high-pressure vessels(HPV); in this paper, we carried out safety evaluation on the basis of the previous work and predicted the lifetime of in-service vessels with flaw by use of the fracture criterion for model Ⅰ crack in fracture mechanics. This method reduced the artificial error and the ultrasonic testing operator‘s work burden. The experimental and theoretical bases for the defect assessment of military HPV were established. 相似文献
ThecriticalproblemsinGreysystemsaremodelingandprediction .Throughgenerationtran sitionandcorrelationanalysistechniques,greysystemtheoryproposedin 1 982becomesanusefultoolforinvestigatingevolutionmechanismsandde velopingpredictionmodelsforthatkindofsys tems… 相似文献
Liu Shan jun Xu Wei lin Wang Wei Qu Jing xue State Key Hydraulics Laboratory of High Speed Flows Sichuan University Chengdu China 《水动力学研究与进展(B辑)》2002,14(3)
1 . INTRODUCTIONJetflowhasbeenextensivelyappliedforenergydissipation .Indesign ,however,becauseofthecom plexityofproblemandthediffic 相似文献
1 Introduction Inmailcenters,theOVCSlettersortingma chine ,anintegratedincorporationofmechanism ,electricityandoptics,playsakeyroleinthepro cessingofletters.However ,thevarietiesandfre quenciesoffaultoccurrencesareincreasingwiththelastingservice.Thediffere… 相似文献
电力系统暂态摇摆曲线的分群 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2
采用模式分类的方法对摇摆曲线分群,先采用零相称低通滤波器和快速傅里叶变换对曲线预处理,然后进行了特征抽取,利用一个基于规则的简单的专家系统对特征集分类以得到与专家经验相符的结果。 相似文献
Using thermomechanical simulation experiment, the kinetics of the isothermal transformation of austenite to ferrite in two HSLA lowcarbon steels containing different amounts of niobium was investigated under the conditions of both deformation and undeformation. The results of optical microstructure observation and quantitative metallography analysis showed that the kinetics of the isothermal transformation of austenite to ferrite in lower niobium steel with and without deformation suggests a stage mechanism, wherein there exists a linear relationship between the logarithms of holding time and ferrite volume fraction according to Avrami equation, whereas the isothermal transformation of austenite to ferrite in high niobium steel proceeds via a two stage mechanism according to micrographs, wherein, the nucleation rate of ferrite in the initial stage of transformation is low, and in the second stage, the rate of transformation is high and the transformation of residual austenite to ferrite is rapidly complete. Using carbon extraction replica TEM, niobium carbide precipitation for different holding time was investigated and the results suggested that NbC precipitation and the presence of solute niobium would influence the transformation of austenite to ferrite. The mechanism of the effect of niobium on the isothermal transformation was discussed. 相似文献
Thepostalservicestructurereferstothestatus,whichisoftenrepresentedbytheproportionofacertainserviceamongthewholerevenues,andtherelationshipofvariouspostalserviceswithinthecon textoftheservicestructure.Thechangingpostalenvironmentleadstosomechangesintheservicestructure.Thefollowingpartofthepaperwillreviewthelawofitsdevelopmentandmakesananalysisofitscurrentcharacteristics,andtheexistingproblems .1 TheLawoftheDevelopmentoftheServiceStructure Fromthelate 1 980stotheendoflastcentury ,greatchan… 相似文献