The signal integrity metrics such as jitter, noise, peak-to-peak signal swing and power dissipation play a pivotal role in determining the quality of high data rate on-chip wireline communication and a decision circuit is the most vital section of it. This article explores an area efficient 40 Gb/s configuration of passive element free current mode decision module implemented in 90 nm CMOS technology. The simulation using Cadence Virtuoso platform is carried out at a power supply of 1.2 V along with a clock frequency of 40 GHz and pseudo random bit sequence data input of (27 − 1) having 1 ns bit period. The device foot print of entire arrangement is (76 × 23) µm2, which reads a power dissipation, delay, PDP, peak-to-peak jitter and RMS jitter of 7.02 mW, 198.1 ps, 1.391 pJ, 58.00 ps and 13.12 ps respectively. Monte Carlo runs with ‘no skew’ and 5% process skew are performed at different corners to prove the robustness of the design. The whole circuit is finally validated at lower technology node like 28 nm UMC.
相似文献This article proposes a design approach of common source (CS) amplifier based Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) to derive higher oscillation frequency. The working feature is such that, the active load of CS amplifier is varied to modulate the flow of current based on a bias circuit steered by an external controlled voltage (Vctrl), which controls the delay of each stage and thereby regulates the oscillation frequency. The circuit is designed and analyzed on Cadence Virtuoso platform at a supply voltage of 1.2 V for 90 nm CMOS to read a device footprint of 0.105 mm2, which offers a power burn and frequency of 2.092 mW and 9.21 GHz respectively with a phase noise and output noise of − 137.9 dBc/Hz and − 168.40 dB at 1 MHz offset frequency. To justify the reliability of the circuit we have conducted worst case analysis by considering effect of power delivery network (PDN) and corner variation along with 500 runs of Monte Carlo. The design is also introduced under 28 nm UMC to validate its scalability with technology trends.