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We consider a Galerkin Finite Element approximation of the Stokes-Darcy problem which models the coupling between surface and groundwater flows. Then we propose an iterative subdomain method for its solution, inspired to the domain decomposition theory. The convergence analysis that we develop is based on the properties of the discrete Steklov-Poincaré operators associated to the given coupled problem. An optimal preconditioner for Krylov methods is proposed and analyzed.  相似文献   
We propose a theory of remodelling in fibre-reinforced biological tissues, in which the fibre orientation follows a given probability density. The latter is characterised by variance and mean angle. We claim that the fibres may change their orientation in time, thereby triggering a remodelling process that can be described by the spatiotemporal evolution of the mean angle. This is determined by solving a balance of external and internal generalised forces. We assign the latter ones by establishing a constitutive theory capable of resolving the spatial variability of the fibre mean angle and featuring a free energy density of the Allen–Cahn type. Through numerical simulations, we compare the predictions of our model with the results of another model available in the literature. Finally, we interpret the evolution of the mean angle as the consequence of a symmetry breaking that occurs in the tissue both spontaneously and due to the coupling between remodelling and deformation.  相似文献   
The complexity and variety of bibliographic data is growing, and efforts to define new methodologies and techniques for bibliometric analysis are intensifying. In this complex scenario, one of the most crucial issues is the quality of data and the capability of bibliometric analysis to cope with multiple data dimensions. Although the problem of enforcing a multidimensional approach to the analysis and management of bibliographic data is not new, a reference design pattern and a specific conceptual model for multidimensional analysis of bibliographic data are still missing. In this paper, we discuss ten of the most relevant challenges for bibliometric analysis when dealing with multidimensional data, and we propose a reference data model that, according to different goals, can help analysis designers and bibliographic experts in working with large collections of bibliographic data.  相似文献   
In preparation for picosecond pump-probe experiments at the SwissFEL X-ray laser facility, the feasibility of collectively initiating surface chemical reactions using energetic pulses of terahertz radiation is being tested.  相似文献   
The University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT) and a smell ability questionnaire were administered to 167 Japanese volunteers ranging in age from 20 to 59 years. Of these subjects, 80 also received the T&T olfactometer threshold test. Of the latter subjects, 36 were patients tested before endoscopic nasal surgery for sinusitis and polyposis. The patients exhibited decreased smell function, as measured by the T&T olfactometer, the UPSIT, and a 30-item version of the UPSIT in which the 10 least familiar items were removed (ps < 0.001). Spearman correlations ranging from 0.53 to 0.70 were found between (i) scores on the 30- and 40-item UPSITs and (ii) the T&T detection and recognition threshold values. Significant correlations were found between scores on the smell ability questionnaire and the olfactory test measures (UPSIT30 r = 0.56; UPSIT40 r = 0.58; T&T detection r = 0.56; T&T recognition r = 0.69, p < 0.001), indicating that subjects are relatively accurate in assessing their olfactory ability. This study suggests that the 30 and 40-item UPSITs correlate well with measures derived from the T&T olfactometer, and that all three tests are sensitive to the smell loss of Japanese sinusitis/polyposis patients.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Clinical and angiographic criteria have a limited ability to predict adverse outcome in patients with unstable angina who are undergoing percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). We investigated whether the use of angioscopy can improve prediction of early adverse outcome after PTCA. METHODS AND RESULTS: Angioscopic characterization of the culprit lesion was performed before PTCA in 32 patients with unstable angina and 10 with non-Q-wave infarction. Seven patients (17%) had an adverse outcome (myocardial infarction, repeat PTCA, or need for coronary artery bypass graft surgery) within 24 hours after PTCA. Six of 18 patients with a yellow culprit lesion had an adverse outcome compared with 1 of 24 in whom the culprit lesion was white (P = .03). Six of 20 patients with plaque disruption suffered an adverse outcome compared with 1 of 22 with nondisrupted plaques (P = .04). Six of 17 patients with intraluminal thrombus had an adverse outcome, whereas only 1 of 25 patients without thrombus suffered an adverse outcome (P = .01). Yellow color, disruption, and thrombus at the culprit lesion site were associated with an eightfold increase in risk of adverse outcome after PTCA. The prediction of PTCA outcome based on characteristics of the plaque that were identifiable by angioscopy was superior to that estimated by the use of angiographic variables. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with unstable angina and non-Q-wave infarction, angioscopic features of disruption, yellow color, or thrombus at the culprit lesion site can identify patients at high risk of early adverse outcome after PTCA. Angioscopy was superior to angiography for prediction of PTCA outcome.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the limits of scintillating screens for beam profile monitoring in the ultra-low energy, ultra-low intensity regime, CsI:Tl, YAG:Ce, and a Tb glass-based scintillating fiber optic plate (SFOP) were tested. The screens response to 200 and 50 keV proton beams with intensities ranging from a few picoampere down to the subfemtoampere region was examined. In the following paper, the sensitivity and resolution studies are presented in detail for CsI:Tl and the SFOP, the two most sensitive screens. In addition, a possible use of scintillators for ultra-low energy antiproton beam monitoring is discussed.  相似文献   
We propose a technique for thermal neutron detection, based on a (6)Li converter placed in front of scintillating fibers readout by means of silicon photomultipliers. Such a technique allows building cheap and compact detectors and dosimeters, thus possibly opening new perspectives in terms of granular monitoring of neutron fluxes as well as space-resolved neutron detection.  相似文献   
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