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Beschreibung der Versuchsapparatur zur Messung der Thermospannung der Kette Rh |T + Δ AIN |T Rh für Temperatur-differenzen bis zu ± 60 °C zwischen 1350 und 1650 °C. Ermittlung der Thermokraft und ihres homogenen Anteils. Berechnung der Überführungswärme der wandernden Ionen aus der homogenen Thermokraft. Erörterung zum Leitungsmechanismus im Aluminiumnitrid AlN.  相似文献   
Zusammenstellung von Schrifttumsangaben für die Änderung der freien Standardenthalpien der Reaktionen , Mo + O2 ? MoO2 und in Eisenschmelzen. Neubestimmung der Temperaturabhängigkeiten der Größen ΔGoCr2O3, ΔGoMoO2 und ΔGoO im Eisen bei Temperaturen zwischen 1460 bzw. 1530 und 1725 °C. Nachweis der Anwendbarkeit der neu ermittelten thermodynamischen Funktionen durch EMK-Parallelmessungen an ThO2 (Y2O3)- und ZrO2 (MgO)-Festelektrolytzellen mit Cr-Cr2O3- und Mo-MoO2-Referenzelektroden in Reineisenschmelzen bei 1600 °C. Ermittlung des Parameters pe′ der Elektronenteilleitfähigkeit für einen teilstabilisierten ZrO2-Festelektrolyten mit einem Stoffmengengehalt von 5% MgO.  相似文献   
Entwicklung verschiedener Kalorimeteranordnungen zur Bestimmung des Wärmeinhalts zwischen 0 und 25, 25 und 65, 25 und 1400 und zwischen 25 und 1720 °C. Die mittlere und wahre spezifische Wärme von Schmelzkalk (Kristallkalk). Vergleich der Ergebnisse mit Angaben des Schrifttums über gebrannten Kalk.  相似文献   
In this paper, basic unsteady flow types and transient event types are categorized, and then unsteady friction models are tested for each type of transient event. One important feature of any unsteady friction model is its ability to correctly model frictional dissipation in unsteady flow conditions under a wide a range of possible transient event types. This is of importance to the simulation of transients in pipe networks or pipelines with various devices in which a complex series of unsteady flow types are common. Two common one-dimensional unsteady friction models are considered, namely, the constant coefficient instantaneous acceleration-based model and the convolution-based model. The modified instantaneous acceleration-based model, although an improvement, is shown to fail for certain transient event types. Additionally, numerical errors arising from the approximate implementation of the instantaneous acceleration-based model are determined, suggesting some previous good fits with experimental data are due to numerical error rather than the unsteady friction model. The convolution-based model is successful for all transient event types. Both approaches are tested against experimental data from a laboratory pipeline.  相似文献   
Psychologists are often asked to testify in court. However, concerns have been expressed in both the legal and psychological literatures about the quality of these services. This article presents survey results comparing the practice patterns of generally licensed psychologists with those of specialist forensic diplomates in providing risk evaluations. Results suggest that general clinicians frequently perform these evaluations, but forensic diplomates use more modern risk instruments, are more aware of the scientific literature, and provide the court with more information about the scientific basis of their testimony. The implication of these results for legal professionals, psychologist training, and practice are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Two thin-film microelectrode arrays with integrated circuitry have been developed for extracellular neural recording in behaving animals. An eight-site probe for simultaneous neural recording and stimulation has been designed that includes on-chip amplifiers that can be individually bypassed, allowing direct access to the iridium sites for electrical stimulation. The on-probe amplifiers have a gain of 38.9 dB, an upper-cutoff frequency of 9.9 kHz, and an input-referred noise of 9.2 microV rms integrated from 100 Hz to 10 kHz. The low-frequency cutoff of the amplifier is tunable to allow the recording of field potentials and minimize stimulus artifact. The amplifier consumes 68 microW from +/- 1.5 V supplies and occupies 0.177 mm2 in 3 microm features. In vivo recordings have shown that the preamplifiers can record single-unit activity 1 ms after the onset of stimulation on sites as close as 20 microm to the stimulating electrode. A second neural recording array has been developed which multiplexes 32 neural signals onto four output data leads. Providing gain on this array eliminates the need for bulky headmounted circuitry and reduces motion artifacts. The time-division multiplexing circuitry has crosstalk between consecutive channels of less than 6% at a sample rate of 20 kHz per channel. Amplified, time-division-multiplexed multichannel neural recording allows the large-scale recording of neuronal activity in freely behaving small animals with minimum number of interconnect leads.  相似文献   
High resolution synchrotron-based core level spectroscopy was used to examine the energy level alignment at the interface of zinc–tetraphenylporphyrin films doped by the surface acceptor C60F48. Two distinct fluorofullerene charge states were identified, corresponding to ionized and neutral molecules, and their relative concentration as a function of coverage was used to evaluate the probability of occupation of the acceptor lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO). From an initial acceptor energy of ?0.25 eV, the C60F48 LUMO shifts upwards with coverage due to a doping-induced interfacial dipole potential, and stabilization of the LUMO at an energy 0.45 eV above the Fermi energy was obtained. While the energy difference upon saturation is consistent with the results obtained for other donor–acceptor systems that have been interpreted as Fermi level pinning, the present work shows that the energy offset is a direct consequence of the interplay between Fermi–Dirac statistics in combination with the interfacial dipole potential.  相似文献   
Beschreibung der Dämpfungsmessung zur Ermittlung interstitiell gelöster Elemente. Erläuterung der Ermittlung der Dämpfung durch Zeitmessung und Beschreibung des Versuchsaufbaus mit Zeitmeßeinrichtung und Datenverarbeitung. Darstellung der Versuchsergebnisse in Dämpfung-Temperatur-Kurven an Eisenlegierungen mit Stickstoff und Kohlenstoff und unterschiedlichen Mangangehalten.  相似文献   
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