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The COMPACT approach for defining structural criteria for substrates and inducers of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes which mediate the formation of reactive intermediates is discussed in the context of prediction of potential carcinogenicity. This is broadened to encompass structural studies on mammalian P450s, including those relevant to genetic polymorphism in man. The use of the COMPACT system, in parallel with the structure alert program HazardExpert (now incorporated into the Pallas system), for evaluating human carcinogenicity data is reported, as an example of the possible employment of a battery of short-term test procedures for safety evaluation. In particular, the importance of using the log P value (as a measure of compound lipophilicity) to assess the likelihood of a potentially toxic compound reaching the site of activation, is emphasized by the finding that most procarcinogens requiring metabolic activation by P450s are lipophilic in nature.  相似文献   
Phorbol ester treatment of MCF-7 cells led to the tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of PKC delta. However, through Western blot analysis and in vitro immunecomplex kinase assays, we detected a differential localization of tyrosine-phosphorylated PKC delta and catalytically active PKC delta. Catalytically active PKC delta was concentrated in Triton X-100 solubilized-membrane fractions while tyrosine-phosphorylated PKC delta was localized to the cytosol fraction. Phorbol ester treatment of MCF-7 cells stimulated both the time-dependent in vivo association of Src with PKC delta, evidenced in Src immunoprecipitates by the co-immunoprecipitation of PKC delta, and activation of Src, evidenced in Src immunoprecipitates as an increase in reactivity with a Src antibody (clone 28) reactive only with active Src (dephosphorylated on residue 530) and in Src and PKC delta immunoprecipitates by an increase in Src kinase activity. While our data are consistent with reports in the literature showing the activator/stimulus-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of PKC delta, our data show that the tyrosine phosphorylation of PKC delta is not essential for kinase activity. These results are the first to demonstrate an in vivo association between PKC delta and active Src in the absence of over-expression of either PKC delta or Src, and support the association of Src and PKC delta towards a physiological function.  相似文献   
It is unclear whether the intracardial immune reactivity after heart transplantation influences the peripheral immunological status (activation or nonresponsiveness) of the patient. Co-stimulation and activation-induced cell death (AICD) or apoptosis play an important role in determining the balance between lymphocyte reactivity and nonreactivity. Therefore, we studied the expression of co-stimulatory molecules and the process of apoptosis in biopsies of human heart allografts, using immunohistochemistry. Although a normal expression of co-stimulatory molecules on antigen-presenting cells was observed, the expression of their counter-structures on T cells was absent. This may be due to chronic T cell activation, which can lead to the induction of apoptosis via the Fas/Fas ligand pathway. In the infiltrates, a considerable percentage of the lymphocytes, but not the macrophages, were apoptotic. Apoptosis was confirmed by DNA fragmentation analysis. Increased numbers of Bax-expressing versus decreased numbers of Bcl2-expressing lymphocytes in comparison with normal lymphoid tissue confirmed a imbalance in favor of apoptosis. Apoptosis was biased towards CD4+ T cells (65.7% versus 26.6% in CD8+ T cells). Fas was expressed on most of the infiltrating cells. Fas ligand expression was also observed, not only on most of the T cells but also on all macrophages. Because macrophages were often detected in close contact with T cells, they may play a role in T cell regulation via the Fas/Fas ligand pathway. This study indicates that, during rejection, not only is tissue damage induced by infiltrating T cells, but also the infiltrating lymphocytes themselves are actively down-regulated (eg, AICD) by one another and by macrophages in the infiltrate. This regulatory process may affect the immunological status of the patient after heart transplantation.  相似文献   
Most breast mass lesions are readily characterized by FNA with cytodiagnosis. Occasionally, benign but markedly proliferative lesions are diagnostically difficult to separate from well differentiated malignancies. We present information pertaining to the diagnostic significance of two cytologic findings observed in breast aspiration specimens, namely pairs of stripped bipolar nuclei and signet ring cells (SRC). We have evaluated aspirate smears from 219 cases of histologically proven benign (n = 114) and malignant (n = 105) breast lesions. Both singlets and pairs of bipolar nuclei and SRC were enumerated, and their numbers were correlated to histological diagnosis. Closely associated pairs of stripped bipolar nuclei were found in 68% of benign lesions compared with only 3.8% of carcinomas, establishing their presence as a highly specific indicator of a benign process. Large numbers of such 'benign pairs' also favoured the diagnosis of fibroadenoma. SRC were identified in 66% of histologically proven carcinomas (67% of ductal and 70% of lobular). SRC were also present in 10% of histologically benign cases. In the malignant cases, SRC were most frequently noted in a single cell distribution or within small, loosely cohesive tissue fragments. In the benign instances, SRC were most commonly noted within large fragments, and many of these cells were proved by immunohistochemical reactions to be vacuolated myoepithelial cells. We conclude that the presence of bipolar nuclei in closely associated pairs suggests benignity and aids in the subclassification of benign breast masses. In addition, the presence of SRC does not aid in the classification of tumour subtype (ductal vs lobular), and the occurrence of such cells in the proper context should prompt surgical biopsy.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Few studies have compared the outcome of radical prostatectomy between African-American males (AAM) and white males, and the results of the few studies that have are conflicting. Therefore, the authors examined the impact of radical surgery on localized prostate carcinoma in both patient populations, and assessed whether stratification by pathologic extent of local disease would yield an equivalent outcome. METHODS: Prostate specific antigen (PSA) failure and carcinoma-associated death rates were assessed in 1319 patients (115 AAM and 1204 white males), 872 of whom had a pretreatment serum PSA level taken. The percent of prostate involved by tumor, tumor wet weight, and DNA ploidy status were available in 755, 522, and 638 patients, respectively. RESULTS: AAM were diagnosed at an earlier age than white males (62.8 years vs. 65.4 years; P = 0.0001). The distribution of pathologic extent of local disease was similar in both races, and AAM had a statistically higher rate of tumors with a Gleason sum of 7-10 at surgery than white males (64% vs. 46%). Race did not play a role in the outcome of patients with organ-confined or specimen-confined tumors. However, in patients with positive surgical margins, the median time to PSA failure and the median carcinoma-associated survival were less in AAM compared with white males. Tumor volume was significantly larger in AAM compared with white males. After multivariate adjustment for the pathologic extent of local disease, tumor grade at surgery, preoperative PSA, tumor volume, and age, African-American race was not a significant prognostic indicator for carcinoma-associated death and PSA failure (P = 0.17 and 0.14, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The outcome of radical prostatectomy was similar in both racial groups, although AAM with positive surgical margins tended to fail earlier than white males, suggesting greater biologic aggressiveness of residual disease. Because local extent of disease impacts on PSA failure and survival, and because the disease appears to present earlier in AAM, the AAM population may benefit from early detection programs.  相似文献   
P450 cytochromes (P450) catalyze many types of oxidative reactions, including the conversion of olefinic substrates to epoxides by oxygen insertion. In some instances epoxidation leads to the formation of products of physiological importance from naturally occurring substrates, such as arachidonic acid, and to the toxicity, carcinogenicity, or teratogenicity of foreign compounds, including drugs. In the present mechanistic study, the rates of oxidation of model olefins were determined with N-terminal-truncated P450s 2B4 and 2E1 and their respective mutants in which the threonine believed to facilitate proton delivery to the active site was replaced by alanine. Styrene epoxidation, cyclohexene epoxidation and hydroxylation to give 1-cyclohexene-3-ol, and cis- or trans-butene epoxidation (without isomerization) and hydroxylation to give 2-butene-1-ol were all significantly decreased by the 2B4 T302A mutation. Reduced proton delivery in this mutant is believed to interfere with the activation of dioxygen to the oxenoid species, as shown earlier by decreased hydroxylation of several substrates and enhanced aldehyde deformylation via a presumed peroxo intermediate. Of particular interest, however, the T303A mutation of P450 2E1 resulted in enhanced epoxidation of all of the model olefins along with decreased allylic hydroxylation of cyclohexene and butene. These results and a comparison of the ratios of the rates of epoxidation and hydroxylation support the concept that two different species with electrophilic properties, hydroperoxo-iron (FeO2H)3+ and oxenoid-iron (FeO)3+, can effect olefin epoxidation. The ability of cytochrome P450 to use several different active oxidants generated from molecular oxygen may help account for the broad reaction specificity and variety of products formed by this versatile catalyst.  相似文献   
DF Murchison  RB Worthington 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,19(7):731-4, 736, 738 passim; quiz 744
Anterior crown fractures in children and adolescents are a common form of injury, affecting approximately 25% of that population. Common restorative treatments such as composite bonding, laminate veneers, or full-coverage restorations tend to sacrifice healthy tooth structure and challenge dentists to match the adjacent unrestored dentition. Incisal edge fragment reattachment, including the use of current bonding techniques, is a restorative treatment option that offers the advantages of simplicity, immediate esthetics, and conservatism in cases of dental trauma. This article presents a comprehensive literature review on this restorative technique. It also provides diagnostic and treatment algorithms to simplify and clarify the recommended diagnostic and clinical regimens.  相似文献   
The contribution of BRCA1 and BRCA2 to inherited breast cancer was assessed by linkage and mutation analysis in 237 families, each with at least four cases of breast cancer, collected by the Breast Cancer Linkage Consortium. Families were included without regard to the occurrence of ovarian or other cancers. Overall, disease was linked to BRCA1 in an estimated 52% of families, to BRCA2 in 32% of families, and to neither gene in 16% (95% confidence interval [CI] 6%-28%), suggesting other predisposition genes. The majority (81%) of the breast-ovarian cancer families were due to BRCA1, with most others (14%) due to BRCA2. Conversely, the majority of families with male and female breast cancer were due to BRCA2 (76%). The largest proportion (67%) of families due to other genes was found in families with four or five cases of female breast cancer only. These estimates were not substantially affected either by changing the assumed penetrance model for BRCA1 or by including or excluding BRCA1 mutation data. Among those families with disease due to BRCA1 that were tested by one of the standard screening methods, mutations were detected in the coding sequence or splice sites in an estimated 63% (95% CI 51%-77%). The estimated sensitivity was identical for direct sequencing and other techniques. The penetrance of BRCA2 was estimated by maximizing the LOD score in BRCA2-mutation families, over all possible penetrance functions. The estimated cumulative risk of breast cancer reached 28% (95% CI 9%-44%) by age 50 years and 84% (95% CI 43%-95%) by age 70 years. The corresponding ovarian cancer risks were 0.4% (95% CI 0%-1%) by age 50 years and 27% (95% CI 0%-47%) by age 70 years. The lifetime risk of breast cancer appears similar to the risk in BRCA1 carriers, but there was some suggestion of a lower risk in BRCA2 carriers <50 years of age.  相似文献   
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