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Various researchers have carried out forest fire analysis using NOAA satellite images. There are several methods of doing this, and most can detect a fire. However, many false fires were also detected, and, in some cases, actual fires were missed. We analysed four satellite‐based fire detection methods using data from AVHRR of NOAA‐16 over a period of three to six months for the Sakhalin region and the Japan region. Considering the fundamental differences, problems, and effectiveness of these methods, we have constructed an improved fire detection method with statistical analysis. Our method has reduced false fire detection significantly, as well as detected actual fire with accuracy.  相似文献   

In a fuel handling system of sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs), it is necessary to remove the sodium remaining on spent fuel assemblies (FAs) before storing them in a spent fuel water pool (SFP). A next-generation SFR in Japan has adopted an advanced dry-cleaning system that consists of argon gas blowing to remove the metallic residual sodium on the FA, which increases economic competitiveness and reduces waste products thanks to a waterless process. In this R&D work, the performance of the dry cleaning process has been investigated.

This paper describes experimental and analytical studies focusing on the amount of residual sodium remaining on a fuel pin bundle before and after the argon gas blowing process. The experiments were conducted using a sodium test loop and a short (approximately 1 m) specimen consisting of a 7-pin bundle. The effects of the blowing gas velocity and the blowing time were quantitatively analyzed in the experiments. The blowing gas velocity was varied from 3.9 to 31.3 m/s, and 113 data-points of the residual sodium were collected during the experiment. On the basis of these experimental results, the residual sodium quantification method for the fuel pin bundle was constructed.  相似文献   
Material properties, such as elasticity data at wide-ranging conditions of pressure and temperature, attract increasing attention for material and earth sciences. In particular, polycrystalline ceramics for next-generation photonic applications are nowadays fabricated by advanced syntheses techniques operating under elevated pressures and temperatures. Herein, the elastic properties of a synthetic transparent and reinforced aluminosilicate nanoceramic composed of triclinic kyanite with minor amounts of trigonal α-alumina crystals are investigated using in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction and ultrasonic techniques at high-pressure (up to 11 GPa) and high-temperature (300-1500 K) conditions. This not only enables the determination of the equation of state (EoS) parameters by applying the pressure-volume-temperature (P-V-T) data to the high-temperature Birch-Murnaghan EoS but also yields the elastic moduli together with their P and T derivatives from the fit of the compressional and shear wave velocities to a finite strain EoS: KS0,300 = 186(2) GPa, KS0,300 = 7.2(6), (∂KS0,300/∂T)P = −0.023(2) GPa K−1, G0,300 = 125(1) GPa G0,300 = 2.3(2), (∂G0,300/∂T)P = −0.017(1) GPa K−1. On the basis of our acquired results, we propose to predict the elastic moduli of aluminosilicate ceramics by a linear function of the ratio of AlO6 octahedra and SiO4 tetrahedra within the constituting phases.  相似文献   
Pancreatic stellate cells (PSCs) mainly consist of cancer-associating fibroblasts in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). The receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) is implicated in the pathophysiology of diabetic complications. Here, we studied the implication of RAGE in PSC activation in PDAC. The activation of cultured mouse PSCs was evaluated by qPCR. The induction of epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) in PDAC cell lines was assessed under stimulation with culture supernatant from activated PSCs. A total of 155 surgically resected PDAC subjects (83 nondiabetic, 18 with ≦3-years and 54 with >3-years history of diabetes) were clinicopathologically evaluated. A high-fat diet increased the expression of activated markers in cultured PSCs, which was abrogated by RAGE deletion. Culture supernatant from activated PSCs facilitated EMT of PDAC cells with elevation of TGF−β and IL−6, but not from RAGE−deleted PSCs. Diabetic subjects complicated with metabolic syndrome, divided by cluster analysis, showed higher PSC activation and RAGE expression. In such groups, PDAC cells exhibited an EMT nature. The complication of metabolic syndrome with diabetes significantly worsened disease−free survival of PDAC subjects. Thus, RAGE in PSCs can be viewed as a new promoter and a future therapeutic target of PDAC in diabetic subjects with metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   
In this paper, we focus on relationship between the rope and fingers to implement a knot and estimate error occurred during execution of knotting task. In the previous work, the authors have proposed a method for making various knots from synthesis of basic operations called skills that are derived from analyzing the knotting processes. Each individual skill has an operation to handle the rope and conditions for executing and completing the task skill. By combining these skills, we can make the whole knotting process robust. In this paper, the ‘relations’, which describe the positions of the rope relative to the fingers, found from the successful cases, using the teaching data, were defined as the conditions of the task skills. Relation of rope and fingers at a specific state is presented by using propositional variables and logical connectives. Knotting skills were constructed to be executed robustly using the detected conditions. Occurrence of an error is estimated by finding out an abnormal relation. In this case, a corrective action can be inserted to modify the position of contact points, which are relative to the unsatisfied conditions to satisfy the detected conditions; therefore, skill execution is more reliable. We confirm the effectiveness of the methods through experiments.  相似文献   
It is not always easy to establish specific antibodies against receptors. Most receptors are hydrophobic and have complicated three-dimensional structures, making them difficult to use as immunogens. Thus, we developed receptor detection methods with a fluorescein-labeled ligand as an antibody alternative, which we referred to as a western ligand blot (WLB) and ligand derivative stain (LDS). Kisspeptin receptor (Kiss1R) was detected by its ligand. Kiss1R expression was confirmed in eight human cell lines by the WLB and in four pathological tissues by the LDS. Next, Kiss1R was stained by LDS in organs, revealing Kiss1R expression by [67Ga]Ga-DOTA-kisspeptin 10 accumulation. As a result, Kiss1R-expressing cells in each organ could be stained with fluorescein-labeled kisspeptin 14 instead of an antibody and observed by light microscopy. The combination of the WLB and LDS allows identification of receptors in tissues, which can be readily applied to target receptor detection by a synthetic ligand derivative.  相似文献   
To evaluate the role of alveolar macrophages (AMs) in acute Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia in mice, AMs were depleted by aerosol inhalation of liposomes containing clodronate disodium. AM-depleted mice were then intratracheally infected with 5 x 10(5) CFU of P. aeruginosa. In addition to monitoring neutrophil recruitment and chemokine releases, lung injury was evaluated soon after infection (8 h) and at a later time (48 h). At 8 h, depletion of AMs reduced neutrophil recruitment, chemokine release, and lung injury. At 48 h, however, depletion of AMs decreased bacterial clearance and resulted in delayed movement of neutrophils from the site of inflammation with aggravated lung injury. With instillation of 5 x 10(7) CFU of bacteria, AM-depleted mice showed low mortality within 24 h of infection but high mortality at a later time, in contrast to non-AM-depleted mice. These results demonstrate that depletion of AMs has beneficial early effects but deleterious late effects on lung injury and survival in cases of P. aeruginosa pneumonia.  相似文献   
Peritectic transformation behavior during cooling of iron-carbon alloys is simulated by a numerical analysis. The peritectic transformation, δ+L=γ, is divided into δ-γ transformation at δ/γ interface and L-γ solidification at γ/L interface, and proceeds by the following two mechanisms: (1) carbon diffusion from liquid (referred to as L) through austenite (γ) into δ-ferrite (δ) and (2) precipitation of austenite from δ-ferrite and crystallization of it from liquid due to cooling. Approximately 80% of the austenite formed during the peritectic transformation is the products of δ-y transformation, which may cause the generation of tensile stress in the solidification shell of cast steels due to the difference in density between δ-ferrite and austenite The amount of the δ-γ transformation is largest, when the initial carbon content is 0.17 mass%. However, when the transformation in a well-developed dendrite network structure is focused on, the carbon content for the maximum amount of the δ-γ transformation decreases to 0.14–0.16 mass%, which corresponds to the carbon content at which surface cracking of continuously cast slabs is reported to be most frequent  相似文献   
An experimental investigation was made into three-dimensional separated flow and the vortices within the flow separation in a decelerating channel flow generated by the suction from a porous side wall. The flows along the side and bottom walls were visualized by the surface tuft method. The turbulent internal flow was measured by the split-film probe to investigate the turbulent flow including the reverse flow. In the flow visualization for the strong decelerating flow (the suction flow ratio:0.8), two typical flow patterns appear alternatively. One is that the flow near the bottom wall separates more upstream than the flow near the top wall and a clockwise vortex can be seen in the separation region. Another is the reversal flow pattern with a counterclockwise vortex. By the turbulent flow measurement using the split-film probe, two peaks of turbulence level are observed for the strong decelerating flow case. These peaks can be related with two flow patterns mentioned above.  相似文献   
Technologies for narrow-channel effect suppression in photodiodes (PDs) and vertical CCDs (V-CCDs) and for smear reduction in PDs have been developed in order to improve dynamic range in small pixel interline-transfer CCD (IT-CCD) image sensors. The new technologies have been applied to a progressive-scan IT-CCD image sensor with 5 μm square pixels and have (1) increased the charge handling capability of its V-CCDs to 4500 electrons/V; (2) improved its smear value to -95 dB; and (3) increased the saturation charge of its PDs to 2.3×104 electrons  相似文献   
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