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卜长青 《建筑细部》2006,4(3):313-314
建筑的外观给人以灵气的感觉.光线好像反射在水一样的建筑表面:建筑看起来更像是幻影而不是有形的实体。多个有色的玻璃窗.确切说是1200个.包括25种不同尺寸和21种不同图案和颜色.组合在一起产生了这种无形的效果。这些玻璃片固定于立面前部.用托架、线脚、弹簧和拉杆等构成的精美金银丝装饰结构固定。生气勃勃、鲜艳多彩的建筑表皮隐藏了三层高的员工通道。  相似文献   
卜长青 《建筑细部》2006,4(3):400-400
德国elero公司是卷帘窗、遮阳系统以及工业门用电机和控制器的世界顶级生产商之一。自动门很方便.但至今为止.它也已经在传统上造成了危害。  相似文献   
卜长青 《建筑细部》2006,4(3):413-413
易居家庭建筑拥有不同的内庭院、游泳和戏水池、天井、阳台以及一层的公寓花园,这片安静的场地是居家选择的理想地点。它靠近Wettingen的中心地带.步行仅需十分钟的时间。  相似文献   
在Paris-Erdogan裂纹扩展模型的基础上,考虑裂纹扩展模型的随机参数影响,采用裂纹长度失效准则建立旋转机械转轴裂纹扩展的可靠性模型,应用随机摄动理论和Kronecker代数导出状态函数的前四阶矩,应用应力—强度干涉理论和四阶矩技术,确定转轴裂纹扩展的可靠度,并通过数值算例表明文中方法的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   
文章结合实际生产使用情况介绍了AHB冷芯盒射芯机不同于其他制芯设备的结构特点。  相似文献   
卜长青 《建筑细部》2006,4(3):405-405
Union公司选择以100%Detail活动来推出它的”闪亮扶手”.这是门类家具设计的一个创新性理念。闪亮扶手由著名的瑞典设计师Alexander Lervik设计.它有3种样式:“Alfa”、“Swap”和“Zero”。  相似文献   
聚丙烯酸盐类减缩剂的合成及性能研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
聚丙烯酸盐类减缩剂由丙烯酸、苯乙烯、聚乙二醇、引发剂、链转移剂、催化剂等经过聚合、酯化和中和反应,生成一种高分子量的、含聚氧化烯链的梳型聚合物。其掺量为水泥质量的0.3%~2.0%,7d减缩率可达50%~70%,28d减缩率可达40%~50%;不降低混凝土的强度;具有10%~18%的减水率;有一定的缓凝作用。也可以作为一种养护剂喷涂到混凝土构件与制品的表面,同样具有很好的减缩效果。  相似文献   
从逆向工程的观点出发,将轮辋逆向工程的设计参数分成横截面圆半径和纵剖面的轮廓线两个关键技术.轮辋横截面采用最小二乘法拟合圆半径的算法,用圆度误差评价测量精度.针对轮辋轮廓线实际情况,提出用参数化设计方法求解轮廓线的算法,解决图元间结合点的测量问题,提高测量精度.实验结果证明算法的有效性.  相似文献   
The methods of homogenization and finite elements are employed to predict the effective elastic constants and stress-strain responses of a new type of lattice structure, the X-structure proposed by the authors in a companion paper. It is shown that in most cases the predictions by the equivalent homogenization theory agree well with the experimental and 3-dimensional finite element calculated results. The theoretical and numerical study supports the argument that the X-structure is superior to the pyramid lattice structure in terms of mechanical strength. Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (“973” Project) (Grant No. 2006CB601202), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 10632060, 10825210), the National “111” Project of China (Grant No. B06024) and the National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (“863” Project) (Grant No. 2006AA03Z519)  相似文献   
Energy conversion and utilization, particularly carbon-based fuel burning in air phase, have caused great environmental pollution and serious problems to society. The reactions in water phase may have the potential to realize clean and efficient energy conversion and utilization. Coal gasification in supercritical water is a typical carbon-based fuel conversion process in water phase, and it takes the advantages of the unique chemical and physical properties of supercritical water to convert organic matter in coal to H2 and CO2. N, S, P, Hg and other elements are deposited as inorganic salts to avoid pollution emission. The State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering has obtained extensive experimental and theoretical results based on coal gasification in supercritical water. Supercritical water fluidized bed reactor was developed for coal gasification and seven kinds of typical feedstock were selected. The hydrogen yield covers from 0.67 to 1.74 Nm3/kg and the carbon gasification efficiency is no less than 97%. This technology has a bright future in industrialization not only in electricity generation but also in hydrogen production and high value-added chemicals. Given the gas yield obtained in laboratory-scale unit, the hydrogen production cost is U.S.$ 0.111 Nm3 when the throughput capacity is 2000 t/d. A novel thermodynamic cycle power generation system based on coal gasification in supercritical water was proposed with the obvious advantages of high coal-electricity conversion efficiency and zero pollutant emission. The cost of U.S.$ 3.69 billion for desulfuration, denitration and dust removal in China in 2013 would have been saved with this technology. Five kinds of heat supply methods are analyzed and the rates of return of investment are roughly estimated. An integrated cooperative innovation center called a new type of high-efficient coal gasification technology and its large-scale utilization was founded to enhance the industrialization of the technology vigorously.  相似文献   
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