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金属盐和氧化物在分子筛孔穴中及内外表面自发形成原子水平的分散,这种自发分散现象已被多种现代仪器分析所证实,并在国内外得到广泛认同。总结相关文献,结合部分研究工作,对金属化合物在分子筛上自发分散的研究作了综述。  相似文献   
介绍了大连橡胶塑料机械有限公司挤出压延法内衬层生产线主要部分的技术参数。重点介绍了挤出机头的结构特点与优势。与该公司另外一种较老的机头进行了三维流场对比分析。  相似文献   
介绍了一种比较成熟的矩形微米流道(微槽道)加工工艺,利用厚胶光刻工艺在硅片上制备胶模板,进而在该模板上用高分子聚合物PDMS(Polydimethylsiloxane,聚二甲基硅氧烷)制作了微米量级的微槽道(高、宽范围20~100μm),对制备的微槽道的几何精确度进行了20×100倍放大显微观测,对其流量特性进行了实验测定.实验结果与泊肃叶理论公式(NS方程的管流表达式)相对比,可以看到在微米量级的矩形微流道中,泊肃叶公式仍然适用.  相似文献   
Meshless methods have some advantages over their counterparts such as the finite-element method (FEM). However, existing meshless methods for computational electromagnetic fields are still not as efficient as FEM. In this paper, we compare two meshless methods of discretizing the computational domain of Poisson-like problems; namely, the point collocation and Galerkin methods (which use the strong and weak forms of the governing equation respectively), and their effects on the computational accuracy and efficiency of the magnetic fields. We also discuss methods of handling discontinuities at the material interface. We present several examples, which also provide a means to validate and evaluate both meshless methods. Exact solutions and/or FEM are used as a basis for comparison. In addition, we also verify the results by comparing computed magnetic forces against those measured experimentally.  相似文献   
A novel technique to monitor the synthesis process of encapsulated acetylacetonatocarbonyl triphenylphosphinerhodium within a microsilica nanoshell has been studied using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) techniques. Nanospheres sized around 50-100 nm were obtained and ICP was used to quantify the exact composition of rhodium, phosphorous, and silicon with differing digestion solvents. In addition, ICP was used to detect rhodium and phosphorous in the nano core-shell catalysts as a quality control procedure  相似文献   
王伟  李仁发  吴强 《计算机应用》2006,26(5):1237-1240
动态可重构技术允许根据计算的运行时情况对硬件处理单元进行重构,使其位宽适合计算的需要。而且,对代表计算密集型任务的循环计算进行位宽的动态优化可达到提高处理性能,减少所消耗的芯片资源和功耗的目的。本文构造了一个处理框架对循环计算的位宽进行动态的优化,包括对循环计算的位宽变化情况进行理论和运行时的分析,以及构造1个位宽管理算法选择重构的时机和对配置文件进行调度。通过对实验结果的分析,证明了我们的方案具有较好的性能。  相似文献   
本文描述了基于Intel815E芯片组的PCl-104 CPU模块设计,对系统结构、总线拓扑、系统存储器以及外设等在设计过程中的注意事项作了阐述.  相似文献   
FPGA在某电视跟踪系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种以DSP为核心的数字式电视跟踪系统,主要研究了利用FPGA控制、处理数字视频信号的方法,实现了实时的视频叠加。详细讨论了FPGA的控制逻辑及其相关部分结构。采用FPGA实现视频显示信息的叠加,可有效减轻DSP的速度压力,提高系统性能。  相似文献   
Several rigid substrates such as stainless steel, titanium alloy, aluminum alloy, nickel foil, silicon, and sodium lime glass have been employed for manufacturing high quality TiO2 films by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). The as-deposited TiO2 films have been characterized with SEM/EDX and XRD. The photocatalytic properties were investigated by decomposition of aqueous orange Ⅱ. UV VIS photospectrometer was employed to check the absorption characteristics and photocatalytic degradation activity. The results show that films synthesized on metal substrates display higher photoactivities than that on absolute substrates such as silicon and glass. It is found that solar light is an alternative to UV-light used for illumination during photodegradation of orange Ⅱ. TiO2 film on stainless steel substrate was regarded as the best one for photocatalysis.  相似文献   
电子交易系统中文本安全传输方案的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了提高电子交易系统中文本传输的可靠、快速、保密、安全性能,本文提出了一套基于SET协议、采用散列函数SHA计算消息摘要、将椭圆曲线公钥算法和AES私钥算法相结合,实现对电子文本加密、解密、签名及验证等功能的解决方案。文中阐述了从算法设计到方案实现的具体过程。  相似文献   
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