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We propose a space-efficient scheme for summarizing multidimensional data streams. Our sketch can be used to solve spatial versions of several classical data stream queries efficiently. For instance, we can track ε-hot spots, which are congruent boxes containing at least an ε fraction of the stream, and maintain hierarchical heavy hitters in d dimensions. Our sketch can also be viewed as a multidimensional generalization of the ε-approximate quantile summary. The space complexity of our scheme is O((1/ε) log R) if the points lie in the domain [0, R]d, where d is assumed to be a constant. The scheme extends to the sliding window model with a log (ε n) factor increase in space, where n is the size of the sliding window. Our sketch can also be used to answer ε-approximate rectangular range queries over a stream of d-dimensional points.  相似文献   
This study investigated how differing nonreactive atmospheres affected the properties of chars produced by coal pyrolysis. Samples of a Wyoming subbituminous coal were first heated at 586°C in helium for 6 hr. They were then heated for another 6 hr at 300°C higher in helium, argon or nitrogen. Weight losses in the chars during the second step were apparently unaffected by the choice of inert environment. Surface characteristics, pore structures, and reactivities of the resulting chars were, however, significantly different as shown by the results of scanning electron microscopy, nitrogen adsorption, carbon dioxide adsorption, and reactivity of the chars in carbon dioxide. Smoothness of the surface, adsorption capacities, N2 and CO2 surface areas, and reactivity during gasification all decreased in the direction (in order of inert atmospheres employed) He >Ar >N2. In addition, there were strong indications that trace contaminants in the inert gases could alter the characteristics of the resulting char markedly.  相似文献   
A practical and efficient method for the synthesis of amides has been developed by iron‐catalysed oxidative amidation of aldehydes with amine hydrochloride salts. A wide range of amides have been obtained in good to excellent yields under mild conditions. The application of this novel amide formation reaction to the synthesis of pharmaceutical compounds has been successfully demonstrated.  相似文献   
A modified skyhook-based semi-active controller is proposed for implementing an asymmetric control suspension design with symmetric magneto-rheological (MR) dampers. The controller is formulated in current form, which is modulated by integrating a continuous modulation and an asymmetric damping force generation algorithms, so as to effectively minimize switching and hysteretic effects from the MR-damper. The proposed controller is implemented with a quarter-vehicle MR-suspension model, and its relative response characteristics are thus evaluated in terms of defined performance measures under varying amplitude harmonic, rounded pulse and random excitations. The sensitivity of the semi-active suspension performance to variations in controller parameters is thoroughly evaluated. The results illustrate that the proposed skyhook-based asymmetric semi-active MR-suspension controller has superior robustness on the system parameter variations, and can achieve desirable multi-objective suspension performance.  相似文献   
Manufacturing systems with varying levels and types of flexibility employ alternative scheduling strategies to exploit flexibility for performance enhancement. Scheduling decisions in manufacturing systems are influenced by time delays due to information handling activities such as information collection, transfer, and processing. More specifically, scheduling strategies implicitly involve information intensive activities that may entail significant time delays for implementation, depending on the extant shop floor automation and integration within a flexible system. These are information delays and we believe that most contemporary flexible systems must inherently cope with some level of information delay when implementing on-line scheduling strategies. This paper conceptualizes the manifestation of information delays in the context of scheduling decisions within flexible systems through the definition of three key delay modes: (i) Mode 1 information-transfer delay; (ii) Mode 2 decision-implementation delay; and (iii) Mode 3 status-review delay. We then stress the need and importance of devising suitable on-line scheduling strategies for countering the effect of information delays by demonstrating the efficacy of a novel scheduling strategy on a single machine. While opening a new scheduling dimension with potential research ramifications, this paper highlights the fact that the concept of information delay can effectively capture the synergism issues related with flexibility, integration, and automation in the context of scheduling decisions within semi-automated flexible systems.  相似文献   
Moringa oleifera seeds, an environmental friendly and natural coagulant are reported for the pretreatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME). In coagulation-flocculation process, the M. oleifera seeds after oil extraction (MOAE) are an effective coagulant with the removal of 95% suspended solids and 52.2% reduction in the chemical oxygen demand (COD). The combination of MOAE with flocculant (NALCO 7751), the suspended solids removal increased to 99.3% and COD reduction was 52.5%. The coagulation-flocculation process at the temperature of 30 degrees C resulted in better suspended solids removal and COD reduction compared to the temperature of 40, 55 and 70 degrees C. The MOAE combined with flocculant (NALCO 7751) reduced the sludge volume index (SVI) to 210mL/g with higher recovery of dry mass of sludge (87.25%) and water (50.3%).  相似文献   
In the present paper, a modified self-flux technique has been successfully employed for the growth of pure and praseodymium substituted (partially) large single crystals of high temperature superconducting Y1−x Pr x Ba2Cu3O7−δ (x = 0·0,0·2,0·4). Typical sizes of the platy and bulky crystals of pure YBCO(123) material are ≈ 2 × 2 × 0·1 mm3 and 4 × 1 × 1 mm3, respectively. In case of Pr-substitution, the typical sizes of platy and bulky crystals of Y0·8Pr0·2Ba2Cu3O7−δ and Y0·6Pr0·4Ba2Cu3O7−δ materials are ≈ 2 × 3 × 0·1 mm3 and 5 × 1 × 1 mm3 and ≈ 1 × 1·5 × 0·1 mm3 and 7 × 0·2 × 0·1 mm3, respectively. The morphology and growth habit of the as-grown single crystals and the critical transition temperature (T c) of the oxygenated crystals were found to depend on the Pr-content. Paper presented at the poster session of MRSI AGM VI, Kharagpur, 1995  相似文献   
Delamination initiation and propagation in plain woven laminates and 3D orthogonal woven composites during short beam shear (SBS) test were analyzed using finite element (FE) analyses. Two kinds of 3D woven composites, containing single z-yarns and double z-yarns, were considered. The FE models were guided by experimental observations from SBS tests for the same material systems. A series of mechanisms including creation and evolution of matrix cracks and delaminations were modeled discretely. The force-displacement curves obtained from the FE simulations were compared with those from experiments. Further parametric studies were conducted to investigate the effects of z-yarns and interlaminar fracture toughness on delamination in woven composites. The results from the FE simulations revealed that z-yarns in 3D woven composites can play a major role in impeding propagation of interlaminar cracks. On the other hand 2D plain woven laminates without any z-reinforcement demonstrated higher interlaminar fracture toughness due to undulation in yarns. 3D woven composites with double yarns showed better damage tolerance than single yarn 3D woven composites and their behavior was very similar to composite laminates with high interlaminar fracture toughness.  相似文献   
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