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Potassium humate was extracted from brown coal.A novel super absorbent composite,poly (acrylic acid-co-acrylamide)/potassium humate (PAA-AM/KHA),was prepared by graft polymerization of acrylic acid,acrylamide and coal based potassium humate using N,N'-methylenebisacrylamide as a crosslinker and potassium peroxydisulfate as an initiator.The effects of reaction temperature,degree of neutralization of the poly (acrylic acid) and the amounts of crosslinker,initiator and potassium humate were investigated.Salt resistance tests were also carried out.The composite prepared under optimal conditions had a potassium humate content of 10% and exhibited a water absorption of 770 g/g in distilled water,and 349,286 and 41 g/g in 0.5 mol/L KC1,MgCl2 and AlCl3 solutions respectively.The results indicate that the salt resistance of PAA-AM/KHA was superior to that of poly (acrylic acid-co-acrylamide) because of the collaborative effect of functional groups of the coal based potassium humate.The PAA-AM/KHA micro powder was characterized by IR spectroscopy and the micrographic surface was characterized by scanning electron microscopy.Introduction of potassium humate into the poly (acrylic acid-co-acrylamide) structure creates a composite more suitable for use as a water-managing material in the renewal of arid and desert environments.The salt resisting property of the composite is improved,production costs are reduced and the growth stimulant effect is still present.  相似文献   
Concrete structures in main coal cleaning plants have been rebuilt and reinforced in the coal mines of the Shanghai Da-tun Energy Sources Co. Ltd., the first colliery of the Pingdingshan Coal Co. Ltd. and the Sanhejian mine of the Xuzhou Mining Group Co. Ltd. In these projects, the operating environment and reliability of concrete structures in the main plants of the three companies were investigated and the safety of the structures inspected. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were made on the spe-cial natural, technological and mechanical environments around the structures. On the basis of these analyses, we discuss the long-term, combined actions of the harsh natural (corrosive gases, liquids and solids) and mechanical environments on concrete structures and further investigated the damage and deteriorating mechanisms and curing techniques of concrete structures in the main coal cleaning plants. Our study can provide a theoretical basis for ensuring the reliability of concrete structures in main coal cleaning plants.  相似文献   
运用博弈论的基本思想,通过构造一个资源生产供应链,从资源保护这个角度出发,以资源生产供应链中的节点企业——资源开采商开采自然资源为例,对资源生产供应链履行社会责任的内在动力进行了研究。结果表明:对资源开采商合作开采带来的收益增量进行合理分配,既能使资源开采商进行合作,又能实现供应链系统与各资源开采商的帕累托最优。  相似文献   
本文就衣架式模头水滴形歧管的结构设计,根据聚合物加工的流变理论,结合生产实际对水滴形截面的歧管流道分配系统进行分析,使得所设计的挤塑模在尽可能高的流速下,生产出符合尺寸及形状公差的均质片材。  相似文献   
以现代抢险救灾常用的贝雷梁钢便桥作为研究对象,采用ANSYS对其建立空间整体有限元模型,运用瞬态分析方法,模拟车辆过桥的整个过程,分析贝雷梁钢便桥的动态响应.结果表明:双排贝雷梁不均匀承担荷载,内侧贝雷梁相对较大,尤其在中轴和后轴荷载作用时,内外贝雷梁竖向位移差异最大;双排贝雷梁侧向位移几乎相同,且在中轴和后轴荷载作用时最大;主要以侧向和竖向振动为主,且不可忽略侧向振动响应,轴向振动响应较小可忽略不计.  相似文献   
我国70%左右的科技人员集中在高校、科研院所。高等学校具有全国最强的创新资源和优势。承德市经济基础薄弱、技术水平较低,但是具有丰富的自然资源,特别是山林、水和旅游资源丰富,随着高速公路网和高铁的建设,已经成为京津冀和东北、内蒙的交通枢纽。如果能够科学合理地选择合作方式,建立基于市场的长期有效的激励机制就能够把这两种优势有效地结合起来,产生巨大的发展动力,有力地促进创新型城市的发展。  相似文献   
第二代农民工市民化利益要求的实现有助于从阶级基础、群众基础、执政理念、执政资源和执政环境等方面加强党的执政能力建设。在第二代农民工市民化背景下,党应该强化执政为民的理念,构建利益相关制度,强化第二代农民工的工人阶级意识和主人翁意识,鼓励他们积极参与政治生活,有组织、有秩序地进行利益表达,使他们充分享受到城市经济社会发展成果,同时提高党自身的执政能力。  相似文献   
分析冰箱门面板的冲压工艺,介绍模具设计中应注意的问题及滚压式结构的特点  相似文献   
运用基于CAE技术的注塑工艺参数优化配置和注塑工艺方案设计的思想,结合正交试验设计方法对工艺参数进行CAE仿真试验,并以零件翘曲变形为优化目标,通过敏感因子分析,获得最佳工艺参数组合.经注塑机试模和三坐标测量机的检测分析,验证了CAE模拟结果的准确性和最佳工艺参数组合在实际生产中的效果.  相似文献   
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