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Conventional urodynamics systems have been widely used for the assessment of bladder functions. However, they have some drawbacks due to the unfamiliar circumstances for the patient, restrictive position during the test, expense and immovability of the instrument as well as the unphysiological filling of the bladder. To mitigate these problems, we developed a fully ambulatory urodynamics monitoring system, which enables the abdominal pressure to be measured in a non-invasive manner, as well as the manual recording of various events such as the bladder sensations or leakage of urine. Conventional (CMG) and furosemide-stimulated filling cystometry (FCMG) were performed for 28 patients with neurogenic bladders caused by spinal cord injury (24 males and 4 females, age: 49.4 ± 13.9 years, BMI: 23.5 ± 2.4). There were high correlation coefficients (r=0.97 ± 0.02) between the clinical parameters measured by the conventional rectal catheter and those measured by our non-invasive algorithm in the FCMG studies. Also, 10 of the patients (36%) were diagnosed as having different reflexibility of the bladder between conventional CMG and FCMG (p<0.05). In the patients with detrusor overactivity, the average volume and detrusor pressure at bladder sensation in FCMG were lower than those in CMG, while the average compliance was higher (p<0.05). In the patients with areflexic bladders, the number of patients with detrusor overactivity was higher in FCMG and leakage was observed more frequently. These results showed that our system could be a useful additional tool in the clinical assessment of patients in which conventional cystometry failed to explain their symptoms.  相似文献   
实现旅游产业的转型升级是新乡市旅游业发展到一定阶段的必然选择。文章从新乡旅游产业转型升级的背景入手,对制约新乡市旅游产业转型升级的因素进行了深入的分析论证,并提出了相关的对策和建议。  相似文献   
面对中原经济区建设的现状,河南高职教育也应紧跟时代步伐,切实转变发展方式,坚持重质量、重内涵,增强政府的主导作用、优化专业结构、创新办学模式,实现高职教育的健康、协调、持续发展,从而为中原经济区建设提供强有力的人才支撑。  相似文献   
英国作家J.A.G.罗伯茨先生的《东食西渐》一书,是从一个真正意义上的西方人的视角,运用丰富翔实的英文书籍资料,包括一些珍贵的历史图片撰写而成,而且这些资料在中国国内几乎是找不到的。他从一个生活在中国本土的中国学者无法做到的研究角度,对中国饮食文化自18世纪以来在西方的传播渗透与普及流行进行了深度的介绍与揭示。其深远的文化意义与历史贡献是不言而喻的。  相似文献   
通过建立数值模型进行编程计算,分析了锅炉过热器/再热器管道在不同的管道几何尺寸、烟气温度、蒸汽流量和温度下,各个界面热流密度的变化情况。通过回归分析得到了热流密度与管道内壁侧氧化层厚度和运行时间的关系表达式,即热流密度的评估关系式。  相似文献   
对科技期刊编辑人员职业危害度及职业倦怠的成因进行分析,提出预防措施和对策,呼吁科技期刊编辑人员关注自己的职业健康。科技期刊理论学应把科技期刊编辑职业健康及其影响因素的研究纳入研究的范畴。  相似文献   
以丙烯酸-β-羟乙酯(β-HEA)为交联剂,采用溶胶-凝胶工艺制备了透明的PMMA/SiO2纳米复合材料,通过 IR、TMA、TGA和溶胶分数等研究了材料的结构和性能,结果表明复合材料中存在Si-O-C共价键,热稳定性明显优于有机玻璃,玻璃化转变温度为250 ℃以上,兼备有机玻璃和无机玻璃的性能优势.  相似文献   
研究与探索大学生的行为及其规律,对于造就与培养社会主义事业建设者和接班人,完成高等教育任务,意义重大。本文主要就大学生行为学逻辑起点、学科基础、研究对象与任务等问题进行探讨,并就如何建构大学生行为学,提出了初步构想。  相似文献   
Metal matrix composites reinforced by three-dimensional (3-D) continuous network structure reinforcement (3DCNRMMC) are difficult to machine due to serious tool wear and poor surface roughness caused by the brittle and hard reinforcement which interpenetrate into ductile matrix. In order to achieve the approach of low cost of 3DCNRMMC, the machinability of it needs to be understood. The influences of three cutting parameters and volume fraction of reinforcement on cutting force were analyzed in detail. The results indicate that: (1) Due to the brittle phase(s) introduced into ductile matrix of composites, there is a large fluctuation of cutting force causing deterioration of machinability. The fluctuation ranges of cutting forces, initially increase rapidly with the increase of volume fraction of reinforcement and then decrease finally, are largest at the range of the volume fraction of 55–65%; (2) The influence of cutting parameters on cutting force is obvious. With the increases of cutting speed, cutting force decreases gradually unless cutting speed exceeds the value of 209 m/min. Cutting forces increase with increasing feed rate and depth of cut; (3) Owing to the large fluctuation of cutting force, there were some cratered surfaces caused by Si3N4 reinforcement pulling-out and flaking-off. Some brittle phase protruding from the machined surface caused the deterioration of machined surface.  相似文献   
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