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Multi-sink wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are being increasingly deployed in an ever-widening range of application scenarios, especially as they are reliable and exhibit low power consumption. Providing a backhaul for WSN traffic has become an important issue because the sensor data must usually be sent to the Internet or the core network. Passive optical networks (PONs) represent one next-generation access network technology which is appropriate for such a backhaul, however existing research appears to have concentrated on either WSN performance or PON performance, without considering the overall performance of both networks converged together. This paper proposes a new architecture which converges multi-sink WSNs and PONs, then provides a novel queuing-theory analysis of the converged network performance. Results from this analytical model are then used to motivate a new a DBA algorithm which optimizes grant size allocation. Numerical results show that this algorithm outperforms existing proposals when minimizing the system queue length in the converged network, while providing shorter end-to-end packet delay and higher throughput. We believe that this first resource allocation algorithm which considers the performance of both networks as one converged unit.  相似文献   
Poor performance in the presence of multipath with long delay spread has been considered as one of the main weaknesses of most single carrier modulated systems, including ATSC (advanced television systems committee) system. The introduction of distributed transmission network and single frequency network brings new challenges for the ATSC equalizer design, since the delay spread of a multipath channel under such scenarios becomes significantly longer than the traditional broadcasting practice of using one high power transmitter to cover a wide area, where the multipath distortion is mainly from reflected echoes. An iterative hybrid frequency-time domain equalizer for ATSC system is proposed in this paper based on our block-based interference analysis. The multipath distortion in the received ATSC signal is first tentatively removed with a frequency domain equalizer on a block-by-block basis. However, inter-block and intra-block interferences still exist due to the lack of cyclic structure in the received ATSC signal. A time domain interference cancellation algorithm is then used to cancel the inter-block interference and intra-carrier interference, based on the tentative decisions in time domain after the frequency domain equalization. These two steps are iterated until desired receiver performance is achieved. The proposed equalizer and the subsequent analysis are verified through numerical simulations.  相似文献   
Test points selection for integer-coded fault wise table is a discrete optimization problem. The global minimum set of test points can only be guaranteed by an exhaustive search which is eompurationally expensive. In this paper, this problem is formulated as a heuristic depth-first graph search problem at first. The graph node expanding method and rules are given. Then, rollout strategies are applied, which can be combined with the heuristic graph search algorithms, in a computationally more efficient manner than the optimal strategies, to obtain solutions superior to those using the greedy heuristic algorithms. The proposed rollout-based test points selection algorithm is illustrated and tested using an analog circuit and a set of simulated integer-coded fault wise tables. Computa- tional results are shown, which suggest that the rollout strategy policies are significantly better than other strategies.  相似文献   
本文详细分析液晶薄膜晶体管(TFT)有源矩阵单元性能.其中包括薄膜晶体管单元结构特性和液晶单元电容充放电物理过程。通过分析,推导出有用的计算公式。这些结果对实际工作具有指导作用。  相似文献   
介绍了电视机应符合的谐波电流标准要求,通过对本公司解决电视机谐波电流问题的实际过程进行深入的研究,分析了增加谐波电流标准要求后对电视机开发和生产造成的困难,介绍了我们克服这些困难的经验.  相似文献   
酸性pH滑移剂对锦纶织物染色性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对自制酸性pH滑移剂EY与日产酸性pH滑移剂PC的滑移性能进行了对比 ,试验表明 ,只要在酸性pH滑移剂EY中加入微量催酸剂K ,其滑移性能与日产酸性pH滑移剂PC接近。同时 ,两者对锦纶织物的染色性能与传统醋酸染色工艺相比 ,它们的竭染率相似 ,但匀染性明显好于醋酸染色工艺。  相似文献   
Zhou  C. Tan  Y.H. Tian  J.W. Lu  Y.H. 《Electronics letters》2009,45(19):974-975
A low-complexity early termination algorithm for mode decision in H.264 is presented. The proposed algorithm is based on the statistical distribution of per-pixel motion cost, and it can skip the mode decision of the candidate macroblock modes with low probability. Simulation results reveal that the proposed algorithm can reduce the encoding time by 16.25% on average with the limited performance loss of about 0.023% dB.  相似文献   
模块化无线mesh网络加密方案设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章在基于装有OpenWrt和Click的无线路由器所搭建的无线mesh网络测试床上,研究使用Click模块化路由编程工具,结合802.11i和802.11s草案针对无线mesh网络安全的协议设计方案,提出在无认证服务器环境中,使用预共享密钥进行数据包链路层加密以确保mesh节点间通信保密可靠的安全解决方案.  相似文献   
介绍了保角变换法,利用保角变换中常用的对数变换和分式变换,分别计算了不同平行轴间距的柱形电容器的电容,并进行了讨论。结果表明,当两轴间距离平方等于内外圆柱半径平方之和的2倍时,电容器的电容与同轴电容器是等效的;当两轴间距分别为大于内外半径之和,或小于内外半径之差时,两种情况下,两轴间距的平方之和等于内外圆柱半径平方之和的2倍时,两种电容器的电容等效。  相似文献   
MIM有源薄膜器件及阵列的基础研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文详细分析了MIM有源薄膜器件及阵列的工作原理、工艺过程和器件性能.根据一种液晶有源薄膜器件阵列设计模型,设计和研制出了MIM单管性能和实验用7×5象素MIM有源矩阵液晶显示板.此显示板具有显示一定图形的功能.  相似文献   
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