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本文讨论了用辉光放电法制备氮化硅薄膜时衬底温度、射频功率和气体流量比对薄膜的电导率、介电常数和击穿强度的影响。通过优化生长条件,制备了优质非晶氮化硅薄膜,其介电常数为7.5、击穿强度为5.5MV/cm、电导率为10-13(Ωcm)-1。  相似文献   
In order to investigate the galvanic anodic protection (GAP) of ferrous metals (such as 410, 304 and 316 stainless steels) in acid solutions by doped polyaniline (PANi), separate doped PANi powder-pressed electrodes with different surface areas (the area ratio of the PANi electrode to stainless steel is between 1:1 and 1:2) have been prepared. These were coupled with ferrous metal in the following solutions: 5 M sulphuric acid, 5 M phosphoric acid and industrial phosphoric acid (containing 5 M phosphoric acid and 0.05% chloride ion) to construct a galvanic cell, in which PANi is cathode while ferrous metal is anode. The results indicate that a PANi electrode with sufficient area can provide corrosion protection to stainless steel in these acidic solutions. A pilot scale coupling experiment was carried out. The results indicate that PANi is a promising material as an electrode for the anodic protection of ferrous metals in acidic solutions in industrial situations.  相似文献   
本文介绍β放射性气体浓度计的一种新的分度方法——泄漏元件排气法。其特点是一只元件可分度放射性气体浓度计的许多读出数(甚至是几个量程),操作方便。  相似文献   
An access-mode prediction technique based on cache hit and miss speculation for cache design-achieves minimal energy consumption. Using this method, cache accesses can be adaptively switched between the way-prediction and the phased accessing modes.  相似文献   
The fabrication of one kind of large core area Nd3 doped silicate glass photonic crystal fiber, and demonstration of the fiber's waveguidence properties were reported. This fiber owns a random air hole distribution in the cladding. The measured minimum loss of this kind of fiber is 10 dB·m-1 at 660 nm. These fibers can sustain only a single mode at least over wavelength ranging from 660 nm to 980 nm.  相似文献   
多信道E1映射复用成帧芯片PM8316及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PM8316是PMC-Sierra公司生产的一种低功耗、高性能的多信道E1映射复用成帧芯片。该芯片内部集成了映射器、复用器、成帧器,其处理容量为63路E1,并含有8位微处理器总线接口和5个标准信号的JTAG测试端口,可支持收发抖动衰减。文中介绍了PM8316的主要功能和接口,给出了它在SDH终端设备中的主要信号电路框图。  相似文献   
本文介绍了用αβ谱仪系统同时测量αβ谱、实现Rn/Th子体补偿、确定超铀α核素气溶胶体积活度及人工放射性气溶胶总β体积活度的技术途径。利用RaA、RaC′a峰的二段时间计数可确定空气中RaA、RaB、RaC的气溶胶体积活度,相应的,也能给出RaB、RaC对总β计数的贡献。根据一般环境条件下的平衡比,用ThC′的。计数修正Th子体对αβ测量的影响。 ̄[239]pu或/和 ̄[241]Am人工核素的α计数,可通过两段时间分别扣除RaA、RaC′拖尾的方法确定;β计数分别扣除Rn/Th子体β贡献即可确定。在本文规定的测量条件下,对室内天然Rn子体水平在15Bq/m ̄3以下,超铀α核素气溶胶体积活度的测量下限可达到0.1Bq/m ̄3;即使在75Bq/m ̄3环境下,人工核素总β的测量下限也可达lBq/m ̄3以下。  相似文献   
北京谱仪(BESⅡ)顶点探测器数据获取系统是北京谱仪数据获取系统的一部分,该子系统电子学采用快总线标准,本文描述了该系统的硬件结构和软件系统,软件包括快总线系统的微码软件和上层控制软件,该系统的死时间为1.5ns,对BESⅡ系统总死时间的贡献小于0.5ms。  相似文献   
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