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Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a chronic and debilitating disease characterized by unexplained physical fatigue, cognitive and sensory dysfunction, sleeping disturbances, orthostatic intolerance, and gastrointestinal problems. People with ME/CFS often report a prodrome consistent with infections. Using regression, Bayesian and enrichment analyses, we conducted targeted and untargeted metabolomic analysis of plasma from 106 ME/CFS cases and 91 frequency-matched healthy controls. Subjects in the ME/CFS group had significantly decreased levels of plasmalogens and phospholipid ethers (p < 0.001), phosphatidylcholines (p < 0.001) and sphingomyelins (p < 0.001), and elevated levels of dicarboxylic acids (p = 0.013). Using machine learning algorithms, we were able to differentiate ME/CFS or subgroups of ME/CFS from controls with area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) values up to 0.873. Our findings provide the first metabolomic evidence of peroxisomal dysfunction, and are consistent with dysregulation of lipid remodeling and the tricarboxylic acid cycle. These findings, if validated in other cohorts, could provide new insights into the pathogenesis of ME/CFS and highlight the potential use of the plasma metabolome as a source of biomarkers for the disease.  相似文献   
The activation and degranulation of immune cells play a pivotal role in allergic inflammation, a pathological condition that includes anaphylaxis, pruritus, and allergic march-related diseases. In this study, trifuhalol A, a phlorotannin isolated from Agarum cribrosum, inhibited the degranulation of immune cells and the biosynthesis of IL-33 and IgE in differentiated B cells and keratinocytes, respectively. Additionally, trifuhalol A suppressed the IL-33 and IgE-mediated activation of RBL-2H3 cells through the regulation of the TAK1 and MK2 pathways. Hence, the effect of trifuhalol A on allergic inflammation was evaluated using a Compound 48/80-induced systemic anaphylaxis mouse model and a house dust mite (HDM)-induced atopic dermatitis (AD) mouse model. Trifuhalol A alleviated anaphylactic death and pruritus, which appeared as an early-phase reaction to allergic inflammation in the Compound 48/80-induced systemic anaphylaxis model. In addition, trifuhalol A improved symptoms such as itching, edema, erythema, and hyperkeratinization in HDM-induced AD mice as a late-phase reaction. Moreover, the expression of IL-33 and thymic stromal lymphopoietin, inflammatory cytokines secreted from activated keratinocytes, was significantly reduced by trifuhalol A administration, resulting in the reduced infiltration of immune cells into the skin and a reduction in the blood levels of IgE and IL-4. In summarizing the above results, these results confirm that trifuhalol A is a potential therapeutic candidate for the regulation of allergic inflammation.  相似文献   
A prominent feature of the skeleton is its ability to remodel in response to biophysical stimuli and to repair under varied biophysical conditions. This allows the skeleton considerable adaptation to meet its physiological roles of stability and movement. Skeletal cells and their mesenchymal precursors exist in a native environment rich with biophysical signals, and they sense and respond to those signals to meet organismal demands of the skeleton. While mechanical strain is the most recognized of the skeletal biophysical stimuli, signaling phenomena also include fluid flow, hydrostatic pressure, shear stress, and ion-movement-related electrokinetic phenomena including, prominently, streaming potentials. Because of the complex interactions of these electromechanical signals, it is difficult to isolate the significance of each. The application of external electrical and electromagnetic fields allows an exploration of the effects of these stimuli on cell differentiation and extra-cellular matrix formation in the absence of mechanical strain. This review takes a distinctly translational approach to mechanistic and preclinical studies of differentiation and skeletal lineage commitment of mesenchymal cells under biophysical stimulation. In vitro studies facilitate the examination of isolated cellular responses while in vivo studies permit the observation of cell differentiation and extracellular matrix synthesis.  相似文献   
The pentafluorosulfanyl (-SF5) functional group is of increasing interest as a bioisostere in medicinal chemistry. A library of SF5-containing compounds, including amide, isoxazole, and oxindole derivatives, was synthesised using a range of solution-based and solventless methods, including microwave and ball-mill techniques. The library was tested against targets including human dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (HDHODH). A subsequent focused approach led to synthesis of analogues of the clinically used disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), Teriflunomide and Leflunomide, considered for potential COVID-19 use, where SF5 bioisostere deployment led to improved inhibition of HDHODH compared with the parent drugs. The results demonstrate the utility of the SF5 group in medicinal chemistry.  相似文献   
Tuning the optical properties of active species embedded within a glass matrix by modifying the ligand environment is of interest for luminescence-based technologies, for example, in optical sensing, data transmission, or spectral conversion. Here, we discuss a facile synthesis procedure for a glass-crystal composite material comprising of bismuth (Bi)-doped zirconia within an aluminoborate glass phase. The approach offers tunable and broad photoemission characteristics in the visible spectral region from 400 to 750 nm. Incorporation of Bi ions into the crystal phase enhances the photoemission intensity by two orders of magnitude, with an external quantum efficiency of about 29%. At higher ZrO2 dopant concentration, we observe a red-shift of both the excitation and the emission bands to match commodity ultra-violet light emitting diodes as excitation sources. Encapsulation within the aluminoborate glass phase provides advantageous thermal behavior, with the emission intensity remaining at >80 % of its initial value up to a temperature of 400 K.  相似文献   
Green fluorescent protein (GFP) has many applications as a marker in living cells, and has become widely used as a reporter gene in microbial, plant and animal cells. Screening microbial colonies for GFP expression enables various types of assays (e.g. for secretory mutations). However, this is laborious, non-quantitative and potentially hazardous to the operator (due to UV illumination) when performed manually. In order to address this the GloPix robot was developed. The imaging system discriminates between colonies based on the level of fluorescence activity and the picking function automatically transfers cells to microplate wells. Measuring fluorescent activity allows quantitation of fluorescent tag concentration/expression.  相似文献   
高折射率镜头推动浸没式光刻跨越32纳米   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在今年的SPIE Microlithography年会上,与会的专家们一如既往地针对如何延伸光学光刻技术使用寿命的问题进行了大量的研讨。而与往年会议不同的是,尽管有人心存疑虑,但今年的会议仍然对双重曝光技术打开了友善之门。关于这项技术,普遍的问题是如何妥善地解决图形套  相似文献   
Pipes consisting of coatings 700 μm thick of chemically vapor-deposited TiB2 on carbon were produced and tested for corrosion and/or erosion resistance in a laboratory aluminum smelting cell for 100 h. The projected lifetime of the coating was approximately 30 days, a factor of 50 shorter than that projected by assuming uniform saturation dissolution of TiB2 in molten aluminum. The corrosion and/or erosion as measured from scanning electron micrographs pointed to grain boundary attack with subsequent crystalline pull-out as the mechanism for the shorter than expected lifetimes.  相似文献   
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