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The recharging technique by thermal spraying offers the opportunity of renovating the worn surface parts of a machine element to give it again a new technical life despite its previous degradation in service. This process has consequently interesting economic impacts. In order to improve the adherence between 100Cr6 steel deposits and the substrate material (left worn crankshafts), company SNC ATRA of Béjaïa uses at present a composite formed by (100Cr6 steel/molybdenum bond coat of 0.2 mm thick/crankshaft substrate). As a matter of fact, it is shown in the present work that the molybdenum bond coat is not appropriate since, for the 0.2 mm thickness, lateral cracks are observed in the middle of the bond coat. On the other hand, our experiment is that a deposit of 100Cr6 steel projected directly on the substrate seems more promising since no gaps or cracks were detected at the “deposit/substrate” interface of this two-material composite. Lastly, phase analysis using X-ray diffraction confirmed that during spraying process, a stable -phase (bcc) of 100Cr6 wire was transformed to a new phase of γ-phase (fcc). The coatings exhibited the higher microhardness which would contribute to increase wear resistance.  相似文献   
A 3-dimensional localized finite element model (FEM) is developed to predict likely conditions that result in defect generation during friction stir welding (FSW). The workpiece is modeled using Eulerian formulation, while the tool is modeled using Lagrangian. Coulomb's frictional contact model is adopted to define the tool workpiece interaction, while the welding speed is defined by material inflow and outflow velocities. The numerical results show that the coefficient of friction has a major effect on void formation; the lower the friction coefficient is applied, the larger the void is formed. Furthermore, welding using force control (FC) at lower welding speed results in smaller void size and wider plastic zone, leading to higher quality weld.  相似文献   
In this work, the EN-GJS-400-15 cast iron was pack-borided in a powder mixture composed of 5% B4C, 5% NaBF4 and 90% SiC at the three temperatures: 900, 950 and 1000°C for 2, 4 and 6 h, respectively. The pack-borided EN-GJS-400-15 cast iron was characterized by the following experimental techniques: optical microscopy, XRD analysis and Microhardness Vickers tester. The growth kinetics of boride layers was also investigated. As a consequence, the boron activation energy was found to be 212.28 kJ mol–1 for the EN-GJS-400-15 cast iron. Based on a regression model, a useful equation was derived to estimate the boride layer thickness as a function of the boriding parameters (time and temperature). A good agreement was then obtained between the predicted values of boride layers thicknesses and those measured experimentally. In addition, an iso-thickness diagram was proposed to be used as a simple tool to select the boride layers thicknesses according to the potential applications of EN-GJS-400-15 cast iron in industry.  相似文献   
The interface behaviour in the facilitated co-transport of Ag(I), Cu(II) and Zn(II) ions through supported liquid membranes (SLMs) made of a flat-sheet polypropylene membrane support containing cryptands (2.2.2 or 2.2.1) as carriers was studied. The liquid-liquid extraction tests showed a maximum distribution coefficient when the carrier concentration was greaterthan 10−4M. In transport experiments the transmembrane flux increased with increasing carrier concentration reaching a limiting value at greater than 10−3M concentration. The calculation ofthe diffusion coefficients in membranes showed ahigherdiffusivityof2.2.2-metal complexes with respect to 2.2.1-metal complexes for silver ions. A sequence of diffusivity D(Ag+)>D(Cu2+)>D(Zn2+) was obtained, but carrier 2.2.1 showed a higher selectivity through copper ions. A sequence of diffusivity D(Cu2+)>D(Zn2+)>D(Ag+) was obtained. The diffusivity was significantly higher when using Celgard 2500 support compared to Celgard 2400 or 2402. Variable metal ion concentrations in the feed phase fluxes almost zero, at less than 10−2 M concentration, were obtained. In the transient state of the transport through the SLM, different molar flow rates at the feed-membrane and membrane-strip interfaces were observed. The selectivity of the interfaces containing 2.2.2 in the separation binary mixtures of ions showed the following separation factors: SFAgZn = 2.50, SFAgCu = 1.64, SFcuZn = 1.42.  相似文献   
Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) films filled with (x)CsBr(15 ? x)MnCl2, where 0.0 ≤ x ≤ 15%, were prepared by a casting technique. The crystal structure properties of the prepared films were examined by XRD, DTA, and FTIR. A correlation between XRD, DTA, and FTIR of the filled polymer was discussed. Optical absorption measurements revealed two optical band gaps (Eg1 and Eg2). The electrical properties were studied using dc electrical conductivity. The filling level (FL) dependency of Eg1 and Eg2, thermal activation energy (ΔE), and hopping distance (R0) are given to illustrate the behavior of the filled polymers. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 94: 2178–2186, 2004  相似文献   
This paper presents a stereo vision system for the detection and distance computation of a preceding vehicle. It is divided in two major steps. Initially, a stereo vision-based algorithm is used to extract relevant three-dimensional (3-D) features in the scene, these features are investigated further in order to select the ones that belong to vertical objects only and not to the road or background. These 3-D vertical features are then used as a starting point for preceding vehicle detection; by using a symmetry operator, a match against a simplified model of a rear vehicle's shape is performed using a monocular vision-based approach that allows the identification of a preceding vehicle. In addition, using the 3-D information previously extracted, an accurate distance computation is performed.  相似文献   
The quasi-likelihood function is used to derive Bayesian and non-Bayesian estimates for the unknown parameters of the Pareto distribution. In the Bayesian technique the likelihood function is replaced with the quasi-likelihood function when the mean-variance relationship is defined. The efficiency of the quasi-likelihood estimation relative to the maximum likelihood is calculated. Numerical illustrations for the Bayesian and quasi-Bayesian procedures are given.  相似文献   
This paper deals with sufficient conditions of asymptotic stability and stabilization for nonlinear discrete‐time systems represented by a Takagi–Sugeno‐type fuzzy model whose state variables take only nonnegative values at all times t for any nonnegative initial state. This class of systems is called positive systems. The conditions of stabilizability are obtained with state feedback control. This work is based on multiple Lyapunov functions. The results are presented in linear matrix inequalities form. A real plant is studied to illustrate this technique. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Abstract—This article presents an efficient multi-objective optimization approach based on the supervised big bang–big crunch method for optimal planning of dispatchable distributed generator. The proposed approach aims to enhance the system performance indices by optimal sizing and placement of distributed generators connected to balanced/unbalanced distribution networks. The distributed generation units in the proposed algorithms are modeled as a voltage-controlled node with the flexibility to be converted to a constant power node in the case of reactive power limit violation. The proposed algorithm is implemented in the MATLAB (The MathWorks, Natick, Massachusetts, USA) environment, and the simulation studies are performed on IEEE 69-bus and IEEE 123-node distribution test systems. Validation of the proposed method is done by comparing the results with published results obtained from other competing methods, and the consequent discussions prove the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   
The filling level (W) dependence of the local structure of MnCl2 through the PVDF matrix was explored. The presence of α- and β-PVDF crystalline phases were detected by X-ray diffraction, and it was confirmed by the infrared (IR) absorption spectra. A significant head-to-head content was implied by IR spectroscopy. Two filling, level-dependent optical energy gaps were found through the UV–VIS spectral investigation. An intrachain one-dimensional interpolaron hopping mechanism was assumed to proceed in the temperature range of 350–375 K. The calculated values of the charge carrier hopping distance were in the range of 6.5–9.7 nm. The temperature dependence of the direct current (dc) magnetic susceptibility exhibited a Curie–Weiss behavior. Positive values of the paramagnetic Curie temperature (θp) for W up to 14.5% indicated the presence of a ferromagnetic interaction, while negative θp obtained for higher W values suggested an antiferromagnetic interaction at lower temperature. The electron spin resonance (ESR) analysis revealed the existance of both isolated and aggregated Mn2+ ions within the PVDF matrix. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 70: 1437–1445, 1998  相似文献   
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