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Analysis and synthesis of on-chip spiral inductors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a physically based compact model for estimating high-frequency performance of spiral inductors. The model accurately accounts for skin and proximity effects in the metal conductors as well as eddy current losses in the substrate. The model shows excellent agreement with measured data mostly within 10% across a variety of inductor geometries and substrate dopings up to 20 GHz. A web-based spiral inductor synthesis and analysis tool COILS, which makes use of the compact models, is presented. An optimization algorithm using binary searches speeds up the synthesis of inductor designs.  相似文献   
In recent years, the Asia-Pacific region has experienced several financial setbacks, including speculative attacks in 1998 and the SARS outbreak in 2003. Financial stresses of this nature are unanticipated, and not all of the dangers can be predicted by the examination of market information and macroeconomic indicators. The Early Warning System (EWS) that has been adopted by the International Monetary Fund may not be able to predict future financial crises for all possible scenarios, because shocks come in many different forms. To supplement the EWS, this paper proposes a data mining framework to measure the resilience of an economy. The resilience framework does not predict a crisis, but rather assesses the current state of health of an economy and its ability to withstand a financial shock should one occur. The framework is based on a feedback system consisting of two stages. The first stage assigns a resilience score to each economy based on a fuzzy logic scoring scheme that is built on the ambiguous reasoning of experts. The second stage uses the classification tree approach to estimate thresholds for each economic indicator, and examines the quality of the fuzzy score. The result from the second stage is then passed back to the first stage as feedback. The final result is obtained when the feedback system reaches its equilibrium state. The proposed resilience framework is applied to the external-sector and the public-sector economies of several countries to illustrate its applicability.  相似文献   
A jet-printed digital-lithographic method, in place of conventional photolithography, was used to fabricate 64 /spl times/ 64 pixel (300 /spl mu/m pitch) matrix addressing thin-film transistor (TFT) arrays. The average hydrogenated amorphous silicon TFT device within an array had a threshold voltage of /spl sim/3.5 V, carrier mobility of 0.7 cm/sup 2//V/spl middot/s, subthreshold slope of 0.76 V/decade, and an on/off ratio of 10/sup 8/.  相似文献   
An ordered dynamic channel assignment with reassignment (ODCAR) scheme is proposed, and its performance is studied in a highway microcellular radio environment. Channels are assigned in an ordered basis in conjunction with a minimax algorithm under cochannel interference constraints, to provide high capacity and to alleviate worst case channel congestion in each microcell. Simulation results show significant performance improvements in terms of channel utilization and probability of call failure, at the expense of an increase in complexity and call switching requirements  相似文献   
An annular slot-coupled dielectric resonator antenna is investigated experimentally. As compared with the previous rectangular-slot version, the new configuration offers a much wider bandwidth of 18%. The return loss, radiation patterns, and antenna gain of the configuration have been measured and are discussed  相似文献   
Interconnect parasitic parameters in integrated circuits have significant impact on circuit speed. An accurate monitoring of these parameters can help to improve interconnect performance during process development, provide information for circuit design, or give useful reference for circuit failure analysis. Existing extraction methods either are destructive (such as SEM measurement) or can determine only partial parasitic parameters (such as large capacitor measurement). In this paper, we present a new method for extracting interconnect parasitic parameters, which can simultaneously determine the interlayer and intralayer capacitances, line resistance, and effective line width. The method is based on two test patterns of the same structure with different dimensions. The structure consumes less wafer area than existing methods. The method shows good agreement with SEM measurement of dielectric thickness in both nonglobal planarized and chemical-mechanical polished processes, and gives accurate prediction of the process spread of a ring oscillator speed over a wafer  相似文献   
A new type of fiber laser modelocking is examined where a phase modulator is driven asynchronously with respect to a harmonic of the roundtrip cavity frequency. An asynchronous drive is able to produce high repetition rate (>1 GHz) soliton pulses that are shorter than the classic, active modelocking pulse width limit. It is shown that with a proper choice of fiber parameters, noise cleanup and soliton pulse shaping can be obtained using filtering and asynchronous phase modulation. Limits of asynchronous detuning are derived and a comparison with the parameters ranges for synchronous phase modulation is also presented  相似文献   
Social navigation enables emergent collaboration between independent collaborators by exposing the behavior of each individual. This is a powerful idea for web-based visualization, where the work of one user can inform other users interacting with the same visualization. Results from a crowdsourced user study evaluating the value of such social navigation cues for a geographic map service are presented. Results show significantly improved performance for participants who interacted with the map when the visual footprints of previous users were visible.  相似文献   
Image preview is a convenient way to browse large or multiple images on small displays. However, current signal-level image resampling algorithms may remove many features of interest in the preview image. In this paper, we propose perceptual image preview which retains more perceptual features such that users can inspect features of interest by viewing the preview image only and without zooming in. This technology has two components, structure enhancement and perceptual feature visualization. Structure enhancement enhances the image structure while suppressing subtle details using a gradient modulation method, thus making the succedent perceptual features more apparent. For perceptual feature visualization, features of interest detected in the picture is visualized on the structure enhanced preview image. We demonstrate with two examples of most commonly used image quality features, image blur and noise. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated by experimental results.  相似文献   
Wong KW  Cheng LM 《Applied optics》1994,33(11):2134-2139
We propose performing space-variant optical logic operations in a space-invariant optical system by selectively assigning encoding states that are operation dependent. With this method, encoders using liquid-crystal cells and liquid-crystal light valves to perform space-variant encoding for all 16 Boolean functions are designed. Multiple-instruction-multiple-data processing can then be realized in optical logic systems.  相似文献   
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