Full factorial design of experiments was developed in order to investigate the effects of jet pressure, abrasive mixing rate, cutting feed, and plate thickness upon three response variables, surface finish of cutting wear zone, percentage proportion of striation free area, and maximum width of cut. The set of sixteen experiments was performed on each of the following two ductile materials: AISI 4340 (high strength low alloy steel, hardened to 49HRc) and Aluminum 2219. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was performed on experimental data in order to determine the significance of effects of different parameters on the performance measures. It was found that cutting feed and thickness were highly influential parameters, while abrasive mixing rate is influential upon surface roughness only. Strong interaction was found between jet pressure and workpiece material. Multi-criteria numerical optimization was performed in order to simultaneously maximize/minimize different combinations of performance measures. 相似文献
Universal Multimedia Access aims at providing a gratifying end user-experience by either adapting the content, be it static
or dynamic, to suit the usage environment or adapting the usage environment, be it client- or server-centric, to suit content.
This paper presents our MPEG-21 Dynamic Content Adaptation Framework, acronym DCAF, which uses a fusion of Genetic Algorithms
and Strength Pareto Optimality to adapt content in order to suit the usage environment.
The aim of the paper is to automatically select the optimal EEG rhythm/channel combinations capable of classifying human alertness states. Four alertness states were considered, namely ‘engaged’, ‘calm’, ‘drowsy’ and ‘asleep’. The features used in the automatic selection are the energies associated with the conventional rhythms, \(\delta , \theta , \alpha , \beta\) and \(\gamma\), extracted from overlapping windows of the different EEG channels. The selection process consists of two stages. In the first stage, the optimal brain regions, represented by sets of EEG channels, are selected using a simple search technique based on support vector machine (SVM), extreme learning machine (ELM) and LDA classifiers. In the second stage, a fuzzy rule-based alertness classification system (FRBACS) is used to identify, from the previously selected EEG channels, the optimal features and their supports. The IF–THEN rules used in FRBACS are constructed using a novel differential evolution-based search algorithm particularly designed for this task. Each alertness state is represented by a set of IF–THEN rules whose antecedent parts contain EEG rhythm/channel combination. The selected spatio-frequency features were found to be good indicators of the different alertness states, as judged by the classification performance of the FRBACS that was found to be comparable to those of the SVM, ELM and LDA classifiers. Moreover, the proposed classification system has the advantage of revealing simple and easy to interpret decision rules associated with each of the alertness states.
Numerical simulations were performed to determine the effect of Reynolds number and orifice to pipe diameter ratio (do/d) on the wall mass transfer rate downstream of an orifice. The simulations were performed for do/d of 0.475 for Reynolds number up to 70,000. The effect of do/d was determined by performing simulations at a Reynolds number of 70,000 for do/d of 0.375, 0.475 and 0.575. The momentum and mass transport equations were solved using the Low Reynolds Number (LRN) K-? turbulence model. The Sherwood number (Sh) profile downstream of the orifice was in relatively good agreement with existing experimental results. The Sh increases sharply downstream of the orifice, reaching a maximum within 1–2 diameters downstream of the orifice, before relaxing back to the fully developed pipe flow value. The Sh number well downstream of the orifice was in good agreement with results for fully developed pipe flow estimated from the correlation of Berger and Hau (1977). The peak Sh numbers from the simulations were higher than that predicted from Tagg et al. (1979) and Coney (1980). 相似文献
Previously unexplored resonance conditions are shown to exist for the classical hydrogen atomic system, where the electron
is treated as a classical charged point particle following the nonrelativistic Lorentz-Dirac equation of motion about a stationary
nucleus of opposite charge. For circularly polarized (CP) light directed normal to the orbit, very pronounced subharmonic
resonance behavior is shown to occur with a variety of interesting properties. In particular, only if the amplitude of the
CP light exceeds a critical value, will the resonance continue without radius and energy decay. A perturbation analysis is
carried out to illustrate the main features of the behavior. The present phenomena adds to a growing list of other nonlinear
dynamical behaviors of this simple system, that may well be important for more deeply understanding classical and quantum
connections. 相似文献
Chinese calligraphy is a unique visual art, and and is one of the material basis of China’s traditional cultural heritage. However, time had caused the old calligraphy works to weathering and damages, so it is necessary to utilize advanced technologies to protect those works. One of those technologies is digital imaging, and the obtained images by digital imaging can preserve the visual information of calligraphy works better, furthermore, they can be used in further researches. While the basic works for those researches are to extract the artistic features which include two elements, i.e., form and spirit. However, most of the existing methods only extract the form and ignore the characters’ spirit, especially they are insensitive to the slight variation in complex ink strokes. To solve these problems, this paper proposes an extraction method based on regional guided flter (RGF) with reference images, which is generated by KNN matting and used as the input image for RGF. Since RGF is sensitive to the slight variation of ink, so the detailed information of the inside of strokes can be detected better. Besides, unlike the past works, which filter the whole strokes, RGF filters the inside of strokes and edges in different windows respectively, which results in that the edges are preserved accurately. Results from a deployment of several famous Chinese calligraphy works demonstrate that our method can extract more accurate and complete form and spirit with lower error rate. 相似文献
The polynomial-time solvable k-hurdle problem is a natural generalization of the classical s-t minimum cut problem where we must select a minimum-cost subset S of the edges of a graph such that |p∩S|≥k for every s-t path p. In this paper, we describe a set of approximation algorithms for “k-hurdle” variants of the NP-hard multiway cut and multicut problems. For the k-hurdle multiway cut problem with r terminals, we give two results, the first being a pseudo-approximation algorithm that outputs a (k−1)-hurdle solution whose cost is at most that of an optimal solution for k hurdles. Secondly, we provide a
2(1-\frac1r)2(1-\frac{1}{r})-approximation algorithm based on rounding the solution of a linear program, for which we give a simple randomized half-integrality
proof that works for both edge and vertex k-hurdle multiway cuts that generalizes the half-integrality results of Garg et al. for the vertex multiway cut problem. We
also describe an approximation-preserving reduction from vertex cover as evidence that it may be difficult to achieve a better
approximation ratio than
2(1-\frac1r)2(1-\frac{1}{r}). For the k-hurdle multicut problem in an n-vertex graph, we provide an algorithm that, for any constant ε>0, outputs a ⌈(1−ε)k⌉-hurdle solution of cost at most O(log n) times that of an optimal k-hurdle solution, and we obtain a 2-approximation algorithm for trees. 相似文献
Linear and logistic regression are popular statistical techniques for analyzing multi-variate data. Typically, analysts do not simply posit a particular form of the regression model, estimate its parameters, and use the results for inference or prediction. Instead, they first use a variety of diagnostic techniques to assess how well the model fits the relationships in the data and how well it can be expected to predict outcomes for out-of-sample records, revising the model as necessary to improve fit and predictive power. In this article, we develop \(\epsilon \)-differentially private diagnostics tools for regression, beginning to fill a gap in privacy-preserving data analysis. Specifically, we create differentially private versions of residual plots for linear regression and of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves as well as binned residual plot for logistic regression. The residual plot and binned residual plot help determine whether or not the data satisfy the assumptions underlying the regression model, and the ROC curve is used to assess the predictive power of the logistic regression model. These diagnostics improve the usefulness of algorithms for computing differentially private regression output, which alone does not allow analysts to assess the quality of the posited model. Our empirical studies show that these algorithms can be effective tools for allowing users to evaluate the quality of their models. 相似文献