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In the present study, application of different levels (0, 1 and 2%) of citric acid treated sweet potato starch as a fat replacer (FR) in a high (11% fat), medium (6% fat) and low-fat (1%) ice creams were investigated. Results indicated that hardness value tends to improve with the addition of 1% FR in all reduced fat ice creams. During 60 days of storage, a decreasing trend was noticed in overrun, acidity and hardness values of ice cream samples. Overall score of sensory conveyed that the reduced fat ice creams with 1% FR (medium fat ice cream and low fat ice cream) were found to be very acceptable by sensory panels with a similar physicochemical characteristics and acceptance as high-fat ice cream (control) at the end of storage period. Citric acid treated sweet potato starch proved to be a promising alternative as a fat replacer in the ice cream production.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the steaming time effects on proton transverse relaxation behavior with low field 1H nuclear magnetic resonance and structural properties of Chinese Northern-style steamed bread (CNSB). Three proton populations could be distinguished at the first 4 min: T2b (0.1–1 ms) corresponded to rigid and exchangeable protons; T22 (9–21 ms) was associated with the water protons in small and large meshes of the dough microstructure; T23 (69–300 ms) was assigned to the water protons on the surface of samples. The starch gelatinization began and the water turned into the integral part of the biopolymer at 6 min, forming T21 (1–3 ms) fraction. The gelatinization effect was strengthened up to 8 min and supplied a more mobile microenvironment, resulting in the increase of T21, A21 and M21. However, the gelatinization process ended at 8 min, bringing about the stabilization of T21, A21 and M21 until 25 min. T22 fraction accounted for the largest proportion during all the steaming process. All variation trends on structural properties of CNSB and T2 relaxation parameters including Ti, Ai (relative intensity of Ti), and Mi (population abundance of Ti) indicated that 6 and 8 min were the two transitions. The gluten matrix began to be disrupted at 6 min and was quite damaged up to 8 min by scanning electron microscopy. The peaks at 15°, 18°, 20°, and 23° in X-ray diffraction patterns appeared in the first 6 min but were lost up to 8, 10, and 25 min.  相似文献   
After earlier promising results for the control of anthracnose in avocado fruit by thyme vapours, our studies were extended to commercial use in tray packs. The effect of thyme oil low-density polyethylene impregnated pellets (TO-LDPE-P) in polylactic acid (PLA) sachets was investigated for the control of anthracnose and retention of dietary phytochemicals, fatty acid composition, D-mannoheptulose sugar and fruit quality in ready-to-eat avocado fruit. The 10% TO-LDPE-P significantly reduced the incidence severity of anthracnose and enabled the retention of dietary phytochemicals (p-coumaric, ferulic and caffeic acid, catechin and epicatechin), fatty acids, mannoheptulose, fruit firmness and taste compared to the currently used prochloraz® fungicide treatment. The results of this study strongly suggest the incorporation of 10% TO-LDPE-P in PLA sachets in commercial avocado tray packs as a natural option to improve fruit health, dietary phytochemicals, fatty acid composition and consumer satisfaction.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was the quality loss inhibition of hake (Merluccius merluccius) during the frozen storage. For it, the effect of a previous high-pressure (HP) treatment (150–450 MPa for 2 min) was analysed throughout a 5-month storage at ? 10 °C. Quality changes were monitored by complementary chemical analyses. Inhibition (p < 0.05) of dimethylamine (DMA), free fatty acid (FFA), formaldehyde (FA), trimethylamine, total volatile amine and fluorescent compound (tertiary lipid oxidation compound) formation was concluded by previous pressure treatment according to the one-way ANOVA analysis. On the contrary, no effect (p > 0.05) on the K value, polyene index and formation of peroxides and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances was achieved. Additionally, a multifactor ANOVA test (pressure and frozen storage time effects; i.e. comparison among HP treatments) showed an inhibitory effect (p < 0.015) on DMA and FFA formation, this effect increasing with pressure level applied. This inhibitory effect on the formation of such molecules related to quality loss can be explained on the basis of the damage caused to different kinds of enzymes such as trimethylamine oxide demethylase, lipases and phospholipases, so that their activity during the subsequent frozen storage would decrease. The work here presented provides for the first time information concerning the employment of HP technology to inhibit the DMA, FA and FFA formation during the frozen storage of hake. Further research focussed on commercial frozen conditions (? 18 °C) and including sensory and nutritional aspects is foreseen.  相似文献   
The susceptibility of Escherichia coli, Salmonella enteritidis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Zygosaccharomyces bailii to binary and ternary mixtures of potassium sorbate (KS), vanillin (V), and citral (C) was evaluated according to the Berenbaum experimental design, in laboratory media. For some V/C combinations, KS inhibitory concentrations were determined in agarized melon and mango purées by the spiral gradient endpoint (SGE) method. In laboratory media, inhibitory antimicrobial combinations were generally additives. For the yeasts, some synergistic effects were observed. All Berenbaum mixtures which resulted inhibitory in laboratory media were confirmed in the fruit purées. When the SGE method was used, several inhibitory ternary mixtures were found. The lowest inhibitory KS concentrations, estimated for a given V/C combination, corresponded to the bacteria assayed in melon purée. Z. bailii was not inhibited at any condition. Some synergistic antimicrobial combinations (595 ppm V + 251 ppm C + 8 ppm KS in melon and 280 ppm V + 123 ppm C + 8 ppm KS in mango purées) could be useful to achieve a desired inhibitory effect in fruit purées while reducing their concentrations.  相似文献   
The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of the addition of peel powder and/or its aqueous extract on physical and antioxidant characteristics of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) edible films. Prickly pear peel powder and aqueous extract (2 and 4%) were characterized in color, bioactive compounds (betalains and total phenolic compounds), antioxidant capacity and reducing power. Edible films were prepared with CMC, glycerol, varying the dissolution medium (0, 2, or 4% aqueous extract from prickly pear peel) and peel powder (0, 1, or 2%) using a face-centered central composite design. Physical, mechanical, bioactive compounds, and antioxidant capacity properties were investigated in edible films. Prickly pear peel powder presented 58.8 ± 0.08 mg of betacyanins/100 g, 53.8 ± 0.2 mg of betaxanthins/100 g, 967.8 ± 20 mg Gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/100 g for total phenolic compounds, an antioxidant capacity equivalent to 420.9 ± 4.9 mg GAE/100 g and a reducing power of 879.1 ± 115.9 mg ascorbic acid equivalent (AAE)/100 g. High concentration of aqueous extract and peel powder in CMC films increased the bioactive compounds content, antioxidant capacity and reducing power. Films mechanical properties were not affected by the aqueous extract; nevertheless, were strongly affected by the peel powder. Response surface methodology was used to optimize edible films formulation with high antioxidant characteristics, being the optimal formulation 1.7% of peel powder plus 3.3% of aqueous extract. This study may be the base for exploitation of prickly pear peel as source of bioactive compounds with antioxidant capacity for their use in edible coatings.  相似文献   
Nowadays, consumers demand healthy, safe, and ready-to-eat horticultural products because of their lifestyle. In this regard, new legume-based food product development with eco-innovative technologies seems to be an interesting market. The effect on quality of an innovative pesto sauce, made of fresh faba bean seeds, of an alternative continuous microwave treatment pasteurization (MW, 11 kW; 30 s) regarding a conventional pasteurization (85 °C; 5 min) throughout 20 days at 5 °C was studied. Non-heated blended samples were used as control. The microbial quality was satisfactory in all treatments. MW treatment improved the sensorial quality of pesto sauce and decreased condensed tannins. Additionally, MW-treated samples showed the best texture, consistency, and color, preserving its chlorophyll and carotenoid content. On the other hand, thermal treatments showed a decrease in total phenolic compounds (TPC) and antioxidant capacity (TEAC) after heating, regarding control samples; however, TPC and TEAC remained quite constant throughout the storage.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of microwave-vacuum pretreatment conducted at 100, 500 and 800 W on the drying kinetics of whole cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon) during hybrid osmotic and microwave-vacuum drying. Additionally, the effect of microwave-vacuum pretreatment and subsequent osmo-microwave-vacuum drying on selected quality indicators of dried cranberries, including phenolic content, antioxidant activity and color, was studied, and the quality of samples was compared with freeze dried, microwave-vacuum dried and osmo-microwave-vacuum dried samples. Irrespective of microwave power, the initial pretreatment accelerated mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of cranberries, and the Weibull model well fitted the experimental data. Final microwave-vacuum drying of cranberries was a two-stage process involving a relatively long phase with a constant drying rate, followed by a short period with a decreasing drying rate. Microwave-vacuum and osmo-microwave-vacuum drying resulted in similar retention of polyphenols and similar antioxidant activity, both of which were relatively higher than in freeze-dried cranberries. However, microwave-vacuum pretreatment at low microwave power (100 W) before dehydration also resulted in high retention of phenolic compounds, high antioxidant activity and attractive color, which were consistent with the high content of total anthocyanins and flavonoids. Microwave-vacuum, osmo-microwave-vacuum and osmo-microwave-vacuum drying combined with microwave-vacuum pretreatment at low microwave power (100 W) were the most suitable methods for the production of high-quality dried whole cranberries.  相似文献   
Washing and sanitation of fresh produce are critical for detachment and inactivation of pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms. The overall goal of this study was to evaluate the influence of processing conditions such as washing time, shear stress, and a food grade surfactant on the detachment of Escherichia coli O157:H7 from lettuce leaf surfaces during a simulated washing process. A benchtop scale rotating disk washing device was designed to simulate the processing conditions used in commercial washing systems. Numerical simulations were carried out to calculate the flow profile and shear stress near the leaf surface. Removal of E. coli O157:H7 as a function of processing conditions in the rotating disk washing device was evaluated by enumeration of bacterial population using plate counting and changes in bioluminescence intensity and further confirmed by bioluminescence imaging. The results showed that shear stress was necessary to remove attached bacteria from inoculated leaf samples and simple incubation of inoculated leaves with wash water was not effective. Furthermore, detachment of bacteria from inoculated leaf samples increased with increasing shear stress and incubation time. Shear stress values in the range of 0 – 300 mPa were adequate to induce removal of approximately 1.5 log CFU/cm2 of bacteria from inoculated samples. The addition of a surfactant increased the removal of bacteria from inoculated leaf samples by 0.5 log CFU/cm2. Overall, these results may guide the design of new produce wash systems as well as current industrial practice related to flow conditions and use of surfactants during washing of fresh produce.  相似文献   
Vacuum cooling has notable advantages including fast cooling rate, cleanness, and high energy efficiency. However, the weight loss of food after being vacuum cooled was unsatisfactory, especially for meat products. Immersion vacuum cooling can significantly reduce the weight loss of food compared with traditional vacuum cooling procedures, but the cooling rate is unacceptable. To overcome this problem, here, a novel vacuum cooler, bubbling vacuum cooler, was designed and evaluated for the small-size cubic cooked pork with a side length of 1.5 cm from about 60 to 4 °C. Experimental results indicated that bubbling vacuum cooling can reduce the weight loss (about ??2.3%) of food compared to both vacuum cooling (about 12.4%) and immersion vacuum cooling (about 0.5%) (P?<?0.05). Further, bubbling vacuum cooling can cool the sample with a slightly more rapid cooling rate (0.10 °C/s) contrasted with immersion vacuum cooling (0.07 °C/s) (P?>?0.05). For the chromatism value of sample, no significant difference was found between immersion vacuum cooling and bubbling vacuum cooling (P?>?0.05). The textural property of sample cooled by bubbling vacuum cooling was close to (for hardness, elasticity, chewiness, and shear force, P?>?0.05) and better (for cohesiveness, P?<?0.05) than that of immersion vacuum cooling. Thus, our experiment demonstrated that cooked pork cooled by bubbling vacuum cooling has a lower weight loss rate and a more rapid cooling rate than that of immersion cooling.  相似文献   
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