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International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) - Current software tools for computer generation of Persian calligraphy can be mostly described as conventional fonts and...  相似文献   
Oxidative stress is thought to play an important role in atherogenesis. The statin group of cholesterol-lowering drugs have been shown to reduce cardiovascular events and possess antioxidant properties. We aimed to assess the effects of simvastatin on a novel measure of prooxidant-antioxidant balance (PAB) in dyslipidemic patients. The PAB assay can measure the prooxidant burden and the antioxidant capacity simultaneously in one assay, thereby giving a redox index. We treated 102 dyslipidemic individuals with simvastatin, or a placebo in a double-blind, cross-over, placebo-controlled trial. PAB values were measured before and after each treatment period. Seventy-seven subjects completed the study. We found that statin therapy was associated with a significant reduction in PAB values (P < 0.001). This effect appeared to be independent of the cholesterol-lowering effects of statins. We conclude that serum PAB values are decreased by simvastatin therapy. Regarding previous reports on the elevation of PAB in conditions associated with oxidative stress, the PAB assay, along with other markers of oxidative stress, may be applied to estimate the extent of oxidative stress in patients, assessment of the antioxidative efficacy of medication such as statins and perhaps also for the identification of those individuals who need antioxidant therapy.  相似文献   
Application of orthogonal pairs of rollers on concave beds (OPRCB) isolating system to short‐ and mid‐rise buildings is presented in this paper. At first, the analytical formulation of the set of equations, governing the motion of Multi Degree of Freedom (MDOF) systems, isolated by OPRCB isolators, has been developed. Then, some multi‐story regular buildings of shear type have been considered, once on fixed bases and once installed on the OPRCB isolators. Next, some horizontal and vertical accelerograms of both far‐ and near‐fault earthquakes with low‐ to high‐frequency content, particularly those with remarkable peak ground displacement values, have been selected and normalized to three peak ground acceleration levels of 0.15 g, 0.35 g and 0.7 g, and their stronger horizontal component simultaneous with their vertical component have been used for response analysis of the considered buildings. Story drifts and absolute acceleration response histories of isolated buildings have been calculated by using a program, developed in MATLAB environment by using the fourth‐order Runge–Kutta method, considering the geometrically nonlinear behavior of isolators. Maximum relative displacement and story drifts as well as absolute acceleration responses of considered isolated buildings for various earthquakes have been compared with those of corresponding fixed‐base buildings to show the high efficiency of using OPRCB isolators in multi‐story and tall regular buildings. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Quality of some processes or products can be characterized effectively by a function referred to as profile. Many studies have been done by researchers on the monitoring of simple linear profiles when the observations within each profile are uncorrelated. However, due to spatial autocorrelation or time collapse, this assumption is violated and leads to poor performance of the proposed control charts. In this paper, we consider a simple linear profile and assume that there is a first order autoregressive model between observations in each profile. Here, we specifically focus on phase II monitoring of simple linear regression. The effect of autocorrelation within the profiles is investigated on the estimate of regression parameters as well as the performance of control charts when the autocorrelation is overlooked. In addition, as a remedial measure, transformation of Y-values is used to eliminate the effect of autocorrelation. Four methods are discussed to monitor simple linear profiles and their performances are evaluated using average run length criterion. Finally, a case study in agriculture field is investigated.  相似文献   
Matrix acidizing is a widely used technique in carbonate formations to improve production and injection rates by restoring or improving permeability. This study evaluates the stimulation efficacy of organic and inorganic acid combinations in the Sarajeh carbonate formation, with a focus on improving permeability within this potential tight gas formation. Through solubility and continuous flow tests, a mixture of HCl 7.5% + HAc 2.5% was found to significantly outperform the traditional HCl 15% solution. The HCl 7.5% + HAc 2.5% mixture had a solubility rate of 59.27% and improved permeability by 4.4 times compared to HCl 15%, indicating a higher dissolving capacity. The results of continuous flow tests showed that the mixed acid had the best pore volume to breakthrough (PVBt) value of 2.574 at a controlled injection rate of 2 cc/min. This study demonstrates the superior performance of a lower concentration HCl-HAc acid formulation in matrix acidizing carbonate formations and confirms its potential as a more effective alternative to high concentration HCl treatments for the Sarajeh reservoir.  相似文献   
In this study, a sandstone interval of the lower Cretaceous successions in SW Iran is analyzed regarding the effects of late diagenesis on the alteration of primary reservoir quality and pore system. Petrological and geochemical analyses indicate dominant quartz mineralogy (quartz arenite) deposited in distributary channel and mouth bar environments which is embedded in delta front to prodelta argillaceous sediments. Rather than mineralogy and some remaining primary (intergranular) porosity, several late (burial) diagenetic processes including multi-phase carbonate cementation, chlorite cementation, and chemical compaction, affected the reservoir quality. Most of the diagenetic processes had a decreasing effect on the primary reservoir quality. All recognized diagenetic features are related to burial diagenesis of the surrounding open marine shales (clay mineral transformation) and expelled diagenetic fluids.  相似文献   
Recently, statistical profile monitoring methods have become efficient tools for monitoring the quality of a product (or a production process) using control charts. The key idea is to describe the relationship between a response variable and a set of explanatory variables in the form of a statistical regression model, which called profile. Traditionally, those control charts are constructed with standard “frequentistic” regression models. Recently, it has been proposed to apply Bayesian regression models instead, and it has been empirically demonstrated that Bayesian regression models have the potential to perform significantly better. In this paper, we introduce a novel Bayesian multivariate exponentially weighted moving average control chart for monitoring multivariate multiple linear profiles in phase II. The key idea is to use the data from historical data sets to generate informative prior distributions for the regression models in phase II. The results of our empirical simulation studies show that the Bayesian multivariate multiple linear regression model is superior to its classical “frequentistic” counterpart in terms of the average run length. Our empirical findings are in agreement with findings reported in recently published articles. To shed more light onto the merit of the proposed Bayesian method, we carry out a sensitivity analysis, in which we investigate how the amount of phase I data influences the results. We also demonstrate the applicability and superiority of the proposed Bayesian method by a real‐world application.  相似文献   
A profile is a relationship between a response variable and one or more independent variables that can describe the quality of a process or product. On the other side, for an in‐control process, capability indices are the criteria for process quality improvement that allows meeting customer expectations. Recently, evaluating the process capability of profiles has been investigated by some researchers. In all of these efforts, the response variable in the profile follows a normal distribution. However, sometimes, this assumption is violated, and the response variable may follow a binary or binomial distribution. In this paper, we propose two methods to measure the process capability when the quality of a process is characterized by a logistic regression profile. The performance of the proposed indices is evaluated through simulation studies. Finally, the application of the proposed methods is illustrated through a real case. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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