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An attempt was made to individually analyze a germplasm collection of 54 indigenous Indian sesame cultivars for fatty acid and lignan composition of their seed oil by gas chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography, respectively. The entries varied in their fatty acid and lignan composition. The mean percentage contents of palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and α‐linolenic acids ranged between 10–22, 5–10, 38–50, 18–43 and less than 1 whereas sesamol, sesamin and sesamolin scored between 3–37, 27–67, 20–59 of the total percentage of lignan, respectively. The highest percentage of α‐linolenic acid (ALA) was obtained in Var9 (1.3 % of the total fatty acids). Among the lignans, high sesamin content is considered to be significant, particularly in terms of long shelf life and nutraceutical value of sesame seed oil. The study has broadened our understanding related to differential biochemical composition of the rich sesame germplasms, thereby providing us with a useful groundwork for identifying potential targets and suitable cultivars for genetic engineering approaches to be undertaken in order to improve the nutritional quality of sesame oil, which in turn would be beneficial towards human health.  相似文献   
One of the crucial regulators of embryonic patterning and tissue development is the Hedgehog‐glioma (Hh‐Gli) signalling pathway; its uncontrolled activation has been implicated in different types of cancer in adult tissues. Primary cilium is one of the important factors required for the activation of Hh signalling, as it brings the critical components together for key protein–protein interactions required for Hh pathway regulation. Most of the synthetic and natural small molecule modulators of the pathway primarily antagonise Smoothened (Smo) or other effectors like Hh ligand or Gli. Here, we report a previously described Hh antagonist, with a pyrimidine–indole hybrid (PIH) core structure, as an inhibitor of ciliogenesis. The compound is unique in its mode of action, as it shows perturbation of microtubule dynamics in both cell‐based assays and in vivo systems (zebrafish embryos). Further studies revealed that the probable targets are α‐tubulin and its acetylated form, found in the cytoplasm and primary cilia. PIH also showed axonal defasiculation in developing zebrafish embryos. We thus propose that PIH antagonises Hh signalling by repressing cilia biogenesis and disassembling α‐tubulin from its stabilised form.  相似文献   
Stems of Jute (Corchorus capsularis L.) and sticks of Cane (Calamus rotang L.), plants of immense economic importance in the Indian subcontinent, were converted into carbonaceous perform (C-preform) maintaining the circular cylindrical shapes in lengths of 0.02–0.05 m by controlled thermal processing. Plant material precursors were characterized by analysis of elemental (C, H, N) and molecular (cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin) compositions, by determination of Bulk Density (BD) and ash content and by optical microscopy and X-ray diffractometry (XRD). C-preforms were also characterized by measurement of BD and by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and XRD. The C-preforms were further subjected to infiltration with Si-melt (1823–1923 K) under vacuum. Spontaneous infiltration and reaction yielded composite ceramics preserving the morphology of native Jute Stem (JS) and Cane Stick (CS) precursors on macro and micro scale. The materials were found to be duplex composites with Si and β-SiC as crystalline phases. The end ceramics were characterized by measurement of BD, and also by SEM and by XRD. Measured mean BD of the Si/SiC composites derived from JS and CS were 2190 Kg m−3 and 2250 Kg m−3. The respective volume fractions of large diameter (>100 μm) bulk pores were 0.134 and 0.204, in the composites derived from JS and CS. Taking into account the measured volume fraction internal pores of 0.11 and 0.149, the volume fractions of SiC were calculated to be 0.136 and 0.307 in the composites derived from JS and CS respectively, closely tallying with those calculated from the C-preform bulk densities. The cellular Si/SiC ceramics derived from JS and CS having special morphologies with long and large porous channels and oriented growth of constituent phases are likely to be suitable for devices such as high temperature insulators, catalyst support structures for gas phase reactions at elevated temperatures, molten metal filters and others.  相似文献   
The three GxxxG repeating motifs from the C-terminal region of β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide play a significant role in regulating the aggregation kinetics of the peptide. Mutation of these glycine residues to leucine greatly accelerates the fibrillation process but generates a varied toxicity profile. Using an array of biophysical techniques, we demonstrated the uniqueness of the composite glycine residues in these structural repeats. We used solvent relaxation NMR spectroscopy to investigate the role played by the surrounding water molecules in determining the corresponding aggregation pathway. Notably, the conformational changes induced by Gly33 and Gly37 mutations result in significantly decreased toxicity in a neuronal cell line. Our results indicate that G33xxxG37 is the primary motif responsible for Aβ neurotoxicity, hence providing a direct structure–function correlation. Targeting this motif, therefore, can be a promising strategy to prevent neuronal cell death associated with Alzheimer's and other related diseases, such as type II diabetes and Parkinson's.  相似文献   
In this paper, polycrystalline Co2TiO4 ceramics have been synthesized using a sol-gel process followed by annealing at different temperatures. The lattice size and the average grain size of the samples increases with rise in annealing temperature. The temperature-dependent inverse paramagnetic susceptibilities recorded under zero-field-cooling condition have been fitted according to the Néel's expression for ferrimagnets. Subsequently, the molecular field constants and the corresponding exchange constants have been calculated. The fitting result shows that the magnetic interaction in the system becomes weaker as the annealing temperature rises. In addition, negative magnetization is observed during field-cooling process. The higher annealing temperature is beneficial to the growth of tetrahedral sublattice, leading to a decrease on compensation temperature. Furthermore, magnetization hysteresis loops for all the samples demonstrate the crucial role of grain size on the magnetic properties.  相似文献   
Studies of solidification behavior have been conducted on cast Al-Fe-V-Si alloys. The first phase to precipitate during solidification of an Al-8.3Fe-0.8V-0.9Si alloy is Al3Fe(V,Si), which is isostructural with the Al3Fe phase. Thereafter, the solidification proceeds through several invariant reactions. The final invariant reaction is associated with a pronounced arrest. The temperature of this arrest is a function of the cooling rate and modification treatment, with magnesium added as an Al-20 pct Mg or Ni-20 pct Mg master alloy. The coarse iron aluminide precipitates in a slow-cooled (>1 °C/s) cast structure transform to a ten-armed, star-like morphology upon chill casting the melt (cooling rate >10 °C/s) from 900 °C or upon water quenching from above 800 °C. Treatment with magnesium refines the morphology, size, and distribution of iron aluminide precipitates in slow-cooled alloys.  相似文献   
Coarse frequency offset estimate and tracking of residual frequency offset are two crucial stages for frequency synchronization in OFDM based WLAN systems. An improved frequency offset estimation scheme is proposed for tracking residual offset. The estimation scheme is dependent on the position of an OFDM symbol in a frame.  相似文献   
The problem of diffraction of a plane electromagnetic wave by a dielectric half-plane is reconsidered for solution by utilizing a set of recently developed approximate boundary conditions and the Wiener-Hopf technique. It is observed from the present solution of the problem that reflected waves cease to exist if the angle of incidence takes up the valuetan^{-1}(1/n)wherenrepresents the refractive index of the material of the half-plane under consideration. Expression for the diffracted far field is obtained by using a modification of the saddle point method, and numerical values of the diffraction coefficients are presented in the form of a table for a special value of the refractive indexnand for different values of the parameterkh, hrepresenting the (small) thickness of the half-plane andkthe wavenumber.  相似文献   
A theoretical analysis of mass transfer effects in ethyl cellulose manufacture has been reported. This is the first model to describe a complex fluid–solid reaction in the presence of two immiscible liquids. The model derived here can be used to evaluate the dependency of the overall rate on different parameters incorporating the multiphase mass transfer effects.  相似文献   
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